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Nuclear bomb tests during the Cold War may have changed rainfall patterns thousands of miles from the detonation sites, new research has revealed.

Scientists at the University of Reading have researched how the electric charge released by radiation from the test detonations, carried out predominantly by the US and Soviet Union in the 1950s and 1960s, affected rainclouds at the time.

The study, published in Physical Review Letters, used historic records between 1962-64 from a research station in Scotland. Scientists compared days with high and low radioactively-generated charge, finding that clouds were visibly thicker, and there was 24% more rain on average on the days with more radioactivity.

Professor Giles Harrison, lead author and Professor of Atmospheric Physics at the University of Reading, said: "By studying the radioactivity released from Cold War weapons tests, scientists at the time learnt about atmospheric circulation patterns. We have now reused this data to examine the effect on rainfall.

"The politically charged atmosphere of the Cold War led to a nuclear arms race and worldwide anxiety. Decades later, that global cloud has yielded a silver lining, in giving us a unique way to study how electric charge affects rain."
Luotettavuus varmaan 1%.

En minä ainakaan nähnyt mitä tuo luku tarkoittaa.
Itse latausta? Vai siihen liittyvät?
Sukellusveneet? Lentokoneet? ICBM? Muut.

Tuo nyt tuli eka mieleen, mutta seuraavat höpötykse paljastaa mielestäni jutun luotettavuuden.

ICAN’s Executive Director Beatrice Fihn stated, “It is absurd to be spending $138,700 every single minute on weapons that cause catastrophic human harm rather than spending it to protect the health of their citizens. They are abdicating their duty to protect their people.”

These countries continue to waste billions every year on weapons of mass destruction that will soon be illegal. The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, which bans the development, production and manufacture of nuclear weapons, now has 36 ratifications or accessions and 81 signatures and will enter into force once it reaches 50 ratifications or accessions.
The billions thrown away on nuclear weapons could instead be funding supplies and research needed to help people around the world fight COVID-19. ICAN research showed that in France, the United Kingdom and the United States, each country’s spending on nuclear weapons could instead pay for at least 100,000 intensive care unit beds, tens of thousands of ventilators and tens of thousands of annual salaries for nurses and doctors.
En minä ainakaan nähnyt mitä tuo luku tarkoittaa.
Itse latausta? Vai siihen liittyvät?
Sukellusveneet? Lentokoneet? ICBM? Muut.
Raportin johdannosta löytyy. Raportista löytyy tarkemmat maakohtaiset tiedot. Esimerkiksi Ranskan kohdalla luku sisältää sukellusveneet, mutta ei lentokoneita.

These estimates (rounded to one decimal point) include nuclear warhead and nuclear-capable delivery systems operating costs and development where these expenditures are publically available and are based on a reasonable percentage of total military spending on nuclear weapons when more detailed budget data is not available
Ruotsi kehitti salaa atomipommia vuoteen 1972 asti
Elokuun 28. vuonna 1957 Naustaa Ruotsin Lapissa tärisytti valtava räjähdys. Paineaalto rikkoi rakennuksia ja ajoneuvoja kilometrien päässä. Taivaalle nousi kilometrin korkuinen sienipilvi.

Kyseessä oli niin kutsuttu Naustan pamaus, sotilaiden koodinimellä Vega. Sen tarkoitus oli simuloida pientä ydinräjähdystä. Eri etäisyyksille oli asetettu muun muassa autoja ja panssarivaunuja. Räjäytyksellä haluttiin selvittää paineaaltojen vaikutus niihin.

Räjähdettä oli noin 50 trotyylitonnia vastaava määrä. Räjähdyskraatterin paikalla on vieläkin pieni järvi. Alue on edelleen suljettu, nyt Ruotsin armeija testaa siellä ohjuksia.

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