Vihjeenä Bulgariaan muuttaville:
Aseluvan saa myös ulkomaalainen Bulgariassa.....proseduuri on byrokraattinen ja hankala, mutta johtuu vain byrokratiasta, ei asenteesta. Recidency cardin saa (lain mukaan pakkohankinta vuoden sisään) omaamalla asunnon ja työpaikan, vuokra-asunto riittää.
Kun on ko. dokumentit (osa on jopa hauskoja, kuten "peruskoulun päästötodistus")

..niin aikaa ja tupakkia sekä bulgariaa osaavan kaverin käännösapu tarpeen...
Bulgaria - Obtain a Firearm Permit
For Foreigners
- Residency card
- Criminal record check
- Letter from psychiatrist
- Police safety handling course
- Gun club membership and card
- Gun club year plan
- Two passport photos
- No pending prosecution ticket from court
- Basic certificate of education, must be translated by Government approved translator if not from Bulgaria
- Completed application form at local KOS police station with all the above.
You also need to consider Ammunition is also tightly controlled. You cannot just buy ammo from shops, this also needs to be agreed prior to be considered.
Gun law, gun control statistics, number of guns in Bulgaria, gun deaths, firearm facts and policy, armed violence, public health and development
Carrying Guns Openly in Public
In Bulgaria, carrying a firearm in plain view in a public place
is allowed without a permit88 25
Carrying Hidden Handguns in Public
In Bulgaria, carrying a concealed firearm in a public place
is allowed without a permit8
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