Brexit/Covid seurauksena työväki joka korjaa, pakkaa ja kuljettaaa elintarvikkeita UK:ssa on jäänyt mantereelle. Pelkästään autonkuljettajista on 70 000 - 100 000 vajaus. Supermarkettien tuorehyllyissä alkaa olla aukkoja ja alan etujärjestöjen mukaan se tulee pahenemaan kesän mittaan.
The government has been told the UK faces the prospect of a summer of serious disruption to food supplies unless it acts immediately to address an acute shortage of HGV drivers.
Recruitment problems have been building since early April.
Farmers, abattoirs, food processors, wholesalers, warehouse operators, hauliers, charities, convenience stores and supermarkets say that the situation has reached crisis point.

Government told UK faces summer of disruption to food supplies | ITV News
Supermarkets, farmers and wholesalers say the situation has reached crisis point, writes ITV News Business and Economics Editor Joel Hills. | ITV National News