Greatest Leader
Ukraina aikoo käyttää ostoksiin yli 8 miljardia. Suomi ei hyvästä syystä osta käytettyä. Miksi Ukrainan pitäisi hommata ikäloppuja lentovehkeitä, joilla ei ole enää elinkaarta jäljellä?
Eli 36-42 konetta 7,5 miljardilla eurolla? Konemäärään suhteutettu rahamäärä kuulostaa realistiselta, mutta onko Ukrainan kassassa syvyyttä? Koronatilanne vielä synkistämään talousnäkymiä.
It follows that in May 2020, Kiev launched the "Air Force Vision 2035" plan to modernize its combat fleet and bring it to Western standards. In detail, the plan provides for an investment of approximately 7.5 billion euros to renew the entire fleet. The nation initially plans to acquire 6 to 12 new fighter aircraft between 2023 and 2025 in order to initiate familiarization flights and staff training, with an additional 30 aircraft procured between 2025-2030.
In October 2020, Ukrainian Minister of Strategic Industries Oleh Urusky said an in-depth study to determine the best type of fighter for the Air Force had not yet been done.
Local media said the choice could be between the Lockheed Martin F-16 Block 70/72 and the Saab Gripen E/F. However, according to Intelligence Online [IO], there are other options on the table. It believes that the Ukrainian tender could result in a duel between the Dassault Rafale and the Boeing Super Hornet. --
Ukraine is likely to buy Rafale, according to Paris
Ukraine is likely to buy Rafale