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Lancetissa oli 12.3. artikkeli tartunta-aikakorjatusta kuolleisuudesta COVID-19 -tautiin (siis symptomaattiseen SARS-CoV-2 -infektioon):
Katso liite: 38217
Lancet on sentään kaikkein arvostetuin lääketieteen julkaisu maailmassa, joten noita lukuja voidaan pitää hyvin huolestuttavina.
16 March 2020
08:48 CET+01:00
Oslo's biggest hospital has warned it expects soon to have to break coronavirus quarantine rules if it is to continue to treat patients adequately.
Bjørn Atle Bjørnbeth, the chief executive of Oslo University Hospital, said in a press release on Sunday, that the high number of staff now stuck at home was making it impossible to staff wards adequately.
"In some cases, it will be necessary to deviate from the quarantine rules and ask employees who are quarantined but who have no symptoms to come to work anyway," he said.
"The requirement to provide adequate health care and ensure life and health must take precedence over quarantine rules. The alternative is to not be able to provide patients with the health care they need."
On Sunday, 1,081 of the hospital's 23,000 employees were in quarantine after either travelling abroad or being in close contact with someone infected with the virus, while 14 employees had tested positive.
Bjørnbeth said that he expected the number of infected and quarantined employees to increase over the coming days and weeks, making it more and more difficult to keep wards running properly.
"The large number of quarantined staff poses a major challenge for the operation of the hospital and our ability to provide sound health care," he said.
At the same time, travel restrictions were making it impossible to hire temporary staff from other countries.
"This means that we have to solve the challenges internally and redeploy personnel to other tasks," he said.
Bjørnbeth said that that the hospital had the option to make exceptions to quarantine requirements.
"We... must in each case consider how we should best manage to maintain a functioning health service and have sufficient personnel at work. This is our responsibility."
We re-estimated mortality rates by dividing the number of deaths on a given day by the number of patients with confirmed COVID-19 infection 14 days before. On this basis, using WHO data on the cumulative number of deaths to March 1, 2020, mortality rates would be 5·6% (95% CI 5·4–5·8) for China and 15·2% (12·5–17·9) outside of China. Global mortality rates over time using a 14-day delay estimate are shown in the figure, with a curve that levels off to a rate of 5·7% (5·5–5·9), converging with the current WHO estimates. Estimates will increase if a longer delay between onset of illness and death is considered. A recent time-delay adjusted estimation indicates that mortality rate of COVID-19 could be as high as 20% in Wuhan, the epicentre of the outbreak.
Tuo ottanee huomioon vain todetut tapaukset. Niiden suhteesta todellisiin määriin kun ei ole oikein missään tietoa.
Kattavin kuva lienee Kiinalaisilla jotka testaavat näin:Tuo ottanee huomioon vain todetut tapaukset. Niiden suhteesta todellisiin määriin kun ei ole oikein missään tietoa.
Niin ainakin tekstissä todettiin. Kiinan korkeaan kuolleisuuslukuun vaikuttanee myös se, ettei siellä testattavaksi päässyt oikein millään. Siis oikeutetusti hoitoa tarvitseva saattoi jäädä sairaalan ulkopuolelle. Pahimmat tapaukset otettiin sisään, varsin myöhään, havaituin seurauksin.Tuo ottanee huomioon vain todetut tapaukset. Niiden suhteesta todellisiin määriin kun ei ole oikein missään tietoa.
Tuo ottanee huomioon vain todetut tapaukset. Niiden suhteesta todellisiin määriin kun ei ole oikein missään tietoa.
The city of Bergamo records its war report every day: 53 victims on Wednesday, then 61, yesterday 50. "The deaths have quintupled, there is a burial every half hour"
“Employees are exhausted. They are making a huge effort to ensure the continuity of services to citizens. "
"There are many elderly people at home with breathing difficulties - says Bertocchi - They are not hospitalized because the hospitals are full, so our ten general practitioners treat them at home. We are taking care of recovering oxygen and health devices ". As in the capital, even in Alzano it is no longer known where to put the coffin: "We have converted some churches inside the cemetery to allocate the corpses and the oven is ultra congested".
The crematorium works 24 hours a day, so we told the funeral services to go out of the province or even out of the Region ".
Here’s something that sounds decidedly useful right now: A home test kit that anyone could use to see if they have the coronavirus. A kit that’s nearly as easy to use as a pregnancy test, and that would give results in half an hour.
It doesn’t exist yet, but serial biotech entrepreneur Jonathan Rothberg is working on it.
We’ve heard from Rothberg before. Over the past two decades, he has founded several genetic sequencing companies that introduced breakthrough technologies, making genome sequencing faster and cheaper. (With one company he made news by sequencing the first individual human genome, that of Jim Watson; he sold another company for US $375 million.) In 2014, Rothberg launched a startup accelerator called 4Catalyzer dedicated to the invention of smart medical devices. The first company to emerge from the accelerator, Butterfly Network, now sells a handheld ultrasound tool that provides readouts on a smartphone screen.
Rothberg announced his interest in a coronavirus test kit in a Twitter thread on 7 March. Initially describing it as a “thought experiment,” it quickly became a real project and a driving mission.
“I told my team that the Chinese built a hospital in Wuhan in 10 days so we should be able to develop and deploy a true home test for Covid19 coronavirus in that time,” Rothberg tells IEEE Spectrum in an email. “The team is working around the clock to accomplish that goal.”
Here’s how Homodeus’s home kit will theoretically work. A person will first use a swab to take a sample of a few cells from the inside of their nose or mouth. They’ll dip that swab in a sequence of three tubes, following instructions from the accompanying app. Within each of those three tubes, chemical reactions will take place (more on those below).
The color of the liquid inside the third tube provides answers—it will turn one color (perhaps red) if the process has revealed the presence of the virus, and another color (perhaps green) if the person is in the clear. If the test has malfunctioned, it won’t change color at all. The person can use their phone’s camera to take a photo of the tube, and the app will give them the results and provide more information.
The test will not detect antibodies, the body’s natural defenses that are marshaled to fight the coronavirus. Rothberg says his team decided against that approach because it can take a few days for an infected person to generate enough antibodies to register on a test. He wants a test that would detect the virus immediately, as soon as a person contracts the virus. He also wanted a test that an infected person could take during their recovery to determine when their body had successfully cleared the virus.
For that kind of instant detection, the test must recognize the virus’s genetic material. The current coronavirus, officially known as SARS-CoV-2, is made of a single strand of RNA.
Now back to those tubes and the chemical reactions therein. In the kit’s first tube, the cells on the swab are broken apart so the genetic material inside is accessible. In the second tube, a molecule called a primer looks for the unique code of the virus’s RNA. If the primer does discover the coronavirus’s RNA, another process begins that adds a second complementary DNA strand to the RNA, making a double-stranded molecule. The big advantage of this reaction is that DNA molecules are more stable than RNA, and it’s easy to make lots of copies of them.
Then the swab goes to the third tube, where customized enzymes will make many copies of the DNA molecule, making it easy to detect. Another set of enzymes in the third tube will handle the color change: One color if the virus's genetic material did start this series of reactions, another color if it wasn't present and no reactions occurred.
Tämä on asia jota itsekin ihmettelen.Tuo ottanee huomioon vain todetut tapaukset. Niiden suhteesta todellisiin määriin kun ei ole oikein missään tietoa.
Jos Venäjällä Kremlissa perustetaan tälläisiä "rahastoja", niin se tarkoittaa että näillä miljardeilla tasan tarkka taas sama joukko vertikalissa plus heidän perheet yms oligharhit rikastuvat, toki joitakin luita isännän pöydältä heitetään kansallekin. Ja muistakaa: mitään vertikalissa huippulla oleville ei ole niin herkullista kun (itseluodut) sodat ja kriisit.Venäjällä tämä korona ei ole ongelma:
"Pääministeri Mihail Mishustin kertoi, että Venäjä perustaa kriisirahaston tukemaan taloutta, yrityksiä ja kansalaisia koronaviruksen aiheuttaman tilanteen vuoksi. Lisäksi Venäjä perustaa kuuman linjan, josta kansalaiset voivat saada neuvontaa viruksen herättämiin kysymyksiin.
Venäjä ilmoitti myös sulkevansa osittain rajansa Valko-Venäjän suuntaan. Rajoitukset koskevat henkilöliikennettä."
"VENÄJÄN pääministerin Mihail Mishustinin mukaan Venäjän hallitus seuraa tilannetta tarkkaan ja tekee jatkossakin uusia rajoituksia, mikäli niihin on tarvetta."
"– On vielä aikaista tehdä johtopäätöksiä tehtyjen toimien tehokkuudesta. Mutta korostan, että on tehty hyvin energisiä toimia, Peskov sanoi uutistoimisto Ria Novostin mukaan. "
Energiset toimet ovat ilmeisesti tärkeitä...![]()
Kreml: Ei mitään syytä virushätätilaan Venäjällä
Vladimir Putinin lehdistösihteerin mukaan Venäjällä ”ei ole ollut mitään ajatuksia, eikä mitään syytä” julistaa hätätilaa koronaviruksen
Sitähän tuossa "energisesti" todettiin.Jos Venäjällä Kremlissa perustetaan tälläisiä "rahastoja", niin se tarkoittaa että näillä miljardeilla yasan tarkka taas sama joukko vertikalissa plus heidän perheet yms oligharhit rikastuvat, joitakin luita isännän pöydältä heitetään kansallekin. Ja muistakaa: mitään vertikalissa huippulla oleville ei ole niin herkullista kun (itseluodut) sodat ja kriisit.
Putte nyt hommasi perustuslain muutoksella itseään ikuiseksi "aurinkoiseksi" ja eläkkeläiset ovat hänelle suuri rasite. Jos virus korjaa heitä Tuonelaan niin putinin haave toteutuu kun taika. Mitään sairaiden pelästämiseksi ei tehdä.