Ymmärsin varsin hyvin mitä tarkoitit mutta EU ei ole iso tekijä rahoitusmarkkinoilla Byrsselin päätöksillä on tapana olla komromissien kompromissejä ja yleensä ne on täysin hampaattomia suurempi vaikutus on päätöksellä mitä tehdään Lontoossa kuin Brysselissä, iso raha ymmärtää vain voimaa ja kellä sitä on sitä myös kuunnellaan.
Olet noin viisi vuotta myöhässä epäilyjesi kanssa. Nuo ovat jo nimittäin tapahtuneita asioita.
Kaksi asiaa liittyen "EU:n heikkouteen" asiassa
- Esim. Saksa ajoi asiaa erittäin vahvasti. Jos se jotain Euroopassa vahvasti haluaa se sen saa. Alla pari linkkiä siitä miten se ahdisti Englannin ja Sveitsin nurkkaan
- Taustalla on Euroopan talouskriisi. Poliitikot a) vittuuntuivat pankkeihin ja b) tarvitsevat verot paratiiseista
Governments sign deal against tax evasion
Fifty-one countries have pledged to pass on financial data after signing an agreement in Berlin to crack down on tax evasion.
The transparency drive, which will launch the automatic exchange of tax information between countries, was hailed by finance ministers as a watershed in the battle against
tax dodgers. It follows tax scandals that have sparked outrage among voters.
Wolfgang Schäuble, German finance minister, said: “We are creating more transparency and more fairness . . . tax evasion will no longer be worth it.”
George Osborne, UK chancellor, said tax evasion was a “scourge” that could only be tackled with a global solution. He said: “Tax evasion is not just illegal it is immoral. You are robbing from your fellow citizens and should be treated like a common thief.”
Mr Osborne came under renewed pressure to modify the UK’s tax break for patent income at the Berlin meeting.
Mr Schäuble said he was confident that November’s G20 summit in Brisbane would produce an agreement on closing loopholes in “patent box” tax incentives, which offer a lower rate of tax on incomes from patents and licences. He added he was he was “optimistic” that G20 leaders would adopt restrictions known as the “nexus approach”, under which income eligible for intellectual property tax benefits is calculated based on research spending.
The UK Treasury has so far resisted adopting this approach. It says its method – assessing whether there is “substantial activity” in Britain by analysing the functions, assets and risks situated in the UK – was a “more practical and proportionate way” to curb tax competition.
However, Mr Osborne expected to reach a deal: “I agree with what Wolfgang Schäuble says. The principle of all this work . . . is that profits should be taxed where the real economic activity takes place.”
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Coutts' Swiss bank in German tax evasion probe
German prosecutors are investigating the Swiss-based private banking arm of Coutts over allegations it helped clients evade tax.