Koneet ovat 3F standardissa, ja kai melkolailla ensimmäisiä 3F standardin koneita jotka ovat tehtaalta rullanneet pihalle.
Tuossa on siihen
@Lurker listan kohtaan, etta aseistusta on vaikka muille jakaa (eli, etta missa mennaan 3F:n kanssa, ja myos miksi)
In June 2010, the official schedule was to have a final version of the Block 3 software pass the independent operational test and evaluation process no later than October 2016 and then make the IOC announcement. By May 2013, this had changed to having an aircraft ready with
any block of software that would allow pilots a
limited capability to destroy enemy air defenses and perform basic close air support, with no mention whatsoever of air-to-air combat. At present, the Air Force does not have a firm date of when the jets will be ready for the more rigorous operational testing and evaluations.
- ilmavoimilla avaamassa tieta muille koneille, ja
- merijvk:ssa tekemassa sita samaa kuin mita Harrierit (ennen ja nyt)
It is entirely possible we’re seeing this situation crop up again. The Air Force’s statements came ahead of the Labor Day holiday weekend and
before Congress returned to continue work on, among other things, the
defense budget for the 2018 fiscal year.
- eli ostetaan paljon koneita, jotta hinta saadaan alas
- ja samalla hyvaksytaan se, etta varhaisia painoksia kaytetaan (testauksessa ja) koulutuksessa