F-35 Lightning II

Keeping planes in the skies over subtropical Okinawa can be a little different than flying over the Utah desert. Merritt said they’re becoming accustomed to dealing with salt water’s corrosive properties. “In Utah, we don’t fly over oceans with salt water corrosion,” she explained. “But coming here with the 5th gen platform flying over salt water constantly, our pilots have to run through the ‘bird bath’ every day.

The bird bath is a giant sprinkler that pilots drive through as they taxi back to their parking spot. It engulfs the entire aircraft with clear water to rinse off salt the aircraft was exposed to while flying over the ocean.

When something does need repair on the F-35A during this deployment, Sarafin said they can fix it promptly. “We’ve been able to fix the things that have broken, because we have the parts for it and we fixed it the same day,” he said. “As long as we have the parts, we can fix this jet quick. That is a testament to our maintenance capability, and the ease of maintenance on the F-35.”..."

Tuolla jos on osia -varauksella artikkeli tuntuu olevan erityisen hunajainen ylläpidon helppouden ja vikojen vähyyden suhteen.
As Lockheed celebrates, F-35 critics retool for lonely fight ;)

“I have no real illusion we’re going to effect any drastic changes to the F-35,” said Dan Grazier, a military fellow at the Project On Government Oversight (POGO) and one of the program’s leading critics in Washington. “It’s next to impossible to generate enough political opposition to the program.”
Jopa POGO myöntää donquijotemaisen asemansa. Ehkä palstalla voisi myös eräät viimein vetää johtopäätöksensä?
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Here’s Why The Claim That Two Israeli F-35 Stealth Jets Entered Iranian Airspace Does Not Make Any Sense

There are many weird things.

First of all the source. Al-Jarida is often used to deliver Israeli propaganda/PSYOPS messages, according to several sources. For instance, here’s how Haaretz commented a previous scoop of the Kuwaiti outlet (again, highlight mine):

“Al-Jarida, which in recent years had broken exclusive stories from Israel, quoted a source in Jerusalem as saying that “there is an American-Israeli agreement” that Soleimani is a “threat to the two countries’ interests in the region.” It is generally assumed in the Arab world that the paper is used as an Israeli platform for conveying messages to other countries in the Middle East.​
Pääteesi on kuitenkin se, ettei olisi järkevää kuluttaa viime hädän reserviään käyttämällä sitä näin mitättömässä tarpeessa.
Juu, mutta Iipojen F-35:n on spekuloitu osallistuneen jo useisiin taistelutehtäviin Syyriassa eikä niistä saa varmistusta. Sitten joku sanoo ettei ole mission ready.- Spekulaatiota kaikki. Mitä noista nyt uskoo sitten.
Jepulis. Onhan tuon Opall-Romen sanoman kanssa ristiriidassa toisaalta F-35I:n IOC.
Mitä hittoa, eikö ne ole lentomeluun tottunu vai onko F35 jotenkin erityisen äänekäs?
Perinteinen länsimaalainen oikeusperiaate on ollut, että sinun tulee sietää vanhoja ympäristöhaittoja mutta ei uusia.

Tämä tarkoitti että jos muutat/rakennat talon kivimurskaamon naapuriin, et voi vaatia että kivimurskaamon äänet pitäisi kieltää. Sitä vastoin uuden kivimurskaamon perustaminen vaatii huomattavasti enemmän. Poliittisesti tästä on lipsuttu, kun erilaiset painostusryhmät ovat rähjänneet, kun ovat osateen halven kämpän ampumaran/lentoaseman läheltä ja vaativat samaa rauhaa kuin kalliin kämpän lähistöllä on.
Perinteinen länsimaalainen oikeusperiaate on ollut, että sinun tulee sietää vanhoja ympäristöhaittoja mutta ei uusia.

Tämä tarkoitti että jos muutat/rakennat talon kivimurskaamon naapuriin, et voi vaatia että kivimurskaamon äänet pitäisi kieltää. Sitä vastoin uuden kivimurskaamon perustaminen vaatii huomattavasti enemmän. Poliittisesti tästä on lipsuttu, kun erilaiset painostusryhmät ovat rähjänneet, kun ovat osateen halven kämpän ampumaran/lentoaseman läheltä ja vaativat samaa rauhaa kuin kalliin kämpän lähistöllä on.

Tuo periaatehan koeponnistettiin Santahaminan naapurustossa jokunen vuosi sitten. Ainakaan tällä kertaa ei onnistunut. Moni rahamies olisi varmasti mielissään jos varuskunta pitäisi sulkea. Ja juuri tuon melumurheen takia sen siirtäminen mihinkään järkevään paikkaan lähiseudulle ei ole mahdollista.

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Lähi-Idässä(kin) osataan olla joustavia....80-luvulla Israel auttoi Irania Irakia vastaan.
Lähi-Idässä on perinteisesti oltu "joustavia".

Ristiretkiaikana ristiretkeläisten liittolaisia olivat erilaiset paikalliset johtajat ja heidän sotajoukkonsa, vaikka olivat muslimeja.
"Jet Noise - The Sound Of Freedom" -hokeman käyttö on jopa kliseisen yleistä ja keksitty kauan ennen F-35:sta.





Pratt & Whitney Techs Deploy Logistics Upgrade for F-35 Fleet
19 Mar 2018 AM Staff

Jet-engine builder Pratt & Whitney reported that a team of subject matter experts completed an upgrade to F-35 Lightning II fleet-management system at 12 sites around the world, implementing automated tracking of life-limited propulsion parts for the Joint Strike Fighter aircraft. All of the operational bases where the JSF aircraft are deployed are updated to the latest version of the Autonomic Logistics Information System (ALIS version, which integrates the Pratt & Whitney’s F135 propulsion system for the first time....

...[ALIS] also makes possible “pre-positioning” of parts and qualified technicians, so as to minimize downtime and operational efficiency. The update to the ALIS began in March 2017, with cross-functional teams of SMEs from Pratt & Whitney and other F-35 program suppliers working to migrate the propulsion systems to the ALIS, at every operational base worldwide....

...Migrating the F135 propulsion system into ALIS marks an important next step in the evolution of the F-35 in terms of comprehensive weapon system sustainment, according to Pratt & Whitney....

...Pratt & Whitney’s Larry Breen, associate director for the F135 ALIS Program Manager. “As a result of this upgrade, the men and women that support the F-35 can now manage a wide spectrum of logistics for the aircraft - including propulsion - from a single logistics system, eliminating much of the manual planning that was previously required with multiple maintenance systems.”

Tämä on ollut aiemmin esillä ja nyt se toteutetaan, eli hyvästit JPO:lle ja tilalle jokaisen palvelushaaran oma toimisto. En näe koko uutista, mutta arvelen perustelun olevan sama kuin edellisessä uutisjutussa, eli koneet jakavat niin vähän identtisiä komponentteja keskenään, että JPO ei palvele enää realimaailman tilannetta, kun ei ole "joint"-konetta.

"The Navy is facing several challenges before it can declare the F-35C wartime ready in 2019, including how Block 3F software will perform during operational testing, green-glow emitting from the Gen III helmet and cockpit oscillations when the jet conducts takeoffs and landings from an aircraft carrier, according to a service official. Rear Adm. Dale Horan"
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Mielenkiintoista luettavaa kaiken kaikkiaan. Combat Aircraft lehdestä artikkeli:

While a lot of missions are conducted with the JOTT partners, the Dutch F-35s periodically fly with the 148th Fighter Squadron ‘Kickin’ Ass’, the RNLAF’s F-16 training unit in Tucson, Arizona, to evaluate and validate new tactics. ‘The first time we got to test all these advanced capabilities to their fullest potential was about a year ago, with and against our F-16s in Tucson,’ says Knight. ‘The initial scenario was that our two F-35s would escort a four-ship of F-16s across a notional border and protect them against another eight-ship of F-16s simulating a modern adversary. A relatively inexperienced flight leader was in charge of the F-16s on our side and Lt Col Joost ‘Niki’ Luijsterburg, the Tucson detachment commander, was responsible for the adversaries. Up to this point we had only practised these scenarios in the simulators and while we had a decent game-plan, we were all anxious to see how the F-35 would perform in real life. We figured that the F-35’s stealth would keep us out of harm’s way for most of the fight, but that we also need to protect the friendly F-16s, maximize the lethality of their missiles and get them to the target. To make this happen, we planned to initially use electronic attack against the adversary F-16s, see if we could avoid having them detect friendly fighters and datalink the location of the hostile aircraft to our F-16s. This way we could use the F-16s on our side to shoot down the initial wave of enemy fighters and keep our own missiles available once the ‘Blue Air’ F-16s had to focus on their target attack. The plan worked flawlessly. ‘In the debrief ‘Niki’ told us it was one of the most memorable sorties he had ever flown. Having previously worked in the F-35 program office he was elated to find out how effective the F-35 was, but at the same time he was frustrated by not getting a single shot off the rail against us, while getting killed multiple times. After that sortie it really hit us that the F-35 was going to make a big difference in how we operate fighters and other assets in the Royal Netherlands Air Force.’

Knight divulged a little more information about flying basic fighter maneuvers (BFM) in an F-35. ‘When our envelope was cleared to practise BFM we got the opportunity to fight some fourthgeneration fighters. Remember, back then the rumors were that the F-35 was a pig. The first time the opponents showed up [in the training area] they had wing tanks along with a bunch of missiles. I guess they figured that being in a dirty configuration wouldn’t really matter and that they would still easily outmaneuver us. By the end of the week, though, they had dropped their wing tanks, transitioned to a single centerline fuel tank and were still doing everything they could not to get gunned by us. A week later they stripped the jets clean of all external stores, which made the BFM fights interesting, to say the least… ‘High-g maneuvering is fun, but having high fuel capacity and the ability to carry lots of stores is great too. During the weeks when we were flying BFM we also needed to drop a GBU-12 [laser-guided bomb] on the China Lake weapons range. Back in our F-16 days we’d have had to choose, since there is no way you can BFM with a bomb on your wing, let alone having the fuel to fly both missions in a single sortie. With the F-35, however, this isn’t much of an issue. On one of the sorties, my colleague, Maj Pascal ‘Smiley’ Smaal, decided he would fly BFM and still have enough fuel to go to the range afterwards and drop his weapon. During the debrief, the adversary pilot told us he was confused as to why we went to the range after the fight. When ‘Smiley’ told him that he was carrying an inert GBU-12 the entire time and that he then dropped it afterwards during a test event, the silence on the other end of the line was golden.’


  • Dutch F-35As OUT of the SHADOWS - Combat Aircraft May 2018 pp6.pdf
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