F-35 kybersuojaus on puutteellinen edelleen:
Infosec? Config confusion? Meh
Concerningly for the main F-35 programme, cybersecurity requirements laid down by DOTE still have not been met. Despite previous years' reports stating that Lockheed Martin (builder of the F-35) and the US government alike needed to sharpen up, DOTE said:
"Cybersecurity testing to date during [initial testing] continued to demonstrate that vulnerabilities identified during earlier testing periods still have not been remedied."
On top of that, an increasing number of deployed software versions and hardware (as in onboard computer) configurations pose a potential threat to reliability. Block 3F is the current main build of F-35 onboard software, with Block 4 being the next scheduled major release, though earlier versions of Block 3 are still in use.
Warning of the problems in store, DOTE said: "These configurations include the fielded TR-2 processors and [EW, electronic warfare; i.e. radar jamming] system for Block 3F, new EW equipment in Lot 11 and later aircraft, an improved display processor that may be added to TR-2, new TR-3 open-architecture processors to enable Block 4 capabilities and other avionics for later increments in Block 4.
Adequate plans for supporting all these configurations do not appear to be in place."
Muutenkaan tuo pilvipalvelimen kautta toimiva depot-huolto ei herätä luottamusta. ALIS NEXT on win 10-yhteensopiva ja Windows on tunnetusti epäluotettava järjestelmä sotilaskäytössä. Sen kautta voidaan hakkeroida mahdollisesti koko huoltoportaali ja lyödä se polvilleen jopa globaalisti. DOTE on syystäkin huolissaan, koska tietoturva on muiden, lukuisten ongelmien johdosta ilmeisesti jäänyt heikoille. Onneksi Venäjä ja Kiina ei tiedä tätä ja ne ovat muutenkin heikkoja kybersodankäynnissä....vai?