Senaatin republikaanien koronaelvytykseen ollaan esittämässä 20 miljoonaa ilmavoimien RDT&E:lle. Ne saisi käyttää vain F-35 C2D2:hen (softaan) ja JASSMin integrointiin.
Tämähän kelpaa meille.
C2D2 viittaa agile/DevOps-sovelluskehitykseen. Toiminnallisuuden puolesta luultavasti kohdentuisi Alisin korvaamiseen.
"In 2018, the F-35 program shifted to an agile software development model, known as DevOps among coders and as Continuous Capability Development and Delivery (C2D2) within the program."
SEC. 320. For an additional amount for ‘‘Research,
11 Development, Test and Evaluation, Air Force’’,
12 $20,000,000, to remain available until September 30,
13 2021, to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus,
14 domestically or internationally: Provided, That the
15 amounts made available in this section shall only be for
16 F–35 C2D2: F–35 JASSM integration: Provided further,
17 That such amounts shall be in addition to any other
18 amounts available for such purposes: Provided further,
19 That such amount is designated by the Congress as being
20 for an emergency requirement pursuant to section
21 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and Emergency 22 Deficit Control Act of 1985.
Tämähän kelpaa meille.
C2D2 viittaa agile/DevOps-sovelluskehitykseen. Toiminnallisuuden puolesta luultavasti kohdentuisi Alisin korvaamiseen.
"In 2018, the F-35 program shifted to an agile software development model, known as DevOps among coders and as Continuous Capability Development and Delivery (C2D2) within the program."
The Pentagon’s weapons tester has concerns about the F-35’s new software development process
Defense News breaks down the more technical nuggets in the latest report on the F-35.
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