F-35 Lightning II

Kanadalle tulee aika tipoittain.
"...Procurement Minister Filomena Tassi has publicly stated the first of the stealth fighters could come as early as 2025. But the mandatory delivery criteria Lockheed Martin agreed to as part of its winning bid stipulates, “the 9th fully mission capable future fighter platform will be delivered no earlier than 1 December 2025 and no later than 1 December 2027.”...

...The 88th fully operational aircraft would have to be delivered to Canada no later than Dec. 31, 2031, according to the documents outlining the mandatory bid requirements....

...Some defence industry observers have questioned whether Lockheed Martin will be able to meet Canada’s delivery schedule as other allies are ahead in line for the jets and there are still unresolved technical issues with the F-35...."
Taitaa jäädä Gripukka unholaan Tsekissä kun F-16+F-35:sta siirrytty vain F-35 kaupitteluun. Päätöstä odotetaan vuoden lopulla.
Initially we offered both the F-16 Block 70/72 and F-35A, but after evaluating their needs, we have dropped the F-16. As far as we know, the Czech Air Force requirement is for between 18-24 [aircraft].
Saksan kohdalla jouduttu suorastaan painamaan kaasua kun ovat huomanneet vätystelleensä liian pitkään.
Tämä saattaa tietää hyvää Suomelle. Tännehän on tulossa osien ja runkojen valmistusta ja jos ymmärretään takoa kun rauta on kuumaa, niin pian täällä väännetään kalustoa Saksallekin kolmessa vuorossa.
Koreaa kiinnostelee 20 lisää.

Republic of Korea Air Force – 40 F-35As ordered and delivered as of January 2022, with 20 more F-35As planned.
Republic of Korea Navy – about 20 F-35Bs planned. It has not yet been approved by South Korean parliament.
WASHINGTON — Lt. Gen. Michael Schmidt was sworn in as the new program executive officer for the F-35 Joint Program Office on Tuesday. Schmidt, who was previously PEO for command, control, communication, intelligence and networks at Hansom Air Force Base in Massachusetts, succeeded Lt. Gen. Eric Fick, who is retiring. Schmidt, who on Monday tested positive for COVID-19, teleconferenced into the ceremony at Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling in Washington, D.C....

...Pentagon acquisition chief Bill LaPlante said that with the U.S. facing complex security environments, the F-35 is a necessity more than ever, noting progress on the fighter would not have been possible without Fick...,
...“Fourth-gen [fighter] meets a fifth-gen; the fourth-gen dies,” LaPlante said, paraphrasing former Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Mark Welsh. “It’s that simple. It’s an incredible airplane.”

Fick, who served as the F-35 PEO for three years, said the program has “battled through a very daunting challenge” with a serious shortage of the fighter’s F135 power modules. But, he added, the program is now seeing “the light at the end of the tunnel,” and got there faster than expected by working together with government and industry partners, such as the Air Force Sustainment Center and F135 enginer-maker Pratt & Whitney....

...The Air Force is grappling with whether it wants to use one of the Adaptive Engine Transition Program (AETP) powerplants in the Block 4 version of the F-35. The engine would give the jet more range and electricity-generating capability, as well as some improvement in stealth, but Fick has insisted that “you have to pay to be different” from the other users, and the Air Force would have to integrate a new engine into the F-35 at its own cost. Pratt & Whitney has pitched an upgraded version of the F-35’s F135 engine as one way to address the need for more power, but it and GE Aircraft are also pushing for their AETP powerplants.
LaPlante called the selection of Schmidt “the right person for the job at the right time,” noting Schmidt’s holding five PEO jobs during his career, in three of which he succeeded Fick.
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Varmaan viitataan lämpöjälkeen, jos 2 virtaus turbiinin sivukanavissa jäähdyttää paremmin? F135 moottorin lämpöjälkeähän on moitittu suureksi ja se on vaatinut uutta pinnoitetta myös tukialusten kansille.
Responding to a question from moderator Ward Carroll about the full-mission-capable rates of Navy F-35Cs during the 2021 deployment on board USS Carl Vinson, Whitesell said taking a “30,000-foot view of the way the [carrier] air wing is going to be employed is going to be completely different.”
“The air wing’s not going to be employed the same way [as before],” Whitesell said. “The F-35 is the perfect exemplar of that. The way we employ that platform. … There is no defensive and offensive combat spread [where] you break out into some of the traditional missions that we would have done five or 10 years ago. Employing the Joint Strike Fighter as they employed it as a [four-plane] division [was] definitely more spread out. The way information is shared amongst the platforms makes up for any deficits that an individual aircraft may have.
“The way we think of mission capability and full mission capability — we have to think about it in a distributed and in this case in a full division or greater employment mode through Distributed Maritime Ops,” the admiral said. “Fitting into the bigger vision of Distributed Maritime Ops, a single platform can have degradations, but because of the information sharing between the platforms, we have to think about how we’re going to define full mission capability, not platform-specific, but truly mission specific. It’s a different way of looking at things.”
F-16, 1 to 1.5 miles apart
F-35, 60 to 80 miles apart
Maj Matt "Fitty" Tucker
14:30 kohdalta:

I think it flies pretty well and it's got a ton of power.
Once you're down low, I mean, I think, it just cooks, you know it.
So I'll see it kind of act like a Viper, a clean Viper, day when you're raging at 400 knots and just sustained at 9 G's. We're not quite there, but once you get below 10 k feet like this thing cooks pretty good. That's the flying aspect. I really enjoy flying F-35.
I enjoyed just the pure basic of flying the Viper probably better, I mean it's like it's kicking out like 60's Chevy in your garage works, but as far as input the amount of information that the F-35 gives you is unbelievable. Like you go to these large force exercises where there's 80 jets flying around and in the Viper, man you would think all right, you had your four-ship that you kind of go with. I see a lot of stuff on the radar and I don't really know who's who, you know as you're trying to figure it out. In the F-35 you just show up in it like just knows it just IDs things, it tells you where the good guys are and where the bad guys are.
You know when we fly formation in that F-16 we're a mile by mile-half apart, alright so you're three to four miles from the two outriggers as a four-ship. In the F-35 we're 60 to 80 miles apart, like you don't see your wingman but you have all the information from his jet, you look out and the helmet can see where he's at so you have instant SA on what's going on around you. So that was the biggest eyeopener early on to me. Just the amount of information that this jet just gives you. It's nice. It also really sucks when you lose that information because like in that F-16 you would build... You don't have to use as much brain bytes building this mental picture of where things are.
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F-16, 1 to 1.5 miles apart
F-35, 60 to 80 miles apart
Tämä tarkoittanee hieman yksinkertaistaen sitä, että yksi neljän koneen parvi etelässä ja toinen pohjoisessa Suomessa tarjoaa ajantasaisen tilannekuvan kattaen koko valtakuntamme alueen. Aikamoista.
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Tämä tarkoittanee hieman yksinkertaistaen sitä, että yksi neljän koneen pari etelässä ja toinen pohjoisessa Suomessa tarjoaa ajantasaisen tilannekuvan kattaen koko valtakuntamme alueen. Aikamoista.
Tämähän F-35:ssa onkin se ehkä merkittävin voimavara - sen sensorifuusion antama suorituskyky ja koneiden kyky jakaa saatu tieto. Kun vielä ajattelemme, että tähdellistä ei niinkään ole rauhan ajan tilannekuva rajojemme sisällä vaan kun koneet partioivat itärajalla niin tilannekuva ulottuu syvälle Venäjän alueelle.

Ei ihme, että aikoinaan HX-hankkeessa kuului huhuja joissa ruotsalaiset strategigot pitivät Ruotsin kannalta parhaimpana valintana, että Suomeen tulisi F-35:set. Se antaisi Ruosille mahdollisuuden tyytyä Gripenin suorituskykyyn.

Nyt kun olemme aikanaan Naton jäseniä niin pohjoisen puolustuksesta tulee lisäksi ylikansallista ja eri voimavarojen hyvät puolet paikkaavat heikkouksia. Täytyy sanoa, että Natojäsenyys vahvistaa etenkin Ruotsin puolustusta melkoisesti.

Ruotsi tuntien tässä on jopa haaste. Ruotsin kiire maavoimien ja ilmavoimien kehittämiselle hellittää ja maalla on kiusaus täyttää 2% puolustusbudjetin tavoite hankkimalla omaa asetuotantoaan ja sitä samalla tukien.
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Ruotsissa yleisasenne on vätysmäistä. Esim. ilmavoimista puolet lentäjistä haikailee pois.
Historiallisesti kumminkin ovat liki 1000 henkeä onnettomuuksissa maksaneet rauhan ajan lentelystä. Joten kontrasti on iso.
Mutta se on toki enemmän koko ympäröivän yhteiskunnan vika kuin pelkkien lentäjien ja heille neuvoteltujen työehtojen/eläkeikien.