Ruotsilla on näitä uskottavuuden puutteen osoituksia vähän liikaa. RBS 15 piti tuoda koipalloista Gotlantiin, Bamse piti tuoda museosta, ilmatorjuntaohjuksia ei nähty oleelliseksi Visbyilla... uhkaympäristöstä on turhan erilaiset arviot kuin meillä. Tai sitten kyky rahoittaa puolustusta ja valita olennaiset kohteet sen käytölle on vain huono.Tuskin tuo kaukovaikutus ainoa Suomen vaatimuksesta paikattava asia on mutta varsin kuvaa, että ruotsalaiset nyt havahtuvat sen tarpeellisuuteen. Onhan tuon kynnysjärjestelmän merkitys Suomelle kaikkien tiedossa.
They are being re-created through the use of former decommissioned coastal missile batteries (launcher vehicles) as well as from missiles and launchers taken from decommissioned missile boats and corvettes.
Sweden Re-introducing Truck-Based RBS15 Coastal Defence Batteries
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The ‘reintroduction’ of this missile system comes after it was put in the materiel reserve for a few years.
The Swedish Army only trained conscripts on the system in 2008, however, the system was not taken into Army use but was used as a demonstration system.
On 1 July 2019, the system was taken into Swedish Army use and a number of RBS 23 systems were placed on Gotland, under command of the new Gotland Regiment. However the system was deployed with the PS-90 search radar and not Giraffe AMB (UndE 23). This is because the Giraffe AMB units had been updated with a new data system for relaying the air picture so they can no longer talk directly to the RBS 23 fire units. The older PS-90 can both talk to the fire units and translate the modern data system to the new one, that is why the PS-90 was picked.
Sweden Reactivates RBS 23 Air Defence Missile System in Gotland
The Swedish Armed Forces has reactivated the country's air defence missile system 23 and will be stationed in Gotland. The ...
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