Raytheon julkisti Peregrine-ohjuksen kehitystyön alkaneen:
Raytheon unveils new air-to-air missile design
WASHINGTON — Raytheon has announced the development of a new air-to-air missile, one it claims will be half the size of current weapons but achieve greater speed and maneuverability.
The weapon will be about 50 pounds and 6 feet long.
Mikähän se oikea paino mahtaa Peregrine ohjukselle olla, 50 vai 150 paunaa, vaiko jotain ihan muuta?Raytheon Unveils New Air-to-Air Missile
16 Sep 2019 John A. Tirpak
"Raytheon is developing the "Peregrine," a new medium-range air-to-air missile that is half the size of current dogfight missiles but offers greater speed and longer range.
The weapon is expected to measure just under 6 feet long and 150 pounds, less than half the weight and length of Raytheon's AIM-120 Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missile and AIM-9X Sidewinder that fly on fighters across the Defense Department."
Raytheon Unveils New Air-to-Air Missile | Air & Space Forces Magazine
Raytheon is proposing its new Peregrine missile as a complement to the AIM-120 and AIM-9X in the air-to-air role. The missile would be half the size and weight of the previous missiles, but with more range, increasing the number of...www.airforcemag.com
Amraamillekin löytyy joka lähteestä eri paino, mutta vaihteluväli on kyllä aika paljonkin kapeampi, 150...180 kg, ja voihan eri versioilla olla eri painokin osaltaan selittämässä asiaa. Painavin löytynyt lukema tästä: https://www.tekniikkatalous.fi/uuti...aa-riita/362994f0-2306-4e92-8af5-0e51b61880b7
Raytheonin omilta sivuilta ei löydy painoa kummallekaan ohjukselle.