baikal kirjoitti:No minä pukkaan välikysymyksen juhaparin taakkaa helpottaakseni. Tanssilavakautena ikäisensä mies on jo tässä kohtaa kesää vähän piipussa.D.
Mitä "vilunkia" suomalaiset harjoittivat -39 kesällä tiedustelun saralla suhteessa NL:oon?
Oisko tämä:
Suomalaiset kouluttivat salaisesti lähinnä
Hallamaan toimesta Viron tiedustelupalvelua ennen sotia.
Saivat sitten vastineeksi Virolaisten keräämää tiedustelutietoa
Talvisodan aikaan kun virolaiset onnistuivat murtamaan Neuvostoliiton salakirjoituskoodin.
Tuommoisesta linkistä asian löysin; alla pari lainausta:
" There is evidence, that the chief of Finnish sigint, major Reino Hallamaa (later 1944
colonel and the chief of Finnish Intelligence department of the General
Headquarters) was in the beginning helping Kalmus by organizing and also training of
the personnel. Anyway according to Hallamaa:s passport he travelled wery often to
Tallinn, which shows, that there was a lot of cooperation between Estonian and
Finnish sigint. Later 1930:s and especially during the Winter War (from the beginning
of December 1939 to March 13. 1940) Estonian sigint helped us by sending
intelligence material to Finnish Intelligence and probably also by helping in the
breaking of Russian codes."
"The most important skill of sigint was the decryption i.e. breaking of the codes on
crypted (Russian) messages. Both officers did that work, but capt Õun was especially
specialized to code-breaking. During the battles in Poland, which began September
1939 Õun was able to break the newest code of Russian Army. That was of great help
also for Finland."