Uusi ilmailumuseo avataan huomenna Duxfordissa Imperial War Museumin yhteyteen - 'American Air Museum'... kiinnostavan nakoista roipetta, pitaa kayda vilkasemassa kun tulee asiaa Lontooseen seuraavan kerran. Tuolla paasee nakemaan lahelta B-17:n ja SR-71:n jne.
The American Air Museum at IWM Duxford, Cambridgeshire, will open to the public on Saturday. WWII flight engineer Bill Toombs, 91 is pictured next to a Boeing B-17G Flying Fortress, which was used by the U.S. Air Force during the conflict
The hangar space is home to 18 aircraft from the 20th century, ranging from F-4 fighters to the Boeing-Stearman biplane.
The finishing touches were being put into place at the museum prior to the grand opening, including on this F-4 Phantom II
The F-4, built by McDonnell Douglas, first entered service with the U.S Navy in 1960. It was designed as a fleet defence fighter but was later adopted as the air force's primary fighter-bomber
The F-15 Eagle is also on display at the museum following the re-vamp. It has been the U.S. Air Force’s primary fighter jet for decades.
A volunteer cleans the the Douglas C-47 Skytrain, a transport aircraft used in WWII, which is suspended from the roof of the hangar.
The museum looks at warfare in chronological order, beginning in 1918 and continuing on to the Cold War and more recent conflicts in the Gulf, Iraq and Afghanistan.
A volunteer at the museum cleans the cockpit of the F-4, which was flown to Duxford on retirement and later restored.
The aircraft was a U.S Navy F-4J from 1968, until it was converted for service with the Royal Air Force in the 1980s.
The supersonic SR-71 Blackbird spy plane, which was loaned to the museum in 2001, served with the U.S. Air Force from 1964 to 1998.
The aircraft, built by Lockheed Martin, has held the record for world's fastest plane since 1976, reaching a top speed of 2,193 miles an hour
Huoh, komeeta on. Meillä Suomessa ei voida kuin haaveilla tuollaisista museoista. On tilaa laittaa koneet näytille. Kotimaiset museot (ne kaksi ammatillisesti hoidettua) elävät kädestä suuhun. Lisätilaa ei olla saatu, vaikka tätä on yritetty vuosikymmeniä. Kumpikin ilmailumuseo on ääriään myöten täynnä ja kaikkia koneita ei näin ollen voida pitää esillä.
Tiedätkö yhtään tarkemmin miten tuo brittien systeemi toimii ? Esim. RAF:n museokin näyttää saavan erittäin avokätisesti yhteiskunnan tukea. Ainakin veikkausvoittovaroja kanavoidaan museotyöhön.