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Russia unveils new wheeled infantry fighting vehicle at ARMY 2017
The KBP Instrument Design Bureau and Military Industrial Company are developing a new version of next-generation of Russian fighting vehicle known as the K-17 «Berezhlivyy» (Thrifty).
The K-17 «Berezhlivyy» wheeled infantry fighting vehicle was unveiled during the Army-2017 international military-technical exhibition. The new fighting vehicle fitted with a «Berezhok» manned turret with a 30mm 2A42 automatic gun as a main weapon with coaxial 7.62mm PKT/PKTM machine gun and four ready-to-launch 9M133 Kornet-Eanti-tank guided missiles. The «Berezhok» manned turret developed by KBP Instrument Design Bureau.
Tuo linkkaamasi kuva iivanan uutuudesta on vissiin väärä. Tuossa mallissa eri torni
"VPK-7829 on unified wheeled combat platform Bumerang"

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