Mistä lähteestä noita hintoja katsotte?Tällä hetkellä yksikkö hinta on n 2 milj€/kpl kyllä jotain halvempaa pitää olla.
Ruotsi osti 48 kpl joista suurin osa erikoisvaunuja. Hintaa koulutuksineen, tuki- ja harjoitteluvälineineen 700M SEK = 64M Euroa.
64M/48 = 1,33M per vaunu.
Isompi satsi ja samaa vaunua, alle ~ miljoona per vaunu. Paljon vai vähän?

Swedish army purchases 48 all-terrain vehicles BvS10 MkII from BAE Systems Hägglunds 0601123 | January 2012 army military defense industry news | Military army defense industry news year 2012
Swedish army procurement agency (FMV) has decided to procure 48 all terrain vehicles from BAE Systems Hägglunds in Sweden. The first vehicles will be delivered in the autumn of 2012 to allow them to be ready for international operations in the spring of 2013.
The cost of the acquisition – a complete system including 48 vehicles and support and training equipment – is approximately around 700 million SEK. The contract also includes options to order additional 127 vehicles divided in three different batches. |