Eikö liene kv-operaatioiden piiriin kuuluvaa? Kuten KFOR aikoinaan.Mitähän kaikkea mahtaa pitää sisällään?
Pelkkää kommunikointia ja viestintää, vaiko satelliittitiedustelua myös.
Kun puhutaan hävittäjistä niin silloin tarkoitetaan tietysti pelkkiä harjoituksia. Toki operatiivinen valmius näiden valmiusjoukkojen osalta, joita on ilmavoimistakin ollut varalla useampaan otteeseen.
Tuosta esim. s. 208.
http://www.doria.fi/bitstream/handle/10024/88689/The Fog of Cyber Defence NDU 2013.pdf
Suomi ostaa myös Norsatilta kaupalliselta puolelta viestintää maailmalta kotiin:
Tämä on kiinnostava yleisesti tiedusteluyhteistyön historiasta:
Finland and American intelligence - Secret history
How close were Finnish-American relations in the Cold War
Muun muassa:
he Army G-2 (intelligence) requested to be sent three copies of exact photos and maps of each specified location throughout the country. They were needed for possible war-time use and for guidance systems of missiles. Negotiations with the Finnish Mapping Service yielded results: in the 1950's, the Finns handed over to the United States at least 100,000 copies of aerial photo maps and photos of areas of which they themselves had not printed maps yet. Similarly, the Swedish intelligence got from Finns all the maps, photos, and nautical charts they wanted to.
In return the Americans provided the Finns with good-quality photography paper (600,000 sheets sent in diplomatic pouches) and “secret” – not “top secret”, however – intelligence on the socialist countries. All was very secret, because disclosure of this arrangement would lead to difficulties with dire consequences, as G-2 wrote.
The delivery of photos continued until the second half of the 1970's, and in the end Finns got satellite pictures in return. Finnish counter-intelligence noticed that American officers had direct contacts with the official Mapping Service, and Finnish officers not wearing uniforms were seen visiting the American Embassy and exchanging materials.16
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