Kanadan hankinnan prujuja vuotanut.
Toimittaja saa itkupotkuraivarit kun taas suositaan F-35:ta. Eli skenaariot liian vaikeita Greipille.
Canadian taxpayers would be right to ask why the RCAF needs such an expensive first strike capability, especially given how it will inflate the costs of performing our NORAD and
The Scenario 5 strike missions include close air support (CAS), coordinating a naval missile strike on an S-400 system, and engaging moving targets while minimizing collateral damage. All are reasonable air-to-ground missions that would have to be flown during a coalition bombing campaign. That said,
the tasks involving the S-400 are biased to benefit the F-35. These types of missions are far beyond the capabilities of the CF-18 and have historically been left to the Americans.
History has shown that affordable light fighters can make valuable contributions to coalition campaigns.
Haha. Voi helvetti sentään.