On tällainen vähän hupaisa otsikko vuodelta 2012.HX Challenge testasi koneita nykyaikaista integroitua ilmapuolustusta vastaan, tulokset jäävät pääosin salaisiksi mutta lopullinen valinta toki kertoo jotakin.
Onko jotain putkessa joka toisi Growlerim tehoja kaikkiin koneisiin? Nykyisiinkin hävittäjiin saa podeja mutta eivät ne ole samalla tasolla.
Growler obsolete in 5 years, expert says

"Tom Burbage, Lockheed Martin's general manager for program integration, said his company's Joint Strike Fighter was one of the planes that would be able to carry the next generation jammer which is expected to come into operation with the US military early next decade."
"Designed in large part to bring America's electronic warfare capability into the 21st century, the next generation jammer is expected to be significantly more capable than the pods fitted to the Growlers which have been criticised as unreliable by the US Government Accountability Office and described as ''woefully inadequate'' by United States defence analyst Loren Thompson.
''The next generation jammer is a project that has a number of platforms that could potentially carry the equipment, the F-35 being one of them.''"
Koska USN ja RAAF ovat NGJ:n ainoat maksajat tällä hetkellä ja molemmilla on sekä SH/G että F-35 niin sehän riippuu ensisijaisesti heistä.
Muistutan tässä yhteydessä, että kaikilla USAn aselajeilla on oma hieman erilainen EW-strategiansa. USMC:lla hajautettu ja paljon samaa podia eri säksättimissä (Harrier, klassikko-Honu, uh-1y, jatkossa mv-22 ja c-130j). USAF:lla isot koneet. USN Growler.
USMC:n podi:
ALQ-231 Intrepid Tiger Pod | NAVAIR
The ALQ-231 (V) Intrepid Tiger II (IT II) is a precision, on-demand, external carriage Electronic Warfare weapon system designed to provide Marine Corps fixed and rotary wing aircraft with an organic, distributed and networked Airborne Electronic Warfare capability that can be controlled from...
"Marine Corps Commandant Gen. James Amos has said that unlike previous generations of aircraft, the base EW systems in the standard F-35 will allow it to just attach the pods and perform the mission, without having to make a special electronic warfare version of the F-35."
No plans to build F-35 EW variant
The Marine Corps has no plans to pursue an Electronic Warfare variant of the F-35B Joint Strike Fighter, said Marine Corps Commandant Gen. James Amos at a Pentagon roundtable Thursday. Amos said th…
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