Militaryphotos foorumilla kirjoittelevan sotilaan mielipide Strykeristä. article is complete and utter CRAP with a capital "C"!!! The survivabilty of the ICV's is thus far unmatched comparitivey speaking and I wouldn't want to ride in anything else. I personally have hit several IED's, been hit with multiple RPG's and an SVBIED and I have all my body parts intact, that's not to say I didn't get knocked the f*ck out but I'm ALIVE! There is NO other vehicle that suits the current "asymetrical" threat better than a Stryker. NOTHING..I say again..NOTHING! is going to stop and EFP. EFP's will penetrate any armour we have and that's just a fact. I spoke to a friend with 3rd brigade that told me the only success they are having against the EFP's is strapping 5 gallon water jugs to the outside slat armour in hopes that it will cool the copper penetrators enough to where they won't breach the hull, sometimes it works..sometimes it doesn't..that's the game you play in this war. Shape charges WILL penetrate most armour and that's just the way it is. We lost several Styrkers too, but I'd rather burn the Stryker to the ground myself and NOT lose any joes then complain about the loss of a can replace a stryker. The guys that wrote the article are nip picking at anything they can grab ahold of to complain about the war, I'd appreciate they stick to the political aspects of it and leave the hands on aspect to those of us that actualy FIGHT the war.
And lets get one thing straight..the Stryker is an ICV..not an IFV like the was never intended to BE a fighting vehicle, it's nothing more than a troop transport and a damn good one at that, THAT's why they don't have a higher caliber weapon system..and the current RWS has been upgraded to a stabalized platform wich is badass.