Hain hieman tarkennusta siihen mita asiasta on sanottu. Breaking News 16.04.2014 ilmaisee Alafuzoffin sanoneen etteivat venalaiset joukot toimi laajasti ita-Ukrainassa kun taas suomalaisessa versiossa hanen kerrotaan ilmaisseen ettei ita-Ukrainassa olisi venalaisia joukkoja.
There is no large Russian military presence in East Ukraine, head of EU intelligence, Commodore Georgij Alafuzoff, has said. The spy chief has dismissed multiple accusations from the West alleging Russian involvement in the unrest in the region.
Juuri Ukrainaan liittyy kohu, joka nousi viime keväänä Alafuzoffin lausuntojen jälkeen. Hän sanoi Ylen haastattelussa huhtikuun lopulla, että Ukrainassa ei ole Venäjän sotilaita eivätkä Venäjän asevoimat olleet sekaantuneet konfliktiin.
Ai, ai, paha moka! Siteeraat RT-uutisia, joiden totuusarvo on täällä jo moneen kertaan punnittu ja keveyeksi havaittu. Jos tuo uutinen pitäisi paikkansa, Alafuzoff olisi myynyt paitsi omansa, myös Suomen maineen!
EU spy chief rules out Russian military presence in Ukraine
There is no large Russian military presence in East Ukraine, head of EU intelligence, Commodore Georgij Alafuzoff, has said. The spy chief has dismissed multiple accusations from the West alleging Russian involvement in the unrest in the region.
In an interview with Finnish national news broadcaster, Yle, Alafuzoff said the Russian military had nothing to do with the seizing of government buildings in eastern Ukraine.
“In my opinion, it’s mostly people who live in the region who are not satisfied with the current state of affairs,” said Alafuzoff, referring to the situation in East Ukraine. He went on to say that the people are worried for the welfare of those who speak Russian as their first language in the region.
Alafuzoff echoed the words of the Russian government which has categorically denied interfering in the ongoing unrest. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said in a press conference on Monday that Moscow is not interested in destabilizing Ukraine and wants the country to remain united.