
Mutta lisääkö niin, että sillä olisi käytännön vaikutusta? Vaunu on kuitenkin varsin iso kohde, vaikka tarkasteluetäisyyskin voi toki olla pitkä, ja jos se liikkuu, niin liike paljastaa hyvin äkkiä unohtamatta vaunun mahdollisesti ilmaan nostamaa pölyä/lunta. Samaan aikaan oletan, että myös PST-ohjuksissa pyritään minimoimaan savunmuodostus siinä missä ilmataisteluohjuksissakin.
No sanotaan vaikka näin päin, että se kaikki on aina pois. Kyllä tuosta Bradleyn TOW-laukaisusta ihan kohtuullinen pilvi lähti, sitä en tiedä kuinka hyvin se sitten näkyy vastapuolelle. Toisaalta havaitsemista helpottaa se, että Suomessa keskimääräiset ametit on lyhyempiä kuin esim. keski-Euroopassa (1km ja alle, voi olla jopa muutama sata metriä), jolloin savupilven ja vaunun havaitseminen ylipäätään on helpompaa. Toisaalta taistelukentällä nyt on aika paljon muitakin savunlähteitä. Isompi ongelma minusta on tuo lankaohjaus - en tiedä saako jo Spiken ammuttua F&F:nä vaunuista, mutta jos tosiaan pitää jäädä asemassa ohjailemaan sitä ohjusta niin siinä tulee äkkiä noutaja. Varsinkin kun ampumasuunta on todennäköisesti vihollisen etusektorista.

Tuota Javelin-hommaa en tiennytkään, olin siinä uskossa että jenkeillä on vaunuissa lähinnä TOW:ia.
Tuota Javelin-hommaa en tiennytkään, olin siinä uskossa että jenkeillä on vaunuissa lähinnä TOW:ia.

Jenkeillä on joillain tiedustelujoukoilla Strykereissa CROWS-J eli Kongsberg Protector jossan Javelin laukaisulaite. Voidaan laukaista sisältä. Tämä tietysti luonnollista kun jalkautuvalla tiedustelupartiollakin Javelin laukaisulaite käytettävissä. Toi taitaa olla nopeasti käyttöönotettu välivaiheen ratkaisu eikä välttämättä se tavoite. Bradleyssä ja HMMWV:ssä TOW ja jalkautuvilla osilla Javelin.
The Scorpion Program is the most ambitious military program of French land forces. It consists of a $6.8 billion multi-company modernization effort to replace a part of the fleet of French army combat vehicles, with improved vehicles linked with new and unified communications and Battlefield Management System (BMS). This BMS is underpinned by the concept of “collaborative combat,” which seeks to connect squads, vehicles, battle groups, and brigades in a single network.

Part of the program includes the modernization of 200 Leclerc MBT (Main Battle Tank) to the standard Leclerc XLR featuring new tactical interfaces, new armor packages, RWS turret, as well as several additional sensors and grenade launchers. The modernization of the French Army Leclerc MBT will be carried out by the French company Nexter Systems.


Citing information published by the Tasnim News Agency, the new weapon station can be easily integrated on wheeled or tracked armored vehicles. The first pictures released by the Iranian Defense Industry showed the integration of the new unmanned weapon station on Soviet-made BMP-1 IFV (Infantry Fighting Vehicle).

The original BMP-1 is fitted with a one-man turret armed with one 73 mm Model 2A28 smoothbore, low-pressure, short-recoil gun which weighs 115 kg. During the conflicts of the last 20 years, the BMP-1 showed weakness at the level of its turret, and several photos showed BMP-1 with the turret which had been ejected from the hull of the vehicle.

Using an unmanned weapon station, all the firing operations can be performed from the inside of the hull offering more protection for the crew.

The new Iranian unmanned weapon station is armed with a Soviet-made 2A42 30mm automatic cannon, one 7.62m machine gun mounted to the left of the main armament, one NSVT 12.7 heavy machine gun mounted to the left of the turret, and one 30mm automatic grenade launcher located to the right of the turret.

The turret is also equipped with new targeting and fire-control systems allowing the gunner to control all armament from the weapon station from inside of the hull. She is also a fully stabilized, dual-axis overhead unmanned turret system.


Ei noita häkkyrä kattoja ole paljoa. Uskon että se on joku t72b3 modeista, missä olemme myös nähneet niitä hiekkasäkkejä helmapeltejä koristamassa t72b3 nimellä.
Rheimetall Lynx-rynnäkköpanssari / tulitukivaunu.

Vaunu on varustettu 120 mm sileäputkisella kanuunalla ja sen 0.50 kaliiperin sivukonekiväärillä
sekä johtajan konekivääritornilla ja 360 asteessa toimivalla kameraan perustuvalla maalinosoitusjärjestelmällä.
Vaunussa on Rheinmetallin kehittämä aktiivinen omasuojajärjestelmä singon laukauksia ja pst-ohjuksien torjuntaan.

Viimeksi muokattu:

Tuo näyttää suht pieneltä, AMVn luokkaa. APSn panelit on myös piilotettu. Jos Venäjä oikein äityy niin tuommoisia voisi pistää tuotantoon heti. Foorumin perinteitä kunnioittaen, "ihan paska, mutta ottaisin jos annettaisiin."

BHEV proto *Bradley Hybrid Electric Vehicle

“The BHEV prototype truly has the potential to improve how our soldiers execute their missions while providing the Army with a cost-effective advantage on the battlefield,” said Stanley Darbro, RCCTO Deputy Director. “We’re executing this approach through a 24-month rapid prototyping effort with the expectation it will provide proven increased operational capability for Army-wide application.”

This quick turn prototyping effort is being worked under a Prototype Other Transaction Authority agreement with BAE Systems to deliver two Bradley vehicles retrofitted with hybrid-electric technology. The BHEV consists of an upgraded engine, a transmission replaced by an electric drive motor and the addition of lithium-ion batteries.

During the demonstration, held at BAE Systems’ Sterling Heights facility, engineers demonstrated the BHEV’s ability to power and control critical systems for successful hybrid electric operations. These activities allow BAE Systems to methodically assess each subsystem to ensure proper and safe operations before integrating the next subsystem.

Starting in June, the Bradley vehicles will undergo assessments at Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland where they will be driven over rough terrain to measure performance. Then, later this year, both Bradley vehicles will be at Yuma Proving Ground, Arizona for additional field assessments and to compare performance data between the two vehicles, and against non-hybrid electric Bradley vehicles.

The South Korean army has begun operational performance trials of its new AS-21 Redback infantry fighting vehicle, ahead of potential procurement.

The Redback is a fifth-generation IFV featuring a range of state-of-the-art technologies, including composite rubber tracks and an In-arm suspension unit (ISU). The rubber tracks reduce noise and vibration significantly while offering superior ride quality for its crew and the soldiers it protects. The advanced ISU allows more space for add-on armor to mitigate blast underneath.

The Redback is also equipped with high-tech sensor systems such as Iron Vision, which allows the crew to see through the vehicle's armor by projecting the image outside the vehicle onto their helmet-mounted displays, and the Iron Fist active protection system.

According to an announcement by Hanwha Defense, the Redback includes a range of Israeli technologies including Elbit’s turret with fire control systems, its IronVision mounted helmet (currently also being integrated into the Merkava tank Mark IV), and the Iron Fist active protection system (which will also protect IDF’s Eitan armored personnel carrier (APC) and has been selected to protect the US Bradley APC). The Redback will also be equipped with Rafael’s Spike anti-tank precision-guided missile. Estimates are that the cost of each Elbit turret and its sub-systems is about $2 million, while each of Rafael’s Spike missiles costs about $200,000.

The trial will also include Elbit’s IronVision mounted helmet for use by combat crews.

The Kevlar-E is a tracked armored vehicle fully designed and developed in Ukraine by the company UkrInnMash Corporation. The vehicle was unveiled in 2017 and the first prototype was build in 2020.

The Kevlar-E is based on the Soviet-made 122mm tracked self-propelled howitzer 2S1. The original turret was removed and replaced by a Shturm remote weapon station. The turret is armed with a ZTM-1 30mm automatic cannon, one 7.62 coaxial machine gun, one 30mm automatic grenade launcher, two banks of three smoke grenades, and two launchers mounted on the right side of the turret used to fire anti-tank guided missiles.

The Kevlar-E has a crew of three including a driver, commander, and gunner. The rear part of the hull is able to carry six infantrymen. The hull and the turret provide ballistic protection STANAG 4569 Level 2 against the firing of small arms 7.62×39mm API BZ at 30 meters and mine protection of 6 kg TNT explosion under the body and the tracks of the vehicle.

The Kevlar-E can be powered by Deutz, Cummins or Caterpillar engine and can reach a maximum road speed of 70 km/h with a maximum cruising range of 600 km. The vehicle has a weight of 16,700 kg and is fully amphibious and powered in the water thanks to its tracks at a maximum speed of 5 km/h.

The suspension system of the Kevlar-E is similar to the MT-LB multipurpose tracked vehicle and either side consists of seven road wheels with the drive sprocket at the front, idler at the rear, and no track-return rollers.