Mikä Italian pankkeja vaivaa, kun niillä rahat on kroonisesti lopussa? Muualla maailmassa pankin pitäminen on tuottoisaa liiketoimintaa. Italiassa näyttäisi että pankki hoitaa sosiaalitoimiston virkaa.
Monikin asia vaivaa, mutta pääsyy on liian suuret kulut ja liian pienet tulot.
Italian pankeilla on EU:n suurimmat "rakenteelliset menot", jotka johtuvat osaksi toimintamallista ja konttoreiden suuresta määrästä, joka johtuu toimintamallista (pankkivirkailija ja asiakas hakemassa rahaa...). Digitalisaatio on "vähän" myöhässä mutta kuitenkin tapahtumassa (NGEU köh köh..) ja konttoreiden sekä henkilökunnan määrää onkin supistettu.
(the resulting mismatch between technological progress in financial intermediation and the human resources employed by banks lead the entire banking system to a loss in competitiveness.)
Toinen asia on pankkien johto. Pienet on piirit ja kun kaikki tuntevat toisensa, ei kukaan halua keikuttaa venettä. Vastuunkantoa ei ole.
(Otherwise stated, the disciplining of top managers serving Italian banks do not function properly at all.)
Kolmas ongelma on politiikka ja se kytkeytyy tuohon edelliseen ongelmaan. Siellä on jokaisella puolueella ja paikallishallinnolla sormensa pelissä ja tästähän seuraa vain pelkkää "hyvää" kun he saavat ajaa läpi tärkeäksi katsomiaan asioita.
(Italian banks, even the largest among them, often operate under the influence of political parties and local governments, particularly when it comes to deciding about their business strategies and development policies. This, in turn, negatively affects the quality of lending policies and can prevent an adequate assessment of risks: ‘most of Italy’s banks, many of which are small and local, have politicized governance features that blur commercial incentives. As a consequence, they were unable to rein in their lending during the downturn of the late 2000s)
Noita asioita kun sitten piti laittaa kuriin, seurasi lainahanojen kiristyminen joka taas aiheutti taloudellisia ongelmia teollisuudelle joka taas aiheutti ongelmia lainojen takaisinmaksulle.
(The problem of non-performing loans was furtherly exacerbated by some external factors, such as:
• a decline in industrial production due to the credit crunch, lower demand for products, and increased market pressure from global players, in part explaining for the low performance and scarce profitability of the Italian firms (with increased difficulties in repaying their loans); and
• occasional difficulties of some households to timely repay their loans (for instance, due to rising unemployment in most industries);
• The result has been a strong increase in non-performing loans with a deterioration in banks’ balance sheets with negative repercussions on the ability of some banks to attract new capital. So the Italian banking sector became remarkably unhealthy
More than 500 enterprises operating in the construction industry have ceased their activity over the period 2008-2016. In most other regions the situation has not been any better. In addition to that, one should recognise that another important source of such debts are large Italian corporations that have lost their competitiveness on the market over the last years)
Englanninkieliset lainaukset tekstistä Troubles of the Italian banking system and the smothered hopes of europe