Trump -psykoosi

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Trump aikoo vetää joukot pois Syyriasta. Mihin tämä johtaa?
Trump vaalikampanjassaan haukkui Obamaa kun hyökkäyksestä Mosuliin oli tieto ennen operaation alkua ja ilmoitti ettei aio kertoa etukäteen sotilaallisista operaatioista. Ei toki ole aivan ensimmäinen kerta kun Trumpin sanat ja teot eivät kohtaa.
“I don't want to telegraph what I'm doing, or what I'm thinking,” he said. “I'm not like other administrations, where they say we're going to do this in four weeks and that. It doesn't work that way.”

Trump has regularly talked about how the Obama administration previewed an attack on Mosul in Iraq for so long that the Islamic State fortified itself for the coming attack.

“I have often said that General MacArthur and General Patton would be in a state of shock if they were alive today to see the way President Obama and Hillary Clinton try to recklessly announce their every move before it happens — like they did in Iraq — so that the enemy can prepare and adapt,” Trump said in his big speech about fighting terrorism in August 2016.
Veteraanien hoidosta vastaavan Veterans Affairin johtaja David Shulkin joka sai eilen potkut kertoo potkujen syynä olleen Trumpin porukan into yksityistää veteraanien terveydenhuolto. Shulkin ei innostunut yksityistämisestä sillä sen ainoa tarkoitus näytti olevan joidenkin henkilöiden rikastuminen. Shulkin puhui eilen puhelimessa Trumpin kanssa jolloin presidentti ei maininnut mitään potkuista, potkut tulivat muutamaa tuntia myöhemmin twitterissä. Trump perinteiseen tapaan ei uskaltanut antaa potkuja henkilökohtaisesti.
But Shulkin claims those successes have only emboldened those in the Trump administration who aim for privatizing the VA health system. He says advocates for the move viewed him as an "obstacle to privatization who had to be removed," pointing directly to his dramatic firing on Wednesday evening. Shulkin adds that privatization of the VA is at its root a "political issue aimed at rewarding select people and companies with profits, even if it undermines care for veterans."

The former secretary said the agency has become so politicized that political appointees to the agency have chosen to push their agendas instead of doing "what's best" for the nation's veterans.

"These individuals, who seek to privatize veteran health care as an alternative to government-run V.A. care, unfortunately fail to engage in realistic plans regarding who will care for the more than 9 million veterans who rely on the department for life-sustaining care," he said.

Ympäristöministeri Scott Pruitt vuokrasi Waashingtonista kämpän ympäristöasioihin keskittyvältä lobbarilta. Tai virallisesti hän vuokrasi yhden makuuhuoneen mutta asunnon muita huoneita ei vuokrattu muille. Vuokrat Pruitt makseli kuin jaksoi, eli ei tasaisin väliajoin kuten on tapana.
Environmental Protection Agency administrator Scott Pruitt worked directly with a top energy lobbyist, and without a real estate broker, to set up a $50-a-night rental room in a prime Capitol Hill building co-owned by the lobbyist’s wife during his first six months in Washington, a source familiar with the arrangement told ABC News.

Pruitt was permitted to pay rent for just a single bedroom in the upstairs condo unit, even though the other bedrooms in the unit were unoccupied, the source told ABC News.

In all, Pruitt paid $6,100 to the limited liability corporation for the Capitol Hill condo co-owned by Vicki Hart, whose husband J. Steven Hart is chairman of a top D.C. lobbying firm and who is registered to lobby for several major environmental and energy concerns, according to Bloomberg News which first reported the payment arrangement.

The EPA allowed Bloomberg News to review copies of canceled checks that Pruitt paid to the condo owner for using the room for roughly six months. The news outlet reported that the checks show varying amounts paid on sporadic dates -- not a traditional monthly "rent payment" of the same amount each month.
Mueller tutkii vuuoden 2016 republikaanien puoluekokouksen tapahtumia ja erityisesti syytä kokouksen aikana puolueohjelmasta pois jätetylle kohdille jotka kririsoivat Venäjää.
Investigators probing whether Donald Trump’s presidential campaign colluded with Russia have been questioning witnesses about events at the 2016 Republican National Convention, according to two sources familiar with Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s inquiries.

Mueller’s team has been asking about a convention-related event attended by both Russia’s U.S. ambassador and Jeff Sessions, the first U.S. senator to support Trump and now his attorney general, said one source, who requested anonymity due to the ongoing investigation.

Another issue Mueller’s team has been asking about is how and why Republican Party platform language hostile to Russia was deleted from a section of the document related to Ukraine, said another source who also requested anonymity.

Mueller’s interest in what happened at the Republican convention in Cleveland, Ohio in July 2016, is an indication that Trump campaign contacts and actions related to Russia remain central to the special counsel’s investigation.

Muellerin tutkimuksiin liittyen FBI otti kiinni ja kuulusteli professori Ted Mallochia tämän saavuttua Lontoosta Bostonin lentokentälle. Malloch tuki Trumpia vaalikampanjan aikana ja häntä suunniteltiin nimitettäväksi suurlähettilääksi. FBI-agentteja kiinnosti mm. hänen yhteydet Roger Stoneen ja Wikileaksiin.
A professor and author who once presented himself as a possible Trump administration ambassador to the European Union was detained and questioned by the FBI at Boston Logan airport and served a subpoena from Special Counsel Robert Mueller, who is probing possible collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign.

Ted Malloch said in an emailed statement to NBC News that he was flying from his home in the U.K. via Boston to Cleveland, Ohio to celebrate Easter when he was stopped Wednesday, an incident first reported by the Guardian.

NBC News has independently confirmed that Malloch was detained and questioned at the airport, but not the details of the encounter.

At first, said Malloch, the agents questioned him about his career, showed him a color photograph of himself, and asked about his affection for the Philadelphia Eagles.

Then, said Malloch, "The questions got more detailed about my involvement in the Trump campaign (which was informal and unpaid); whom I communicated with; whom I knew and how well — they had a long list of names."

He said they asked him about former Trump campaign adviser Roger Stone, author Jerome Corsi and WikiLeaks. Malloch said he told them he met Stone a total of three times and always with groups of people, and that Corsi had helped edit one of his books years ago.

He said he was asked if he had ever visited the Ecuadorian embassy in London, where WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has been living since 2012, and he replied no.
Utahin ylin syyttäjäviranomainen John Huber nimetty AG:n avuksi tutkimaan FBI:n epäiltyjä väärinkäytöksiä.

Päivä aiemmin Horowitz avasi tutkimuksen FISA väärinkäytöksiin liittyen.

Tämän parivaljakon tutkimusten pohjalta saatetaan nimittää jatkossa erikoissyyttäjä. AG:n toimivalta on tutkijana rajoitettu siihen nähden, mihin erikoissyyttäjä (kuten mr. Mueller) on oikeutettu.
Trump onnistui väittämään että Washigton Postin pitäisi rekisteröityä lobbaajaksi koska se lobbaa Amazonia. Mitään todisteita tai esimerkkejä lobbauksesta ei tietenkään presidentillä ollut antaa. Firmojen omistaja on Jeff Bezos mutta ne toimivat itsenäisesti. Tietysti Trumpin 5 valheellisen/harhaanjohtavan lausunnon päivävauhdilla näitä tulee.
The president also incorrectly conflated Amazon with The Post and made clear that his attacks on the retailer were inspired by his disdain for the newspaper’s coverage. He labeled the newspaper “the Fake Washington Post” and demanded it register as a lobbyist for Amazon. The Post operates independently of Amazon, though the news organization is personally owned by Jeffrey P. Bezos, the founder and chief executive of Amazon.

Trump is typically motivated to lash out at Amazon because of The Post’s coverage of him, officials have said. One person who has discussed the matter repeatedly with the president explained that a negative story in The Post is almost always the catalyst for one of his Amazon rants.
Washington Post ei lobbaa omistajansa puolesta, todisteena tästä Washington Postin artikkeli.
Tässä lisää. Pointtina on että Trump ei anna mitään todisteita väitteelleen. Onko sinulla todisteita siitä?
Amazon saa jo nyt järjettömän paljon tukea valtiolta ja wp kirjoittelee kuinka toimituskulut nousisi jos yhdysvaltain postilaitois ei suostuisi enää kuljettamaan amazonin paketteja tappiolla. Miksi veronmaksajan pitää tukea maailman rikkainta miestä?
Amazon saa jo nyt järjettömän paljon tukea valtiolta ja wp kirjoittelee kuinka toimituskulut nousisi jos yhdysvaltain postilaitois ei suostuisi enää kuljettamaan amazonin paketteja tappiolla. Miksi veronmaksajan pitää tukea maailman rikkainta miestä?
Vältät selvästi itse aihetta eli Trumpin valehtelua. Mutta oiotaan vielä Trumpin väitteen toista osaa. Amazon ei aiheuta USA:n postille tappiota, pakettien toimittaminen kuuluu postilaitoksen kannatavimpiin toimintoihin ja viimeisimmässä talouskatsauksessaan posti kertoi tulevaisuuden liiketoiminnan kasvun pohjautuvan täysin pakettien toimittamiselle. Trumpin höpinät pohjautuvat Citigroupin analyysiin joka ei laskenut pakettien todellisia toimituskuluja, 2006 voimaantulleen lain mukaan postilaitos ei saa tehdä tappiota pakettien toimituksessa. Trumpin presidentinvaalikampanja muuten osti 158000$ edestä tavaraa Amazonista. USA:n postilaitos ei ole veromaksajien rahoittama.
There is little to these claims. While the postal service is struggling, it's not because of Amazon. In fact, package delivery is one of the few lines of business that's growing.

The postal service has lost money for 11 straight years, mostly because of pension and health care costs. In 2017, the service lost $800 million on $69.7 billion operating revenue. Under a 2006 law, it must pre-fund 75 years' worth of retiree health benefits. Neither the government nor private companies are required to do that. (It has defaulted on those payments periodically, with the last one made in 2015).

A widely cited Citigroup analysis from last year holds that the "true" cost of shipping packages for the Postal Service is about 50 percent higher than what it currently charges. "It is as if every Amazon box comes with a dollar or two stapled to the packing slip -- a gift card from Uncle Sam," read the ensuing editorials.

But Citi arrived at that figure by re-allocating the Post Office's benefits costs -- not the costs specific to package delivery.

The 2006 law also mandated that each line of business within the postal service cover its attributable costs. In other words, for the postal service to lose money on package delivery would be against the law.
Trump todennäköisesti hyökkäsi Amazonia vastaan kahdesta syystä.
  1. Jeff Bezosista tuli maailman rikkain mies, ja Trump on kateellinen
  2. Washington Post on esittänyt kritiikkiä Trumpia kohtaan, mistä hän on loukkaantunut.
Trump todennäköisesti hyökkäsi Amazonia vastaan kahdesta syystä.
  1. Jeff Bezosista tuli maailman rikkain mies, ja Trump on kateellinen
  2. Washington Post on esittänyt kritiikkiä Trumpia kohtaan, mistä hän on loukkaantunut.

Ei liity millään tavalla tuohon. Koko hässäkkä liittyy tähän projektiin, joka taitaa olla USAn ja EU:n yhteinen:

En kuitenkaan pidätä henkeä sen suhteen, että uutisiin ilmaantuisi juttuja, kuinka EU "vihaa" Amazonia.
