UAV / UCAV / LAR (robotit) Uutiset ja jutut

  • Viestiketjun aloittaja Viestiketjun aloittaja Raveni
  • Aloitus PVM Aloitus PVM
Kummallisesti mini lennokeita on pystytty käyttämään Ukrainassa molemmilla puolilla ilman suurempia ongelmia ja ne kehityvät koko ajan. Kannattais mieluummin miettiä pieniä ja edullisia kuin isoja, kalliita ja helposti havaittavia.
Miksei noihin pieniinkin saa salausjärjestelmiä nykytekniikalla. Miksei Suomessa voitaisi kehittää omaa hyvin pientä yhteistyössä esim Nokia, Patria ja F-secure?
Käyttämään mutta onko niistä ollut hyötyä? Näytöt puuttuvat... Mini lennokkeja tarvitaan ja niitä on suomeenkin hankittu. Niille löytyy käyttöä aina ryhmäntason tiedustelusta, pataljoona tasolle. Prikaati tasolla tarvitaan sitten jo raskaanmpia välineitä joilla voidaan tiedustella pidempiä aikoja ja tehokkaammilla sensoreilla.

Image: Rapere
As drones get cheaper to buy and easier to use, they’re also going to get more and more annoying. Back when they were expensive and complicated and fragile and having one was a big deal, people would be careful with them, and flying them would be enough of an event that you wouldn’t be thinking about all the ways in which it’s possible to use drones to do things that are (at best) obnoxious or (slightly worse) illegal or (way worse) recklessly dangerous.

For most people on the ground, there’s not a lot that we can do about an unwanted drone buzzing around overhead, especially if it’s out of shotgun range and you don’t have a military-grade laser handy. The solution to this is obvious and inevitable: intercept drones that seek out and bring down other drones.

Anti-submarine warfare (ASW) experts at BAE Systems are developing an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) sensor payload able to look for submerged enemy submarines by detecting small variations in the Earth's magnetic field.

Officials of the U.S. Office of Naval Research (ONR) in Arlington, Va., announced an $8.9 million contract this week to the BAE Systems Electronic Systems segment in Merrimack, N.H., for the High Altitude ASW (HAASW) Unmanned Targeting Air System (UTAS) program for the Navy Boeing P-8A Poseidon maritime patrol jet.

HAASW UTAS seeks to integrate a magnetic anomaly detector (MAD) and algorithms for use on an air-launched drone that the P-8A will use to detect and pinpoint enemy submarines.

A MAD instrument detects minute variations in the Earth's magnetic field. A submerged submarine represents a mass of ferromagnetic material that creates a detectable disturbance in the Earth's magnetic field.

The Navy's predecessor to the P-8A -- the Lockheed Martin P-3 Orion four-engine turboprop aircraft -- has a MAD sensor attached to the back that looks like a large stinger that protrudes backward from the plane's tail.
Aeronautics revamps Orbiter 2 – new B model is an all-digital system
Aeronautics is launching at Eurosatory a new variant of the electric-powered Orbiter 2 mini unmanned aerial system (UAS) family, designated Orbiter 2B. Externally, the new drone looks the same, but internally, its core systems - avionics, datalink and controls are all modernized, digitised, and more secured.

Aeronautics has completed the development of a new variant of its Orbiter 2 mini-UAS, implementing many lessons learned through extensive operational use of these drones, by more than 20 countries. In fact the B model is a new mini UAS packed into the airframe design of the Orbiter 2. Among the systems upgraded through this redesign are avionics, datalink, navigation and mission security. The drone can carry 1.5 kg (3.3 lbs) of payload, including the standard EO payloads used by the Orbiter 2 – among them the Controp STAMP series, including the dual-sensor M-STAMP, integrating day camera, IR camera and laser pointer. The introduction of digital datalink enables the use of additional payloads providing the Orbiter 2B a broader mission capability hitherto available only to larger Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) assets. The air vehicle has a proven operational record in extreme weather conditions, through snow, rain and wind gusts up to 40 knots.

The digital datalink implemented in the new 2B replaces the previous analog communications link, offering improved security, and coverage of wider bandwidth, enabling maintaining several orbits in a given area. Digital communications also implements inherent encryption and frequency agility for improved communications security and more flexibility in overcoming interference.

Another security feature is the ability to designate the operating airspace for the Orbiter 2B’s navigation system, triggering an alert on any deviation from its designated patrol area or operating altitude. If the situation continues, the drone enters the self-destruct mode, destroying the ‘brain’ and data from the avionics, payloads and memory, thus eliminating the enemy extracting information the wreck.

An important aspect of the new upgrade is improved non-GPS navigation. In fact, the Orbiter 2B can perform its mission without GPS and without datalink, what makes the system far more resilient in case of electronic jamming and GPS spoofing which are becoming common in the modern battlefield.

Unlike many mini-UAS that require stationary or dismounted elements for ground control, the Orbiter 2B can be controlled and monitored from moving vehicles, thus adapting well for providing overwatch on security and escort missions, as well as supporting precision strikes pursuing dynamic targets.

The new system are also compatible with industry standards, including STANAG 4586 (NATO) for UAS controls and H.246 for the video streaming delivered by the drone, which enable better integration with other systems operated by users or supported forces.

Luin jostain että nämä meille tulevat Orbiterit ovat tätä uutta 2B-mallia jossa on reilusti parannuksia digitalisoinnin myötä. Yksi syy myöhästymiselle oli se että suomi-poika halusi vempeleisiinsä nämä uudet ominaisuudet...eivätkä kuullosta huonoilta!

Suomen Sotilaan FC-sivulla on linkki ja kuva meikäläisiin väreihin maalatuista härveleistä:
The digital datalink implemented in the new 2B replaces the previous analog communications link, offering improved security, and coverage of wider bandwidth, enabling maintaining several orbits in a given area. Digital communications also implements inherent encryption and frequency agility for improved communications security and more flexibility in overcoming interference.
Noniin, nyt puhutaan asiaa!!! Juuri näin!
Toisaalta pelottaa ajatuskin siitä, että siis ne nykyiset käyttävät analogista viestilinkkiä...siis ei hyvää päivää, mitä vuotta me oikein elämme, 1965? Miten alunperinkin on voitu noin paskaa tehdä, ettei digitaalista linkkiä ole laitettu? Melko leväperäistä touhua. Mulla on itselläni muutamia kymppejä maksavat kohta 10v vanha puhelinkin joka käyttää digitaalista linkkiä, eivätkö nuo pellet ole saaneet vastaavat kuin vasta nyt lennokkeihin?

Orbiter 2B can perform its mission without GPS and without datalink, what makes the system far more resilient in case of electronic jamming and GPS spoofing which are becoming common in the modern battlefield.
Hienoa, hienoa, hienoa.
Luontokin tulee vastaan...


The robot is called DALER (Deployable Air-Land Exploration Robot), and I’m sure it’s just a coincidence that Ludovic Daler is the lead author on a paper that’s just been published in Bionspiration & Biomimetics. The focus of the paper is, of course, the robot’s adaptive wings, which enable ground locomotion without sacrificing much weight or structural efficiency, since the rotating wingtips double as an attitude control system when the robot is in the air. The foldable wings (studying the bats helped out here) help to increase walking efficiency on the ground, and also allow the robot to squeeze into places that it might not otherwise be able to reach.

It’s obvious that DALER is, um, not the most graceful of robots when it’s stuck on the ground, but there’s a huge difference between the zero ground mobility that most aerial robots have and some ground mobility, however limited. For what it’s worth, bats operate the same way. In the air, DALER can reach 20 m/s, while on the ground, it tops out at 6 cm/s. It’s not going to get very far at 6 cm/s, but in a search and rescue scenario, the ability to move on the ground at all means that it can land and scramble around a little bit, maybe moving underneath obstructions to investigate areas that are otherwise inaccessible from the air.

Tälläiselle voisi olla käyttöä.
Välillä kyllä harmittaa, että en syntynyt Norjan kansalaiseksi. On meinaan pojilla kunnon pelit ja vehkeet näihin sotahommiin!

Siis oletko sä ihan tosissas? Jos olet voitko kertoa vähän tarkemmin. Mitähän niin ihmeellistä tossa videolla oli?

Kyllä mäkin varmaan olisin ihan tyytyväinen jos olisin syntynyt Norjan (tai Ruotsin) kansalaiseksi, mutta ihan muista syistä.
Niin. pitäisiköhän
Siis oletko sä ihan tosissas? Jos olet voitko kertoa vähän tarkemmin. Mitähän niin ihmeellistä tossa videolla oli?

Kyllä mäkin varmaan olisin ihan tyytyväinen jos olisin syntynyt Norjan (tai Ruotsin) kansalaiseksi, mutta ihan muista syistä.

Ei Ruotsia kannata ihannoida, katunäkymä alkaa olla kuin syyrian Damaskoksessa. Tuskin elintasokaan Suomea kummempi on.