UAV / UCAV / LAR (robotit) Uutiset ja jutut

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Kaikille laitteille on omat käyttökohteensa. Lennokeilla (esim Orbiter 2) komppania tasan tiedustelu onnistuu vallan mainiosti, mutta käyttöä on myös sille tiedusteluryhmälle kiikareineen. En vain pysty näkemään mitä hyötyä Big Dogista tai Spotista olisi ja toivoin että olisit pystynyt havainnollistamaan niiden hyödyn juuri Suomen Puolustuvoimien käytössä. Ja mönkijällä pääsee kyllä kaikkialle minne nuo robotitkin menee.

Jos noiden "muulien" akkujen teho olisi todella pitkäaikainen, voisi kuvitella joillekkin erikoisjoukoille noita sulan maan aikaan, kantamaan räjähteitä+ muuta kamaa...
Ehkä ne vielä kehityttyään tulee todella kiinnostaviksi.
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Tosta tulee varmasti joku vieläkin isompi ja panssaroitu taistelunorsu, joka jyrää vastustajan asemat pelkällä massalla.

2026 US Armyllä tällainen? Suunniteltu jo 1960 -luvulla, muistaako joku nähneensä?

Ja vakavammin, näiden kuormajuhtien ja muun kokonaan tai osittain automatisoidun kaluston tarkoituksena on vähentää miestarvetta ja myös -tappioita. Kiinnostavia Viritelmiä ovat myös erilaiset taistelijan kuorma-apuvälineet eli ns. "exoskeletonit", mutta ei niistä enempää tässä langassa.
Jos noiden "muulien" akkujen teho olisi todella pitkäaikainen, voisi kuvitella joillekkin erikoisjoukoille noita sulan maan aikaan, kantamaan räjähteitä+ muuta kamaa...
Ehkä ne vielä kehityttyään tulee todella kiinnostaviksi.

Muulin akkua lataa mukana kulkeva bensakone, mutta pitää sanoa tähän väliin että akkuteknologiassa on menty eteenpäin viime aikoina. Superkondesaattoria odotellessa ainakin ameriiikan soturit joutuvat käyttämään apukonetta silloin tällöin.
2026 US Armyllä tällainen? Suunniteltu jo 1960 -luvulla, muistaako joku nähneensä?
Katso liite: 3228

Ja vakavammin, näiden kuormajuhtien ja muun kokonaan tai osittain automatisoidun kaluston tarkoituksena on vähentää miestarvetta ja myös -tappioita. Kiinnostavia Viritelmiä ovat myös erilaiset taistelijan kuorma-apuvälineet eli ns. "exoskeletonit", mutta ei niistä enempää tässä langassa.
Jotain tämmöstä sieltä on tulossa. Lasertykinkin suunnittelivat aivan äskettäin.

Tiedustelulle taikka semiautonomiselle lentomiinalle sopiva. Jälkimmäinen vaatii oman softan.
Huhujen mukaan tämmöinen UAV suoritti enslilentonsa Kiinassa.





Tämähän on jälleen jokseenkin kopio Burt Rutanin Voyager lentimesta..ja idea oli taannoin myös opinnäytteenä USAssa...satcom ! Tosin hieman originaalimpi kuin useimmat...varmaan vaarallinen laite sotatantereella.
Vientiin tarkoitettu Predator XP.

WASHINGTON — The export version of General Atomics' Predator UAV, the "XP" model, conducted a 40-hour test flight, the company announced Thursday.

During the flight, Predator XP validated its long-endurance capability by flying at 10,000 feet for greater than 40 hours, the company said. The flight began Feb. 6 and ended Feb. 8, at the company's Castle Dome Flight Operations Facility at Yuma Proving Grounds, Arizona.

Derivative of the MQ-1, the XP is designed solely for intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance missions and cannot be fitted with weapons. The company previously listed the XP's endurance at 35 hours.

"This flight was a landmark event for Predator XP in that it truly demonstrated the long-endurance capability of our latest [remotely piloted aircraft]," said Frank Pace, president of the company's aircraft systems unit. "In addition, it was a new company record for our aircraft."

Tight export restrictions limit US manufactures sales of unmanned aerial vehicles overseas. However, the United Arab Emirates struck a deal to obtain the unarmed XP, as did India earlier this month, according to some reports. The company has not announced an India deal.
Aeronautics revamps Orbiter 2 – new B model is an all-digital system
Aeronautics is launching at Eurosatory a new variant of the electric-powered Orbiter 2 mini unmanned aerial system (UAS) family, designated Orbiter 2B. Externally, the new drone looks the same, but internally, its core systems - avionics, datalink and controls are all modernized, digitised, and more secured.

Aeronautics has completed the development of a new variant of its Orbiter 2 mini-UAS, implementing many lessons learned through extensive operational use of these drones, by more than 20 countries. In fact the B model is a new mini UAS packed into the airframe design of the Orbiter 2. Among the systems upgraded through this redesign are avionics, datalink, navigation and mission security. The drone can carry 1.5 kg (3.3 lbs) of payload, including the standard EO payloads used by the Orbiter 2 – among them the Controp STAMP series, including the dual-sensor M-STAMP, integrating day camera, IR camera and laser pointer. The introduction of digital datalink enables the use of additional payloads providing the Orbiter 2B a broader mission capability hitherto available only to larger Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) assets. The air vehicle has a proven operational record in extreme weather conditions, through snow, rain and wind gusts up to 40 knots.

The digital datalink implemented in the new 2B replaces the previous analog communications link, offering improved security, and coverage of wider bandwidth, enabling maintaining several orbits in a given area. Digital communications also implements inherent encryption and frequency agility for improved communications security and more flexibility in overcoming interference.

Another security feature is the ability to designate the operating airspace for the Orbiter 2B’s navigation system, triggering an alert on any deviation from its designated patrol area or operating altitude. If the situation continues, the drone enters the self-destruct mode, destroying the ‘brain’ and data from the avionics, payloads and memory, thus eliminating the enemy extracting information the wreck.

An important aspect of the new upgrade is improved non-GPS navigation. In fact, the Orbiter 2B can perform its mission without GPS and without datalink, what makes the system far more resilient in case of electronic jamming and GPS spoofing which are becoming common in the modern battlefield.

Unlike many mini-UAS that require stationary or dismounted elements for ground control, the Orbiter 2B can be controlled and monitored from moving vehicles, thus adapting well for providing overwatch on security and escort missions, as well as supporting precision strikes pursuing dynamic targets.

The new system are also compatible with industry standards, including STANAG 4586 (NATO) for UAS controls and H.246 for the video streaming delivered by the drone, which enable better integration with other systems operated by users or supported forces.

Luin jostain että nämä meille tulevat Orbiterit ovat tätä uutta 2B-mallia jossa on reilusti parannuksia digitalisoinnin myötä. Yksi syy myöhästymiselle oli se että suomi-poika halusi vempeleisiinsä nämä uudet ominaisuudet...eivätkä kuullosta huonoilta!

Suomen Sotilaan FC-sivulla on linkki ja kuva meikäläisiin väreihin maalatuista härveleistä:

Linkkasin tämän tänne jo kuukausia sittten, silti jotkut pitivät paskana koko hankintaa. :rolleyes:


Aeronautics Defense Systems' Orbiter 2B unmanned air system completed final acceptance testing in Finland in late January, when temperatures were as low as -25˚C (-13˚F).

Deputy chief executive Dany Eshchar says the tested equipment is part of a second batch of Orbiter 2 UAS being supplied to the Finnish armed forces. Tests included operational scenarios in the harsh weather conditions, he says, adding: "The systems performed flawlessly, in spite of the temperature, snow and winds."

The Finnish defence ministry selected the Orbiter 2B in 2012 for its operational needs for surveillance, target acquisition and reconnaissance. The contract includes 55 systems, with a total of 250 mini air vehicles. The €23 million ($26 million) deal includes four batches, the second of which is in the supply phase
Aika moinen määrä noita tuli... toki kulutus tavaraahan nuo ovat ja joukkoja on paljon.
@Talvela kukaan ei ole varmaankaan pitänyt paskana hankintana. Firma ja sen toimintatavat ovat saattaneet olla ongelma.

Oma veikkaukseni on että määrät (55 ja 250) johtuvat juuri näistä ongelmista. Eli jonkin sortin sopimussakkoja.

Photo: Lao National Unexploded Ordnance Programme
In much of the world, an American drone hovering overhead means danger: Predator drones and the like can unleash fury out of the deep blue sky. But drones can also help war-torn countries recover, argued Ryan Baker, CEO of the drone-making company Arch Aerial, at a SXSW Interactive talk yesterday. His company hopes to use its drones to identify locations that are likely to be riddled with unexploded bombs from past wars.
DARPA has awarded prime contracts for Phase 2 of Tern, a joint program between DARPA and the U.S. Navy's Office of Naval Research (ONR). The goal of Tern is to give forward-deployed small ships the ability to serve as mobile launch and recovery sites for medium-altitude, long-endurance unmanned aerial systems (UAS).

These systems could provide long-range intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) and other capabilities over greater distances and time periods than is possible with current assets, including manned and unmanned helicopters.

Further, a capacity to launch and retrieve aircraft on small ships would reduce the need for ground-based airstrips, which require significant dedicated infrastructure and resources. The two prime contractors selected by DARPA are AeroVironment, Inc., and Northrop Grumman Corp.

"To offer the equivalent of land-based UAS capabilities from small-deck ships, our Phase 2 performers are each designing a new unmanned air system intended to enable two previously unavailable capabilities: one, the ability for a UAS to take off and land from very confined spaces in elevated sea states and two, the ability for such a UAS to transition to efficient long-duration cruise missions," said Dan Patt, DARPA program manager.

"Tern's goal is to develop breakthrough technologies that the Navy could realistically integrate into the future fleet and make it much easier, quicker and less expensive for the Defense Department to deploy persistent ISR and strike capabilities almost anywhere in the world."

The first two phases of the Tern program focus on preliminary design and risk reduction. In Phase 3, one performer will be selected to build a full-scale demonstrator Tern system for initial ground-based testing. That testing would lead to a full-scale, at-sea demonstration of a prototype UAS on an at-sea platform with deck size similar to that of a destroyer or other surface combat vessel.