Voi olla merkittävää tai sitten ei, mutta Baerbock juttelee, että G20- kokouksissa ilmapirii on muuttunu radikaalisti. Vielä 2022 moni syytti NATOa sodasta, mutta nyt sitten ei kukaan syytä NATOa
And I think this is important that we have to realize, things have really changed. Two years ago, when we were meeting as foreign ministers at G20, just a couple of weeks after this horrible war from Russia has started, I mean, there were many other countries from Africa, from Asia, blaming us, NATO, to have started this war, because they were following the false propaganda from Putin. This has changed dramatically. No one, none of the other nine teams at the table had supported Putin there. And this is why we have to be so crystal clear to also put pressure on others like China to take a stand.