Ukrainan konflikti/sota

Ukrainalainen OSINT-ryhmä vishun_military on julkaissut tuoreen artikkelin jossa on tarkasteltu ryssän varastotukikohtia.

Julkaisivat 11.4.2024 artikkelin jossa keskityttiin panssarivaunuja varastoiviin tukikohtiin ja niiden tuoreisiin satelliittikuviin. Sen artikkelin tekstin voi lukea tästä viestistä: LINKKI

Nyt he ovat tehneet saman tarkastelun mutta AFV-ajoneuvoja (käännös ukrainasta englanniksi tuottaa BBM) varastoivien tukikohtien osalta (BMP- BMD-, BTR- ja BRDM-2 sekä MT-LB vaunut).

Telegramissa julkaistun yhteenvedon käännös (lihavoinnit alkuperäisen lähteen): LÄHDE

⚡Military Fortune Teller

🗡The rate of deconservation of BBM is falling: what is happening at the Russian bases for storing armored vehicles? When will equipment supplies run out?

➡️Vishun military team prepared a study of the state and process of deconservation of the fleet of armored combat vehicles by the Russian army during the invasion. Our research is based on the analysis of satellite images of storage bases, as well as information from open sources, the Jompi analyst also participated in the research .

You can get acquainted with the full results of the study on the website ➡️

Summary. In the study, we compared snapshots of 6 major storage bases for 2024 and 2021. We divided the cars into two categories: relatively good and dismantled.

▶️what happened
As of 2021, the Russian Federation had 14,000 units of BBM in storage .

▶️Russia has already deconserved 40% of BBM. That is why endless columns are currently storming the positions in the east every day, which after such losses will sooner or later have to take a long operational pause.

▶️What now? According to Vishchun's conservative estimate , as of 2024, the Russian Federation has 3,617 BBMs in storage (at 5 analyzed bases), of which 23% are in dismantled condition . According to Jompy's liberal estimate, there are 3,821 (53%) of them, respectively , that is, the vast majority of equipment at these bases is not "liftable" and must undergo major repairs at the armored repair plants.

▶️25-50% of the remains of the technique are unsuitable for restoration (depending on how conservatively you perceive the analysis). The rate of de-conservation of equipment has dropped significantly over the past 6 months.

▶️How much BBM is produced per year? From 1,670 units - the enemy's ability to manufacture/repair per year. Repair is not manufacturing. Factory output statistics also include repaired units of equipment.

▶️When will BBM end? 12-24 months - the period in which the enemy will run out of BBMs. Depletion of "lifting" reserves is expected closer to 2026 if current average annual loss rates are maintained.

If you liked the results of the work and our cooperation, be sure to write about it in the comments so that we know the need.

⚡Military Fortune Teller

⚡🔰Military Vishun is an intelligence and analytical platform that collects and analyzes data about the armies of the world and Ukraine, including their military potential

@vishun_military_platform_bot - contact
12.8Kviewsedited Apr 24 at 19:32

Tässä varsinainen artikkeli (julkaistu 24.4.2024):

    • 1 годину тому

    • Read 6 min

The rate of deconservation of BBM is falling: what is happening at Russian storage bases​

After a large study of the tank potential of the Russian Federation, it is also worth looking at armored combat vehicles , the role of which has significantly increased in the tactics of the Russian offensive.

In this study, we will focus more on the processes that take place at the largest storage bases, because we do not have fresh satellite images of all the bases, where before the war there were as many as 14,000 units of BBM and special equipment based on BBM.

We analyzed the 2024 winter images and compared the number of cars with the 2021 count. This time we paid attention to the condition of the machines and divided them into two categories, because very interesting things are happening there.

The calculation of equipment was carried out by the analysts of " Military Fortune Teller " and Osinter Jompy , so we got two sources of information, which has the most positive impact on research.

The Fortune Teller's Count

We approached the calculation very conservatively. Machines with a whole body without visual signs of cannibalization were classified as " relatively good" , machines that have visually undergone or are undergoing the process of cannibalization (machines without turrets, with partially or completely disassembled mechanics) were classified as "disassembled into parts" . Empty bodies without tracks in disposal areas were not counted.

The calculation error is 5-7% plus or minus due to weather conditions, image quality and human factor.

Base2021 (High Marsed)01-02.2024 (relatively good)01-02.2024 (disassembled into spare parts)Total 2024The percentage of cannibalized BBM
22 (Buy)1220700307304,11%
1295 (Arsenyev)2751032312618,25%
111 (Halgaso)103269421290623,40%
769 (Vagzhanova)98913746460177,20%
6018 (Kamishlov)1194545606059,92%
2455 (Kozulka)1118596536498,17%

Jompy count

Jompy did a much more extensive calculation and analyzed the equipment not only by suitability (bad/good), but also identified the types of machines. To begin with, a summary table with the number of bad/good cars.

BaseWorking vehiclesBroken hullsTotalcannibalized %

And counting by types:

Jompy count

Jompy count

Jompy's count is more liberal with regard to unusable machinery. These are visually intact (not disassembled for parts) machines that are in terrible condition: they are located in remote areas of bases where there is no trace of activity, they are rusted, they have not moved for a decade, some have bushes and trees growing on them.

What the analysis showed

Despite small discrepancies in the numbers, the overall result of the count (the number of all machines at the bases) at the strategic level coincided with a small error.

As a result of the analysis, we saw two main events:
  • The pace of equipment deconservation over the past 6 months has dropped significantly;
  • 25-50% of the remains of the technique are unsuitable for restoration (depending on how conservatively you perceive the analysis).
In total, at these 6 bases, the number of de-conserved BBMs during the two years of the war amounted to almost 40%. And now in detail.

(jätän lainaamatta artikkelin osan jossa käsitellään yksityiskohtaisesti varastotukikohtia yksi toisensa jälkeen - sen voi käydä lukemassa artikkelista linkin takaa - lainaan sitä seuraavat osuudet kokonaisuudessaan tähän jatkoksi)

What's next?

Although the Russians have a large number of BMP-1 and BTR-70/60 in stock, the capacity of repair plants is limited, which is why they are trying to restore the equipment directly at the storage bases by cannibalization.

The Russians are in a hurry and trying to squeeze the most out of their offensive, so in 2023 they used quick decisions to supply equipment to the army "here and now", exchanging quality for speed and quantity. That is why now, every day in the east, the positions are being stormed by endless columns of lured Päpelatians, who, after such losses, will sooner or later have to take a long operational break.

If you look at the calculation not so conservatively, then the vast majority of the equipment at these bases is not "liftable" and must be overhauled at the armored repair plant. Theoretically, everything can be restored, practically it will stretch for a long period of time.

Assessment of the pace of repair and production of BBM

This topic has always been difficult, and the exact numbers can be named for sure only by intelligence. We only have pre-war production figures, information from open sources about the processes at enterprises, the increase in staff and the figures of the increase in production declared by the Russians: "2 times more than last year", "we produced the same amount in one month as in the previous year" quarter" etc.

We can extract some figures from open sources, understand how the number of employees has increased and how production can increase at the same time, comparing with pre-war production. The figures are indicative and cannot reflect a complete and accurate picture.

InstitutionModelEstimated annual amount
Arzamas Machine-Building PlantBTR-82A/BTR-82AM (production)480
Shcheglovsky ValBMP-2/BMD-2 (repair/modernization)120
KurganmashzavodBMP-3/BMP-2M (production and repair/modernization)360
Rubtsovsky Machine-Building PlantBMP-1AM (modernization)120
103 BTRZBMP-2/BRDM-2M (repair/modernization)70
163 BTRZBMP-1/BMP-2 (repair)200
560 BTRZBMP-2/BMD-2 (repair)160
81 BTRZBTR-82AM (modernization of BTR-80)160 (?)
103 arsenalBMP-1/2?
71-72 BTRZ??
Together-from 1670 units

Some samples of equipment are not included, as the exact numbers are not known. We are talking about armored cars, MRAPs, BMD-4, BTR-D, etc. They are not so numerous, but they must be taken into account.

Repair is not manufacturing

And let's decipher a little some numbers that may seem overestimated to someone. Let's take BMP-3 and Kurganmashzavod as an example. Someone will say that the plant cannot ship as many as 360 cars a year, but they do not take into account that they include repaired units of equipment.

In September 2023, there were a hundred units of BMP-3 with different camouflage on the Kurganmashzavod site. That is, these are previously produced BMP-3 at different times for different military units. It is likely that these vehicles undergo repairs and receive an additional set of 688M-SB3KDZ armor, after which

“Kurganmashzavod has already shipped the second batch of BMP-3 infantry fighting vehicles to the Russian Ministry of Defense this year.”


This is also explained by the graph , on which you can see a significant increase in the losses of BMP-3 688M-SB3KDZ. The root of this growth is pictured above. To take a car from the army and add armor to it is not to be made from scratch.

BMP losses

I would also like to draw attention to the fact that the figures of the increase in production announced by the Russians should be treated with extreme skepticism, since these figures are primarily based on propaganda.

BMP-1 at site 560 BTRZ

BMP-1 at site 560 BTRZ

The propagandist of the "Military Acceptance" program pokes his finger at one of the BMPs and wonders how much time should be spent on restoring such a vehicle?

“Military acceptance” of the armored fighting vehicle

Further, the propagandist's off-screen voice explains that if it used to take months to restore such a car, now cars in this condition are restored in a matter of days. Shall we do a little fact check?

Here is this very site in June 2022:

560 BRTZ - June 2022

June 2022

And here is the same site on March 29, 2024:

560 BTRZ - March 29, 2024

March 29, 2024

Were all cars repaired in "a matter of days"? Is it a piece of junk that hasn't even been touched? The situation is the same at another site. Only a small number of tanks were repaired.

storage base


In general, work is carried out primarily on cars in better condition from storage bases. Also, the factories are charged with equipment that was damaged at the front, which then goes to the general column of "manufactured machines".


As with tanks, the Russians still have enough material to restore BBM.

Depletion of "lifting" reserves is expected closer to 2026 if current average annual loss rates are maintained.


Varastotukikohtia seuraava ja satelliittikuvista ajoneuvoja laskeva Jompy avusti vishun_military ryhmää yllä lainatun artikkelin teossa.

Hän kommentoi sitä näin:

Awesome article written by @Vishun_military!

If you want to check BMP cannibalization rates in the main Russian storage bases this is the best source right now.

It's been a pleasure working with them.


I'll publish my own analysis ASAP, although I might not have time until tomorrow.


Muistutan myös että Jompy kommentoi tätä laskelmaa twitterissä 21.4.2024, lainasin hänen kommenttinsa tässä viestissä: LINKKI

Sanoisin että hänen kommenttinsa tiivistyvät pitkälti näihin lauseisiin:

I just finished counting @Vishun_military 's footage of all major storage bases they bought to help them with AFVs. Without revealing anything, Russian storage situation is a lot more dire than I thought. Many bases are close to depletion and other still hold hundreds of armored vehicles, but they have been thoroughly cannibalized.

I always feared I was a bit optimistic with my 1,5-2 years until depletion of Russian stored equipment estimate, but now I think I'm being a bit conservative.


Footage is either from January, February or March 2024.


Kysymys: If you can say, what is your revised estimate of how much longer they have? Thanks for all the work you do!

Johon Jompy vastasi näin: 1-1,5 years, without accounting for external factors such as buying foreign equipment from friendly countries or managing to increase domestic production, and also considering Russia staying kinda close to their current attrition rate.
Viimeksi muokattu:
Sitä en tajua miten yli 60 miljardista "häviää" rahaa noin paljon, Kaikkea kehitystä ja tuotannon kasvatusta kyllä, mutta suurin osahan tuosta paketista on ihan oikeasti yritystukea US:n asetehtaille. Vaikutus näkyy ehkä joskus ensi vuonna, mutta siihenkin sitten silloin pitää löytyä taas rahaa niiden tuotteiden ostamiseen, uudella paketilla. Toki osa tuosta on myös suoraa rahallista tukea Ukrainalle, joka tulee varmasti tarpeeseen.

Terve, tuota boldattua kohtaa on vaikea ottaa heti totena ilman lisäselvitystä, eikö "tuki" USA:n omalle aseteollisuudelle ole kuitenkin vastikkeellista, eli tilataan vaikkapa x määrä ohjuksia ukrien suuntaan laitettavaksi, eikä esim. tuotekehitys- tai investointitukea, jolla ei vielä tarvisi tuottaa mitään konkreettista Ukrainaan saakka joko suoraan tai sitten niin että U.S. "warehousesta" (tämän sodan keskeisin termi ja asia) annetaan ukreille käsiin vanhentuvaa ammusta ja otetaan U.S. varastoon uudenkarhea tilalle?

Mitään tietoa asiasta minulla ei ole mutta voitaisiinhan mekin sitten tällä logiikalla ilmoittaa "Ukrainan tueksi" kaikki puolustusteolliset ponnistelut, vaikkapa Suomessa tapahtuva 6x6 investoinnit ja tuotanto?
Juoruja Shoigun läheisen pidätykseen liittyen:

So many stories floating around surrounding this high level arrest but this one is interesting, according to Istories

“Two unrelated sources of IStories close to the FSB said that the real reason for the arrest of Deputy Defense Minister Timur Ivanov is state treason.”

There were rumors yesterday that FSB counterintelligence were involved. This high level arrest is a big deal as Ivanov is very close to Shoigu. I’m sure more info will come out soon enough

““Shoigu personally called Yuriev [head of the Military Counterintelligence Directorate of FSB — DVKR FSB] and profanely berated him for the FSB going after his close one,” the investigator of the Investigative Committee said.”


Kenties totta, kenties ei.

Ehkä hän vain varasti enemmän kuin oli sallittua hänen asemassa olevalle? Tai ehkä astui väärän miehen varpaille?
Juoruja Shoigun läheisen pidätykseen liittyen:

So many stories floating around surrounding this high level arrest but this one is interesting, according to Istories

“Two unrelated sources of IStories close to the FSB said that the real reason for the arrest of Deputy Defense Minister Timur Ivanov is state treason.”

There were rumors yesterday that FSB counterintelligence were involved. This high level arrest is a big deal as Ivanov is very close to Shoigu. I’m sure more info will come out soon enough

““Shoigu personally called Yuriev [head of the Military Counterintelligence Directorate of FSB — DVKR FSB] and profanely berated him for the FSB going after his close one,” the investigator of the Investigative Committee said.”


Kenties totta, kenties ei.

Ehkä hän vain varasti enemmän kuin oli sallittua hänen asemassa olevalle? Tai ehkä astui väärän miehen varpaille?

Erikoinen detalji. Ukko otti paperilla eron eukostaan siksi, että muija jäisi eron myötä lännen pakotteiden ulkopuolelle ja pystyisi jatkamaan leveää elämää lännessä.

The Anti-Corruption Foundation turned to the Italian Guardia di Finanza with a request to arrest the assets of Ivanov and members of his family. Svetlana Maniovich did not fall under EU sanctions, as she formally divorced, but continued to spend in Europe the money that her husband earned in the war in Ukraine.

According to the investigation of the Navalny team, Ivanov and his wife Svetlana spent over a million euros on holidays, renting villas and yachts, as well as the purchase of jewelry and clothes.
Biden allekirjoitti! Ukraina saa 61 miljardia USD!

Bidenin mukaan Yhdysvallat alkaa toimittaa sotilaallista apua Kiovalle "tulevina tunteina". Hän totesi, että Ukrainaan aletaan lähettää ampumatarvikkeita ilmapuolustusjärjestelmiin, tykistölaitteita ja ohjusjärjestelmiä.
Pentagonin julkaiseman luettelon mukaan uusi apupaketti Ukrainalle sisältää ilmapuolustusohjuksia, kannettavia Stinger-ilmapuolustusjärjestelmiä, Javelin-panssarintorjuntajärjestelmiä, lisäammuksia useisiin HIMARS-raketinheittimiin, 155 mm:n tykistökuoret sekä Bradley, kuten jalkaväen taisteluajoneuvot ja muut varusteet.

Viimeksi muokattu:
JR2 kirjoittaa kuulemistaan / lukemistaan juoruista koskien Shoigun läheisen miehen pidätystä:

Source: Russian

The arrest of T. Ivanov and Shoigu's plans

- Shoigu was deeply involved in the creation of the new Ministry of Defense Industry and wanted to head it himself
- but he underestimated the power of Putin's "friend" Sergei Chemezov, who heads Rostec
- Shoigu would like to take up a less risky but "profitable" position not directly related to the war
- Shoigu's entire team was to go there
- Ivanov's arrest is a signal to Shoigu that a jump into the area reserved for Chemezov is impossible
- Shoigu's current position has become a burden for him

Oliko muuten Paskahousu-Scholtz asettanut Taurus -toimituksille mitään ennakkoehtoa tyyliin "Saksa ei anna pitkän kantaman ohjuksia, jos ei USA toimita niitä ensin." ? Nyt jos ATACMS lähtee Ukrainaan ja jos Saksalla tällaisia pidäkkeitä oli, niin poistuu taas yksi tekosyy liittokanslerilta olla toimittamatta Ukrainalle parasta mahdollista aseistusta. Muistaakseni sama homma oli Leopard kakkosten suhteen. Muiden piti ensin antaa taistelupanssareita, että Saksakin sitten uskalsi niitä antaa.
Oliko muuten Paskahousu-Scholtz asettanut Taurus -toimituksille mitään ennakkoehtoa tyyliin "Saksa ei anna pitkän kantaman ohjuksia, jos ei USA toimita niitä ensin." ? Nyt jos ATACMS lähtee Ukrainaan ja jos Saksalla tällaisia pidäkkeitä oli, niin poistuu taas yksi tekosyy liittokanslerilta olla toimittamatta Ukrainalle parasta mahdollista aseistusta. Muistaakseni sama homma oli Leopard kakkosten suhteen. Muiden piti ensin antaa taistelupanssareita, että Saksakin sitten uskalsi niitä antaa.

Kas kummaa, ei ne Taurukset vieläkään mihinkään liikahda...
JR2 kirjoittaa kuulemistaan / lukemistaan juoruista koskien Shoigun läheisen miehen pidätystä:

Source: Russian

The arrest of T. Ivanov and Shoigu's plans

- Shoigu was deeply involved in the creation of the new Ministry of Defense Industry and wanted to head it himself
- but he underestimated the power of Putin's "friend" Sergei Chemezov, who heads Rostec
- Shoigu would like to take up a less risky but "profitable" position not directly related to the war
- Shoigu's entire team was to go there
- Ivanov's arrest is a signal to Shoigu that a jump into the area reserved for Chemezov is impossible
- Shoigu's current position has become a burden for him

Samaa mitä itsekkin jo tarinoin, eli ihan normaali ryssän tulos-tai-ulos juttu. Tähän asti on keskitytty alemman portaan pomoihin hiilivetybisneksissä ja aseteollisuudessa. Hiilivetybisnekset lakkasi tuottamasta joten kelvottomat ei toimittanut rahaa -> ikkuna kutsui. Tilalle uudet henkilöt ja bisnes siirtyi varjolaivastolle. Länsibisnekset tunteva pomo ei tuollaiseen pysty joten olivat turhaa painolastia. Sama aseteollisuudessa, normikaupan pomot ulos ja tilalle sellaiset jotka osaa hoitaa osat tiskinalta tuotantoon. Keskuspankin elviirakin sai jo varoituksen taannoin kun ei se ruplan kurssi noussut. Kummasti tuon jälkeen se rupla on ollut lähempänä 90 kuin 100.

Se että nyt siirrytään jo tasolle paripykälää lilliputtelista kertoo siitä että jokin on nyt menossa vinoon oikein kunnolla. Tosin ryssän armeijan suoritusta ja Krimin logistiikkaa katsoessa keksii kyllä että aletaan kaivata sitä syyllistä. Tälläinen tilannehan on varmasti maanpetos kun ei saada tuloksia aikaan. Kenraalitason ruletti on pyörinyt jo pitkään mutta kun se ei tuota tulosta niin edetään ruokaketjussa ylöspäin.

Ei lilliputelia kiinnosta kuin tulokset. Nyt ei armeija suorita ja taas tulee voitonpäivä ilman voittoa. Hallinto tietää tasan tarkkaan että pian pitää siirtyä ohjattuun talouteen kun rupla liiraa kunnolla. Valuuttavarannot palaa kohti loppuaan ja sodalle ei näy loppua. Kaikki muut järjesti tilanteen sovitusti eli EU/USA apu hlatattiin jotta armeija saa kairata sen voiton. No ei tullut. Tästä tempusta tulee löytymään ne maanpetturit kyllä. Varoituslaukaus on nyt annettu. Katotaan miten pitkään soikkuli tällä saa ostettua lisää elinaikaa.
Taas on keskiviikko joten Stanimir Dobrev jakaa Rosstatin numerot viime viikon bensiinin ja dieselin jalostusmääristä:

Russian gasoline production the week of 15th-7th of April declined considerably to 781 700 tons and diesel production stayed low at 1602 300 tons.

(hän kirjoitti tämän ketjun viimeisenä viestinä eli korjaa päivämäärien virheen: It's supposed to be data for the week 15th-21st of April. It's starting to show I have a major project at work on my hands for the last few weeks.)

In 2023 during the week of 17th-23rd of April gasoline production was 808 000 tons and diesel production was 1 677 600 tons.



Gasoline prices for Ai-92 rose slightly from 50,79 rubles to 50,82 rubles per liter. For Ai-95 also rose slightly from 55,56 rubles to 55,62 rubles and for Ai-98 prices rose from 69,06 rubles to 69,15 rubles.

Gasoline production again contracted to levels below weekly demand and we are still outside of the maintenance period.

Link to the prior week:


Päivitin myös omat pidemmän aikavälin kuvaajani jotka perustuvat samaan Rosstatin dataan:




Nämä perustuvat Stanimir Dobrevin aikaisemmin jakamaan dataan.

Kuvaajissa punaisella merkityt aikavälit ovat hänen arvionsa siitä, milloin ryssän teollisuus teki vuosihuollot.

Vihreällä merkitty aika puolestaan kuvaa sitä osaa, jolloin Ukrainan droneiskujen vaikutusten voisi kuvitella alkavan näkyä ryssän jalostettujen öljytuotteiden tuotannossa. Käytän alkupäivänä 22.1.2024 tehtyä iskua eli tästä syystä viikko 4/2024 on ensimmäinen vihreäksi värjätty.


Kuten nähdään, viikolla 15/2024 bensiinin jalostusmäärä hyppäsi selvästi aikaisempia viikkoja suuremmaksi mutta palasi niistä numeroista takaisin "kuin kivi". Mistä lie johtuikaan tuo yksittäinen piikki, se ei kantanut yhtä viikkoa pidempään. Liekö ovat laskeneet Kazakstanilta ostetut bensiinin osaksi omaa viikkotuotantoa vai olisiko jokin toinen taikatemppu tuon taustalla?

Dieselin viikkotuotanto on pysynyt ennallaan, tosin on lievessä ja loivassa nousussa. Ollaan silti tukevasti "noin 1600 tuhatta tonnia per viikko" tasolla, kuten on oltu viimeiset kolme viikkoa.

Kuten Dobrev kirjoittaa, oletettavasti öljyteollisuuden normaalit vuosihuollot ovat vasta edessä päin vuoden 2024 osalta, joten voinee odottaa lisää vaikeuksia. Dobrev arvioi että vuonna 2023 ensimmäinen vuosihuoltojen jakso tapahtui aikavälillä 18/2023 - 22/2023 ja kesti viiden viikon ajan. JOS heillä olisi sama suunnitelma vuoden 2024 osalta niin nyt eletään viikkoa 16, joten vuosihuoltojakson alkuun olisi noin 2,5 viikkoa.
Viimeksi muokattu:
Vihjausta että Ukraina voisi saada jopa 8 Patriot patteria lisää.

Näillä saadaan alueellista kattavuutta parannettua huomattavasti. Ballistia torjuvien puikkojen määrä lienee kortilla, mutta örkkisuristimet tipahtanee vähän vanhemmillakin ohjuksilla. Tästä määrästä saattaa irrota kaksikin kiertävää Patriottia.
