Ukrainan konflikti/sota

Viimeksi muokattu:
Molemmat oli, ja eri värkki nuissa lentää. Tai toinen ainakin tulee lujempaa. Ballistisen ohjuksen videoissa näkyy pyrstötähti ennemmin kuin pallo, niin lujaa se tulee..
Joo ilman muuta eri värkit, ei osu kulmakaan mitenkään yhteen
Isompaa ja pienempää ryhmää menee kerralla. Täytyy kyllä ihmetellä millainen doktriini noilla ryssien komentajilla on noiden golfkärryjen käyttöön ja ei noilla sotilaillakaan kyllä mitään itsesuojeluvaistoa ole. Riittääköhän se miljoona kaatunutta + haavoittunutta Putinin puolesta tuolle kansalle :unsure:
Ne vetää sitä Isis-piriä. Tekee täysin pelottomaksi ja voittamattomaksi.
Tässä ukrainalais(kanadalaisen?) veteraanin ajatuksia. Ehdottaa, että Ukraina ottaisi haltuun strategisesti rintamalinjaa 220 kilometrillä lyhentävän alueen Venäjän sisäpuolelta. Alueelle jäisi myös Belgorod.
The only way to save both Kharkiv and Sumy from total destruction by the enemy would be timely advance actions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine deep into the territory of the Russian Federation. Not isolated attacks of the RDK, which at one time met with rather weak resistance there, but a real powerful blow. This is the only place where we were not expected, and it was the only place where our counteroffensive would really bring the results we wanted.
1.instead of a length of 470 km, the front line is reduced by almost half - to 250 km.
2. the distance to the northern outskirts of Kharkiv and Sumy increases from 20 to 80 km, and from 25 to 75 km, respectively, which makes them completely unattainable not only for any barrel artillery, grads, etc., but also for guided aerial bombs (the working distance of which is 80 km, but it is unlikely that the enemy would be able to launch them directly from the line of contact).
3. The War will finally be transferred to enemy territory - their villages will burn, their homes will serve as strongholds, their infrastructure will collapse, their cars and equipment will be requisitioned for the needs of our army.
4. Ukraine would have annexed 13.5 thousand km2 of territory (which would have leveled all our territorial losses during 2023-24), and from two regions, including one regional city - Belgorod, and historically inhabited by Ukrainians, where surzhik still sounds in the villages, which would have allowed us to quickly hold a sooooo fair and sooooo Transparent Referendum there (in half a day), and according to its predicted result, the next day officially annex the territories of both to Ukraine the above-mentioned regions in their entirety (the total area of which is about 57 thousand km2).
Muscovites should be beaten at their stupid "bashka" with their own methods - they do not understand the rest. This would be a very powerful trump card in any case in the future.
We all remember very well how literally a handful of RDCs, without artillery, aviation, heavy armored vehicles, on kurazh, at one time captured 14 villages (and whole ones) along our border. While the same 14 villages (but already completely destroyed) in the South "cost" us the entire counteroffensive campaign of 2023, when dozens of brigades were involved, hundreds of thousands of shells were spent, hundreds of armored vehicles were lost, and so on, not to mention the wounded and dead. A strike of the same power, but timely directed to the North, would lead us at least to the borders drawn in the drawing (of course, in fact, they would run according to natural factors - rivers, ravines, hills, etc.), and possibly to the administrative borders of the Kursk, Belgorod and Bryansk regions.
The Muscovites, as we can see, have no problems with this. They always choose to fight on foreign territory. And that is why we historically lost very often - because we forgot Svyatoslav's will - "I'm coming to you!", not " I'm sitting at home waiting for you!»Any war is always primarily an art of taking advantage of opportunities. We don't understand this. In principle, just like in the army of Muscovites - their shortsightedness is sometimes simply amazing. And thank God. After all, the front could really now pass somewhere along the Dnieper.It seems that all this is clear, as if by God, to anyone who leans on the map. But there is one but... :(

"Venäjä voi hävitä sodan Ukrainassa, ja Snyderin mukaan näin pitäisi tapahtua myös venäläisten itsensä vuoksi.

Venäjän häviö ei merkitsisi vain järjettömän tappamisen loppumista Ukrainassa.

Venäjän tappio Ukrainassa olisi venäläisille historiallinen mahdollisuus normaaliin elämään, kuten demokratiaa ja oikeusvaltiota haluavat venäläiset itse sanovat, Snyder kirjoittaa.

Ukrainalaiset ovat Snyderin mukaan oikeassa ajatellessaan, että Venäjä on kuten natsi-Saksa vuonna 1945. Se on fasistinen ja imperialistinen hallinto, joka on voitettava ja voitettavissa.

Fasismi kukistettiin viimeksi, koska liittoutuneet pysyivät lujana ja käyttivät hyväkseen taloudellista ylivoimaansa. Sama pätee nyt, Snyder arvioi."