Ukrainan konflikti/sota

Aiemmin taisi olla jokin lyhyt twiitti, että Norja lisää tukeaan Ukrainalle.

Tässä on vähän tarkemmin. Tanskan mallista on puhuttu mekanismina, jossa eri maat pystyvät kanavoimaan apuaan siten, että Ukraina voi investoida omaan asetuotantoonsa sekä tuottamaan suuria sarjoja juuri eniten tarvittavia tuotteita matalammilla kustannuksilla. Viime vuonna siihen kertyi yhteensä muistaakseni noin miljardi euroa. No, nyt Norja yksin tukee sitä noin 3.5 miljardilla kruunulla ja kun siihen laitetaan päälle ne kaikki muut niin ollaan todennäköisesti kuluvalle vuodelle 2 miljardin euron paremmalla puolella. Lisäksi Norja osallistuu pienemmällä summalla droonien hankintaan Ukrainalle, noin 51 miljoonaa euroa.

Suhdeluku voi helposti olla, että euro Ukrainan tuotannossa on noin 2 euroa Euroopan tuotannossa ja 2-3 euroa USAn tuotannossa, joten investoinnin tehokkuus maksimoituu tällä mekanismilla. Toki siinä tulee rajoitteita vastaan kapasiteetin suhteen jossain vaiheessa, mutta järkevin tapa tehdä ylöspäin skaalausta jokatapauksessa.

Britannia astuu nyt ainakin näyttämölle pelkästään tuolla 5000:lla ilmatorjuntaohjuksella.

Viimeksi muokattu:
Venäläisten anti-drone verkko suojaa ajoneuvoja
Vaikea kuvitella että tuo olisi kovin tehokas. Reikä verkossa ja dronet ovat sen alla tai kranaatit tulevat kuitenkin verkon läpi alla uiviin maaleihin. Tuohan on kuin valaistu maantie, tärkeä ja paljon liikennettä että ei kun sinne alle vain.

Matalahelmainen riittävän korkea verkko ajoneuvon päällä antaa kai jotain suojaa ensimmäistä dronea vastaan mutta varmaan huonosti pudotettavia jytkyjä vastaan.
Mietin vain huomaako/erottaako drone lennättäjä ilmassa roikkuvan suuri silmäisen kalaverkon?
Drone kyllä sotkeutu ja putoaa jos verkkoon törmää.
Noista videoista ei saa tietoo kuinka terävä kuva on lennättäjällä.
Riippuu kamerasta. Toisaalta linnut eivät erota tuota varmasti ja sotkevat verkon tietyn ajan kuluessa.
Tanskan mallista on puhuttu mekanismina, jossa eri maat pystyvät kanavoimaan apuaan siten, että Ukraina voi investoida omaan asetuotantoonsa sekä tuottamaan suuria sarjoja juuri eniten tarvittavia tuotteita matalammilla kustannuksilla. Viime vuonna siihen kertyi yhteensä muistaakseni noin miljardi euroa. No, nyt Norja yksin tukee sitä noin 3.5 miljardilla kruunulla ja kun siihen laitetaan päälle ne kaikki muut niin ollaan todennäköisesti kuluvalle vuodelle 2 miljardin euron paremmalla puolella. Lisäksi Norja osallistuu pienemmällä summalla droonien hankintaan Ukrainalle, noin 51 miljoonaa euroa.
Taitaa kannustaa Eurooppaa pitämään Ukraina itsenäisenä tehokkaammin, kuin mikään mineraalidiili pystyisi. Myös se vaihtoehto on varteenotettava, että Ukrainaa ei valloiteta sotilaallisesti, vaan USAn vetäytyessä ja Euroopan epäonnistuessa ja Ukrainan väsyessä valta vaihtuu, ja silloin tehtaat takovat uudelle isännälle.
Tässäpä hyvä esimerkki niille, jotka luulevat että täällä meillä metsät antavat hyvän suojan drooneja vastaan, kissan viikset.

Ryssät luulevat saavansa näillä haulikkopartioilla jotain merkittävää aikaan droonien torjunnassa. Mitä luulette, ketkä ovat prioriteettimaaleja esimerkiksi kranaateille jotka pudotetaan paljon haulikon kantaman yläpuolelta.

Kyllä itsekkin luulen nuista olevan ihan merkittävää hyötyä paikoin. Tuota varten haulikot ovat olemassa. Se yksi suomalainen vapaaehtoinen sanoi myös että haulikoita tarvitaan lisää. Se on tällä hetkellä ainut keino torjua drooneja. Haulikko saisi olla joka ukolla toisena aseena. Varsinkin jos paikalla joutuu pojottaan. Siinä vaiheessa näitä ei tarvi kun kehittävät jotain automaattisia turretteja jotka suojaavat ilmatilan 50m joka suuntaan.
Juuri näiden asioiden valossa onkin erikoista, että Ukrainaan pusketaan tulitaukoa (ei välttämättä edes kestävää rauhaa) melkein hinnalla millä hyvänsä ja valtavalla kiireellä ja etenkin tilanteessa, että ukrainalaisten mielestä tilanne ei ole heille mitenkään huono.

Se kertoo aika paljon se.

Tätähän se on ollut koko ajan. Jos ryssällä menee huonosti niin Ukrainaa himmataan ja jos ryssä meinaa liikaa edetä niin jotain extraa Ukrainalle. Rypäleitä, atacmsia pikku satsi ym. Amerikan linja ollut tämä koko ajan ja muut komppaa.
RFU:ssa Pokrovskin taisteluista, Ukraina sai Kotlynen kylän rauniot suunnilleen haltuunsa. Ryssät jumissa teollisuuslaitoksessa. Muistuttaa vähän tilannetta Vovchanskissa viime kesänä.

ryssäjalostamo jälleen

jalostamolle on oma wikisivu, jossa kehutaan

Bashneft – Ufimsky refinery plant is one of the most up-to-date oil refineries in Russia which can produce a wide range of petroleum products​

sijainti karttahaun mukaan syvällä ryssälässä

Viimeksi muokattu:
Taistelumehiläiset on otettu käyttöön.
❗ Etusivun uutinen!!! Ukrainalaiset ovat alkaneet mobilisoida mehiläisiä Ukrainan asevoimiin

225. erillisen rynnäkkörykmentin jalkaväkiryhmä, jota johti hetmanni Ivan Volodymyrovytš, kutsumanimeltään “Shlyakh”, suoritti rakennuksen puhdistuksen Pokrovskin suunnalla, kun he törmäsivät kellariin, jossa oli miehittäjiä. Sotilaat käyttivät kaikki kranaattinsa, mutta vihollinen jatkoi vastarintaa.

Jonkin ajan kuluttua kellariin, jossa venäläiset piileskelivät, pudotettiin kaksi ukrainalaisten taistelumehiläisten pesää. Miehittäjät eliminoitiin.

Ehkä tämä ei täytä Naton standardeja. Ehkä nämä sotilaat voisivat olla puvuissa ja pitää kokouksia lämpimissä toimistoissa jossain.

Mutta nyt on vuosi 2025, ja Venäjä yrittää yhä tuhota meidät, säästämättä kansalaistensa henkiä tai resurssejaan – eikä sillä todellakaan ole aikomustakaan pysähtyä.
Päivän luvut:
Tässä päivitetty lista #38 ryssän jalostamoista. Lisätty isku Ufan jalostamoon. Yhdistin kaikki kolme Ufan jalostamoa samaan, koska täältä vaikeaa sanoa mihin poksuu uutisten ollessa hieman epätarkkoja. Tämä jalostamoklusteri kokonaisuus on kuitenkin ryssän suurin joten täällä tullaan nyt vierailemaan usein kun tiedetään, että rankaiseva käsi ulottuu tänne asti. Linkki listaan #37.

Ufa Refineries (Bashneft)23,5 Mt (1,331 km)1.11.2024, 3.3.2025
Omsk Refinery (Rosneft)21 Mt (380,000 bpd) (2,443 km)
Ryazan Refinery (Rosneft)17,1 Mt (342,000 bpd) (467 km)13.3.2024, 1.5.2024, !!24-26.1.2025!!, 24.2.2025
Nizhny Novgorod Kstovo (Lukoil)17 Mt (340,000 bpd) (780 km)12.3.2024, !!29.1.2025!!
Slavneft-Yanos, Yaroslav (Rosneft)15,7 Mt (704 km)
Volgograd (Lukoil)14,5 Mt (287,000 bpd) (450 km)3.2.2024, 12.5.2024, 21.6.2024, 15.1.2025, 31.1.2025, 3.2.2025
Perm (Lukoil)13,1 Mt (259,500 bpd) (1,482 km)
Purovsky plant (Novatek)13 Mt (~3,700 km Harkovasta)
Moscow Refinery, (Gazprom Neft/Central Fuel Company)10,5 Mt (213,000 bpd) (450 km)13.2.2024
Angarsk Petrochemical Company (Rosneft)10,2 Mt (194,000 bpd) (4,453 km)
Gazprom Neft Salavat10 Mt (1,297 km)9.5.2024, 26.11.2024
Kirish Oil Refinery (Surgutneftegas)10 Mt (346,000 bbd), (1,300 km Harkovasta)
Tuapse Refinery (Rosneft)9,0 Mt (240,000 bpd) (425 km)24.1.2024, 17.5.2024, 22.7.2024, 26.2.2025
Antipinsky Refinery, Tyumen9,0 Mt (1,979 km)
Taneco Refinery (Tatneft) Nizhnekamsk, Tatarstan8,7 Mt (150,000 bbl/d) (1,122 km)2.4.2024, 11.1.2025
Syzran (Rosneft), Samara8,5 Mt (170,000 bbl/d) (811 km)16.3.2024, 19.2.2025
Komsomolsk Refinery (Rosneft)8,3 Mt (143,000 bpd) (6,523 km)
Taif Refinery, Nizhnekamsk8,3 Mt 143,000 bbl/d (1,122 km)
Achinsk Refinery (Rosneft)7,5 Mt (129,000 bpd) (3,499 km)
Saratov Refinery (Rosneft)7 Mt (120,500 bbl/d) (597 km)8.11.2024, 14.1.2025, 11.2.2025
Laukaansuun LNG terminaali (Novatek)7 Mt22.1.2024, 4.1.2025
Novokuibyshevsk Refinery (Rosneft)6,7 Mt (136,000 bbd)16.3.2024 ja 23.3.2024
Orsk Refinery (SAFMAR)6,6 Mt (114,000 bbd) (1,457 km)
Ilsky Refinery (KNGK Group)6,6 Mt (132,000 bpd) (333 km)9.2.2024, 27.4.2024, 21.6.2024, 17.2.2025
Afipsky Refinery (NefteGazIndustriya), Krasnodar Krai6,25 MT (120,000 bpd), (~300 km)31.5.2023, 9.2.2024, 2.5.2024, 20.6.2024, 10.2.2025
Novoshakhtinsk Oil Refinery5 Mt (172,000 bpd) (158 km)13.3.2024, 6.6.2024, !!19.12.2024!!
Khabarovsk Refinery
(АО "ННК-Хабаровский НПЗ"::Главная)
5 Mt 86,000 bbl/d (13,700 m3/d) (6,591 km)
Tobolsk Petrochemical Refinery (Sibur)138,000 bbl/d (21,900 m3/d) (~2,800 km Harkovasta)
Kuibyshev Refinery (Rosneft), Samara4,5 Mt (120,500 bpd)16.3.2024 ja 23.3.2024
Antipinsky Refinery (JSC Antipinsky Refinery)114,000 bbl/d (18,100 m3/d) (~2,600 km Harkovasta)
Mariysky Refinery, Mari El (Newstream)4,5 Mt (90,000 bpd), (1,100 km)
Ukhta (Lukoil)4,2 Mt (71,500 bpd) (1,671 km)
Surgut4 Mt (2,508 km)
Slavyansk Oil Refinery, Slovyansk-on-Kuban,
Krasnodar Krai (Slavyansk ECO)
4 Mt (282 km)17.3.2024, 27.4.2024, 19.5.2024
Yaya Refinery (NefteKhimService)57,000 bbl/d (9,100 m3/d) (3,254 km)
Astrakham GPP (Gazprom Neft)3,3 Mt (66,000 bbp) Mt (783 km)3.2.2025
Nizhvevartovsk NGO (Gazprom)1,58 Mt 25,100 bpd (2,674 km)
Mari, Tabashino1,44 Mt (993 km)
Angier NZ, Angero Sugensk1,2 Mt (3,230 km)
Perviy Zavod Refinary, Polotnyanyy, Kaluga~1 Mt (24,000 bpd)30.8.2023 (2 dronea), 15.3.2024, 10.5.2024
Usinsky1 Mt (2,013 km)


31.5.2023Afipsky, Krasnodar Krai4.1.2025Laukaansuun LNG terminaali Novatek2. isku
30.8.2023Periy Zavod, Polotnyanyy, Kaluga11.1.2025Taneco Refinery Tatneft, Nizhnekamsk2. isku
22.1.2024Laukaansuun LNG terminaali14.1.2025Saratov Rosneft2. isku
24.1.2024Tuapse15.1.2025Lukoil Volgograd4. isku
3.2.2024Volgograd24-26.1.2025Ryazan Rosneft3. isku
9.2.2024Afipsky2. isku29.1.2025Nizhny Novgorod Lukoil2. isku
9.2.2024Ilsky31.1.2025Lukoil Volgograd5. isku
13.2.2024Moskova3.2.2025Lukoil Volgograd6. isku
12.3.2024Nizhny Novgorod3.2.2025Astrakham GPP Gazprom Neft
13.3.2024Novoshakhtinsk10.2.2025Afipsky5. isku
13.3.2024Ryazan11.2.2025Saratov Rosneft3. isku
15.3.2024Periy Zavod, Polotnyanyy2. isku17.2.2025Ilsky4. isku
16.3.2024Kuibyshev19.2.2025Syzran Rosneft2. isku
16.3.2024Syzran24.2.2025Ryazan Rosneft4. isku
16.3.2024Novobuibyshevsk26.2.2025Tuapse Rosneft4. isku
17.3.2024Slavyansk, Slovyansk-on-Kuban, Krasnodar Krai3.3.2025Ufa Bashneft2. isku
23.3.2024Kuibyshev2. isku
23.3.2024Novokuibyshevsk2. isku
2.4.2024Taneco Refinery, Nizhnekamsk
27.4.2024Slavyansk-EKO refinery2. isku
27.4.2024Ilsky2. isku
1.5.2024Ryazan Refinery2. isku
2.5.2024Afipsky3. isku
9.5.2024Gazprom Neft Salavat
10.5.2024Periy Zavod, Polotnyanyy, Kaluga3. isku
12.5.2024Volgograd2. isku
17.5.2024Tuapse2. isku
19.5.2024Slavyansk, Slovyansk-on-Kuban3. isku
6.6.2024Novoshakhtinsk Oil Refinery2. isku
20.6.2024Afipsky4. isku
21.6.2024Ilsky3. isku
21.6.2024Volgograd3. isku
22.7.2024Tuapse3. isku
26.11.2024Gazprom Neft Salavat2. isku
19.12.2024Novoshakhtinsk Oil Refinery3. isku

En ole mikään talousnero hyvä kun omat raha asiat saan hoidettua mutta miksi? norjaa ei ole enempi laitettu ns tikun nokkaan?
Heillä on valtavan mieletön rahasto olisivat halutessaan voineet ratkaista(ehkä) sodan ukrainan(euroopan) eduksi.Mitenkä hyvässä turvassa nämä rahastot etc ovat jos tulee isompi kähinä tms.Eikös ainakin kannattais osa muuttaa kullaksi/platinaksi/REE yms ja jemmata vuorten uumeniin.

Tää oli tämmöinen turhautunut avautumiseni😌
GUR:n Vadim Skibitsky (hänen tarkka tittelinsä: Deputy Chief of the Military Development Command of the Ministry of Defense, Major General Vadim Skibitsky) on antanut haastattelun RBC Ukraina sivulle (artikkeli julkaistu 3.3.2025 - pitkä artikkeli joten jaan sen tekstin kahdessa viestissä, tässä ensimmäinen osa): LÄHDE

Vadym Skibitsky, GUR: Russia's plans have not changed - complete occupation or control of Ukraine​


Vadym Skibitsky, GUR: Russia's plans have not changed - complete occupation or control of Ukraine​


Vadym Skibitsky, GUR: Russia's plans have not changed - complete occupation or control of Ukraine

Deputy Chief of the Military Development Command of the Ministry of Defense, Major General Vadim Skibitsky (all photos: RBC-Ukraine)

Deputy Chief of the Defense Ministry's GUR, Major General Vadim Skibitsky, in an interview with RBC-Ukraine - about Russia's plans at the front, the tactics and goals of Russian shelling and "shaheed" attacks, as well as North Korea's participation in the war.

For several months now, Russia's main efforts have been focused on the Pokrovsk region. And although the occupation forces have managed to approach this city within a few kilometers, their offensive there seems to have slowed down in recent weeks. Moscow has recently achieved slightly more results on the battlefield in the Kursk region, where the enemy, with the support of North Korean soldiers, has been trying to dislodge our units for over six months.

In parallel, the Russians launch swarms of "shaheeds" every night in the rear areas of Ukraine and, less frequently and in smaller numbers, missiles. The target of these attacks is our critical infrastructure, energy, gas transportation system, military facilities and defense industry enterprises, Major General Vadim Skibitsky clarifies.

In an interview with RBC-Ukraine, the deputy head of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense spoke about how Russia has changed its approach to shelling and what the enemy is planning on the front.

– Given the course of this war, given that the Russians also had many failures and, perhaps, they were unable to achieve all of their goals, how would you assess whether Putin's goals, objectives, and ambitions in the war have changed over these three years?

– If we talk about the strategic plans of the Russian Federation, they have remained unchanged. This is also spelled out in their documents, which they developed to plan the further development and combat potential of the Russian Armed Forces. This is complete occupation or complete control, if it is not possible to immediately occupy the territory of our state in order to have a very powerful ally first of all. In their documents, they already determine that the leadership in Ukraine and Ukraine in general must be neutral or pro-Russian.

This is the change that occurred after the start of the large-scale invasion. At the initial stage, they planned and thought that they would be able to capture the entire territory of Ukraine in a very short time. But after the fighting began, after they felt the resistance of our people, our state, the plans began to change. The plans of the Russian leadership are adjusted all the time. Today, the main goal set by the Russian Federation for 2025 is to capture the entire territory of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions, fulfill the tasks of the so-called "special military operation" of the Russian Federation, and maintain control over the territories that were captured (Kherson, Zaporizhia regions and directly occupied Crimea).

But if we talk about the Kremlin's essential, global plans, they have remained unchanged since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1992. Because taking control and having a direct influence on our state has been one of the Kremlin's main goals for many years. Ukraine is a powerful defense-industrial complex, industry, a sufficient human resource of the Slavic population, which has a similar language and significant historical achievements over this entire period. And besides, it is a large territory that would allow the Russian Federation to create a so-called buffer zone on its borders with NATO countries.

– You mentioned that Russian plans are being adjusted. What was the reason for the breakdown of their initial plans, which they had drawn up before the start of the major invasion?

– The first is Kyiv. They failed to capture the capital in three days. The second is Mariupol. This is a hero city that actually detained the entire group of enemy troops, which at that time was supposed to reach our southern territories and then advance north to connect with the group of Russian troops that was going to Kharkiv, with the aim of completely surrounding our troops in the area of the then Joint Forces Operation. This is the first stage that the Russian Federation failed to fully implement.

The third stage is, accordingly, the liberation of our territories that were captured in the first days of the war. The Kharkiv region and the city of Kherson completely thwarted all of Russia's plans to advance its troops deep into our territory.

The next stage is the hostilities that are currently taking place along the entire line of combat contact. After all, the enemy is constantly postponing the deadlines for the implementation of its combat missions due to the actions of our troops. The Ukrainian Defense Forces are holding their positions, pushing the enemy back and preventing the Kremlin from fulfilling the plans that it has outlined for itself for a month, for six months, for a year.

– But why, despite the fact that they constantly have some setbacks, their plans are being postponed, and they are being stretched out for years, all this time they still do not give up on continuing hostilities and war?

– You see, Putin needs a result. There is no result of the so-called "special military operation". And what is this result? It is "providing assistance", as they said at the beginning, "liberating" the Luhansk and Donetsk regions from the "Ukrainian occupation", within their administrative borders. The task set for the Russian occupiers has not yet been completed. The entire Luhansk region is not occupied, and the task regarding the Donetsk region at the pace of offensive actions that the Russian Federation has, they are unlikely to be able to complete in the near future.

– Some military observers and OSINT channels have noted that in recent weeks, according to their assessment, there has been a slight decrease in the number of attacks, the number of assault operations, and the dynamics of the Russian advance on the front. Is this true or not?

– Indeed, we are recording a decrease in the activity of hostilities, and above all, a decrease in clashes. But the grouping of their troops still remains powerful – it is more than 620 thousand servicemen of the armed forces of the Russian Federation, who are stationed in our temporarily occupied territories, in the Kursk region. Regrouping is taking place, the combat losses of the Russian Federation are being replenished. The weather also has a direct impact on the conduct of hostilities.

Vadym Skibitsky, GUR: Russia's plans have not changed - complete occupation or control of Ukraine

If we talk about the ground component, it is approximately 620 thousand, and more than 200 thousand are assault units that participate in hostilities and are on the front line. In addition, there are 35 thousand servicemen of the Russian Guard who provide occupation authorities, protect the most important facilities in the temporarily occupied territories and, in fact, according to their plans, if necessary, can perform tasks in the second echelon of the enemy during the organization of defense.

It is also necessary to add those troops that provide logistical support, units of the Russian Black Sea Fleet, and aviation that is not directly based, for example, in combat areas, but is involved in delivering combat strikes. After all, the aggressor currently uses more than 20 airfields and air bases on the territory of Russia to deliver both bombing and missile strikes on our territory.

But one should not think that the reduction in combat activity will change the enemy's plans. After all, they use this time to work out plans for the next offensive, train personnel, replenish ammunition, and, accordingly, prepare for further assault and offensive operations.

We analyze based on how active the recruitment campaign for military personnel for the armed forces of the Russian Federation is now. By the way, in January they fulfilled their recruitment plans by 107%. This issue remains relevant, and the Russian authorities have no problem with staffing the troops and replenishing losses.

Secondly, they have clearly defined for themselves the most critical and most relevant directions of combat operations. First of all, these are the Pokrovsky direction, Toretsk and Chasiv Yar to complete all the operations they have planned. In addition, this is Kupyansk. We know the plans that the Russian Federation has in mind, including the possibility of conducting assault and offensive operations in both the Kherson and Zaporizhia regions.

– So, do such plans really exist and the threat remains?

– Yes, the threat remains. Let's look at the statements made by the leadership of the Russian Federation. Kremlin representatives have repeatedly stated that both Kherson and Zaporizhia regions are "new territories" of Russia, which are "incorporated into the Russian constitution," and that they will do everything to ensure that these territories are under Russian control.

– And speaking of the Dnipropetrovsk region, is there a threat of any offensive actions by Russia towards the territory of the Dnipropetrovsk region?

– First, let's start from the fact that the Russian Federation will fulfill the task of reaching the borders of the Dnipropetrovsk region. If Russia succeeds, the threat of conducting any assault operations, reconnaissance operations increases, and in addition, this reduces the radius of combat use of the enemy's artillery and multiple launch rocket systems to strike our infrastructure.

– You also said that they are okay with the recruitment of volunteers. Are these people who are voluntarily leaving, or are they voluntarily and forcibly taken from prisons? Who are these people?

– This is a very interesting picture. By 2025, according to Russian plans, approximately 30% of those people who supposedly voluntarily join the army will be those people who are under investigation, are in prisons, or are serving suspended sentences. And this problem is already arising for the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation – what to do with these people, how to work with them. In 2024, such a contingent – they are called special contingents – was 15%, and now it will be 30%.

However, they are offered high salaries, a very large down payment that they receive for signing their first contract. In most regions of Russia, it is over 2 million rubles, meaning that a Russian serviceman who signs a contract, depending on the region, can receive from 20 to 25 thousand dollars literally at a time.

For the Russian Federation, these are very large amounts. As a result, we see that in 2024, the plan for staffing through recruitment for contract service was not just fulfilled, but exceeded by at least 10 thousand servicemen. For our understanding, this amount, firstly, includes one-time payments from the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for signing a contract, payments from local authorities, payments from enterprises where this serviceman works. After all, for each region of the Russian Federation, for each subject of the Russian Federation, a clear plan has been established for how many they should recruit into the armed forces. And Russia is provided with very serious responsibility if this plan is not implemented.

– What are Russia's plans for 2025 regarding military recruitment?

– If we talk about plans, it is 343 thousand servicemen, we are talking about recruitment under contract. But from the experience of 2024, we know that these plans are changing – in a larger direction. For example, last year the goal was to recruit approximately 375-380 thousand, then the plans changed to 430 thousand, and as a result they recruited 440 thousand servicemen under contract.

It is important to understand that almost 80% of those recruited under contract are used to replace combat losses. Accordingly, if the pace of offensive operations and the losses suffered by the enemy are maintained, these plans will mostly allow for replacing losses on the battlefield.

Vadym Skibitsky, GUR: Russia's plans have not changed - complete occupation or control of Ukraine

In addition, Moscow has current plans to form new formations and units. First of all, in the Moscow, Leningrad, Southern and Central Military Districts, the creation of new formations and units is currently underway and will continue throughout the year. Formations - for example, divisions - are formed on the basis of existing brigades that directly participate in combat operations on our territory. This is, in fact, the replenishment of the brigade to the size of a division. And it is also assumed that personnel will be involved in these events, who will sign a contract with the Russian Ministry of Defense.

– Every night, the Russians have been launching UAVs, probably since September – some of them are “shaheeds”, some of them are some “dummies”. But still, this flock flies into the territory of Ukraine every night, in different regions. It is clear that they are not flying anywhere, they probably have some goals. Why do these drones fly every night, what is the goal and what objects are they usually aimed at?

– Let's start with why they fly every night. First, the Russians have significantly increased the production of unmanned aerial vehicles of various types. If earlier, in 2023 - early 2024, we knew only one "Shahed", then "Geran-1", "Geran-2" and that's it. Today, the range of these unmanned aerial vehicles is so large that it is not always possible to count them on the fingers of one hand: "Geran-1", "Geran-2", "Harpy", "Gerbera", "Parody" and others.

At the same time, the types of drones that are currently used include combat strike, reconnaissance, false targets, which are drones, but without a combat load, there are simulated targets. In fact, all this in general simply overloads our air defense system. It is very difficult to distinguish where a drone is flying with a warhead and where without it.

Secondly, regarding the production of unmanned aerial vehicles on the territory of the Russian Federation. This is Izhevsk, this is Yelabuga, this is the Kalashnikov concern. Now they have significantly increased the production of unmanned aerial vehicles. And this is what allows them to use from 150 to 200 unmanned aerial vehicles in one strike.

By the way, their plans include increasing the number of launch pads from which they will launch drones over our territory. According to the Russian command, if the plans for the first half of the year are implemented, they will be able to launch approximately 500 drones simultaneously.

Next – about possible targets. The targets have not changed. I remember the documents of the Russian Federation, which date back to the fall of 2023, where the main targets for which unmanned aerial vehicles, cruise and ballistic missiles will be used were clearly defined. This is the control system of the Armed Forces, the Defense Forces, this is everything that concerns aviation and our airfields. These are the most critical elements of our infrastructure, including the energy system, the gas transportation system – what we are observing now. And one of the priorities is our enterprises of the defense-industrial complex – where weapons are manufactured, where we have increased the production of many types of weapons, ammunition, unmanned aerial vehicles and systems.

The main priorities remain. We have already seen attacks on the energy sector, on thermal power plants - you remember how powerful the strikes were in the Kharkiv region, to knock out the entire system of providing heat to our population. There were strikes on the energy system, and the aggressor somewhat changed his tactics and approaches, which he is also using very actively now. This is an approach that involves clear definition and planning - the so-called targeting, to achieve the greatest effect.

And recently, our gas transportation system and our gas fields have been suffering. The enemy understands that this is what is needed for our population, to provide their needs with gas. Recently, they have been trying to destroy this very ability of Ukraine.

– Regarding the attacks on the gas transportation system. Do they simply want to leave us without gas or do they want to additionally force us to somehow restore the transit of their gas?

– Perhaps, but, for example, if we talk about the Lviv region, attacks were made on our underground gas storage facilities, where gas is stored. There have already been three attacks on our fields in order to deprive us of the opportunity to extract gas. And at the same time, attacks are being made on the ground infrastructure – on compressor stations, gas pumping stations – on the one that allows either to raise gas to the surface, if it is in storage, or to pump gas from our subsoil.

And this is another very powerful element of pressure not only on the government of Ukraine, but also on our population. Look at what is happening in Odessa, when it is almost completely left without electricity. I remember 2023, when you come to Odessa, walk along Deribasovskaya, and everything there is humming from generators to provide light. This is very difficult for the population. And the Russians are counting on this to affect the population. And the Russian Federation will definitely use this in terms of information to destabilize the situation.

Tässä toinen ja samalla viimeinen osa edellisessä viestissäni jaetusta GUR:n Vadim Skibitsky haastattelusta:

– Once upon a time, during the 2022-2023 heating season, the Russians first launched these "X-shki" or "kalibry" missiles every 7 days, during the day, 50-100 missiles at our energy facilities. Then this interval increased to 10 days, then to 14 days. At night, they also launched "shahedi" missiles - not every night - which also finished off our energy facilities.

It was more or less clear that there was a certain systematicity to their strikes, which they inflicted in March of last year. They relied on regularity, mass attacks, and short intervals between attacks. And they really created a difficult situation for us in 3-4 weeks – there was little light.

Now they are launching "shaheeds", and they are using a minimum of missiles to strike our energy sector. What is their plan and intention now? Maybe they have given up on leaving us without electricity and causing a blackout here? I don't understand their plan.

– And the military intelligence of Ukraine understands. First, the strikes have become combined. Second, both the Russians and we have learned to properly plan the destruction of objects, while spending fewer missiles and unmanned aerial systems to achieve maximum results. Third, those priority objects are selected, the destruction of which will have the greatest effect.

Vadym Skibitsky, GUR: Russia's plans have not changed - complete occupation or control of Ukraine

Moreover, the strikes are not just combined – they are coordinated in time: missiles, drones, missiles again. This overloads the air defense system. The Russians understand what our capabilities are, where our air defense systems are located, in order to bypass them.

If 70 missiles were actually launched earlier, they all flew along the same route: they entered through the Luhansk region and headed straight for Kyiv. Now you won't see such a picture anymore. Missiles enter from any direction, fly across the territory of Ukraine, bypass all air defense facilities and areas and try to reach the target.

Therefore, now, on the contrary, everything has become much more complicated. We need to conduct maneuvers of air defense forces and means. Secondly, we understand when the Russians conduct reconnaissance of objects, which objects they are observing. After the strike, they immediately conduct additional reconnaissance and in a short time re-strike. This is, in fact, finishing off those objects that they did not hit during the first and second strikes.

At the same time, when they struck with 70 missiles, the effectiveness was not always high. Our air defense system worked very well when it had a sufficient number of anti-aircraft missiles. In addition, I repeat, these were simple straight-line strikes. Now it is completely different.

Plus, if then they could use 20-30 drones in one strike, now it is 150. This approach of the enemy requires a completely different attention of the air defense system and this is a completely different load on the system. Previously, they launched drones late at night and they arrived by morning. And now they can launch drones starting in the morning. The latest trends are the launch of drones in the evening, which begin to reach the target on our territory, starting from 11 p.m. until the very morning. That is, this is already happening continuously, which increases the level of the existing threat.

– What do the Russians have to do with the production of missiles?

– Compared to 2024, missile production has not increased significantly. But there has been a redistribution. They began to produce more Kh-101 cruise missiles, but less for the Caliber system, having assessed where the efficiency is greater. The enemy also plans to increase the production of Daggers and ballistic missiles for the Iskander - this is the very weapons that have proven to be more effective. But if we speak in absolute figures, then the increase in missile production compared to 2024 is no more than 1.2 times, and in some cases - one and a half times, if we are talking specifically about high-precision missile weapons.

– Tell me, what new information is there about soldiers from the DPRK? Are they at the front, are they not there, are they almost not there? In what number? And how would you characterize them as soldiers?

– Since mid-December 2024, they have been directly involved in combat operations. At the first stage, they suffered heavy losses. They were then taken out for recovery, for rest. The losses are about 4 thousand out of 11. These are very large losses for this period. However, from about the first decade of February, they began to be actively used again on the front in the Kursk region.

But that's not even important. What we need now is information on whether additional forces will be sent, whether there will simply be a rotation or replenishment of losses at the expense of other servicemen who will be brought in to replace the dead and wounded.

And the main thing – both for North Korea and for the countries of the Far East region – is that the DPRK military personnel have gained real experience of participating in combat operations with new technologies, with new tactics of conducting combat operations, with the use of artillery in combination with unmanned aerial vehicles, with the widespread use of FPV drones, new means of electronic warfare and new means of reconnaissance. This is a very powerful experience that few countries in the world have: we, the Russians, now – North Korea, and that's it. There is already a demand for this experience among many of our partners.

– Were these North Korean soldiers seen only in battles in the Kursk region, or somewhere else on the front?

– Directly recorded – only in the Kursk region. But we are already observing some weapons systems from the DPRK, primarily 170-mm artillery systems, multiple launch rocket systems from North Korea, on our territory. Are there their instructors there? Probably not, since the Russians have specially created a training center at the artillery school, where the calculations of the armed forces of the Russian Federation are directly trained to use North Korean systems.

We had confirmed information that North Korean military personnel provided assistance and participated in planning strikes using ballistic missiles of their own production, because this is a more complex complex, but it took place from Russian territory.

– Whose initiative was it in general – to send North Korean troops to help Russia in the fighting? This was an initiative that came from Russia, which asked for help. Or did the leader of the DPRK want it himself, for some of his own motives – for example, to gain experience?

– It is difficult to say, since both sides are interested in such cooperation. They signed a strategic agreement, by which they pledged to help each other. They benefit from this – both Russia and the DPRK. The Russian Federation will get what they need to wage war, and North Korea will increase its combat potential.

When I talk about North Korea, I'm talking about technology, new weapons, aviation, replenishment of ammunition. They give Russia their old ammunition, but in return they have launched the production of new ones and are simply updating their arsenals. And the most valuable thing that Pyongyang gets is technology and experience of military personnel in the introduction of modern combat operations.

Russia, in turn, received what it needs in war. Ammunition of various calibers, in particular 122 mm, 152 mm, rockets for multiple launch rocket systems. This is what the Russian Federation lacks, since Moscow cannot significantly increase the production of these ammunition by its military-industrial complex.

Vadym Skibitsky, GUR: Russia's plans have not changed - complete occupation or control of Ukraine

We are still recording the supply of ammunition from the DPRK to the territory of Russia. They go both by sea and by rail, then are sent to arsenals located closer to Ukraine (Moscow District, Southern Military District), and from there - directly to the battlefield.

– Something regularly flies into Russian refineries. We regularly see in the news that something flew into one refinery, and someone attacked another. Do we have any idea what proportion of their oil refining capacity has been knocked out as a result of these damages and flights?

– Yes. We are currently working according to NATO standards. NATO standards clearly provide for certain stages of such work. This includes the analysis of centers of gravity, and the direct targeting or determination of targets, the most critical places where strikes need to be carried out. Then the analysis of the results of the strikes. This forms the whole picture of the effect we have achieved. We are trying to achieve the greatest effect on those critical objects that are selected for strikes.

And in fact, it is not only about refineries or fuel and lubricant storage bases. We have a different range of targets that we choose for strikes. If we are talking about military facilities, our task is to destroy them. If we are talking about the military-industrial complex, the task is either to destroy them or to interrupt the production line, that is, to postpone this production for a certain period of time. Since it is very difficult to completely destroy a facility, and even more so - such powerful facilities of the defense-industrial complex that are on the territory of Russia. After all, these are very large and voluminous enterprises. However, we determine those critical elements that need to be struck.

These are also other military facilities, for example, the same enemy air defense facilities, because without their destruction we will not be able to deliver our strikes – the so-called deep strike. This is a set of measures carried out by all our Defense Forces under the coordination of the General Staff.

And we have the result – there is a decrease, for example, in production at oil refineries. It is not as significant as we would like, but it still has its impact. This decrease affects the supply of critical fuels and lubricants for enemy troops and aviation.

The results are reflected in the enemy's military facilities, for example, the Russian Black Sea Fleet. We forced all warships and submarines to completely move from the territory of Crimea directly to the territory of Russia. This also includes strikes on storage sites for ammunition, guided bombs and missiles, which does not allow the Russians to fully use their combat potential. That is, oil refineries, storage sites for fuels and lubricants are only one of the groups of targets that need to be hit to reduce the combat potential and ensure the grouping of Russian troops on our territory.

– During these three years of the Great War, were there any operations that the Russians planned, but which they managed to avert, to prevent?

– It is still too early to talk about this, because most of the operations that were planned to be carried out and did not take place were operations of the second half of 2024 - early 2025. The timely exposure of these plans occurred only because all military intelligence tools worked in one direction, and, as a result, we managed to take adequate measures. We became aware of the preparation and development by the enemy of a direct plan for conducting offensive actions in at least two directions, which did not take place during the second half of 2024 - early 2025.

Along with this, there is another important point: due to the fact that we can timely expose these plans, regrouping and an appropriate response from our forces are carried out. Now the most critical direction - the direction of concentration of the main efforts of the Russian Federation - is the Donetsk region, in particular - the southwestern part of the Donetsk region, Pokrovsk and the entire agglomeration of our settlements, so that in case of success the Russians can continue offensive actions in various directions. Including in the direction of the Dnipropetrovsk region, to the north - in the direction of Kramatorsk and Sloviansk.

But even after the plans of the Russian Federation become known and they understand that they will no longer be able to carry out this or that operation, this does not mean that they refuse to carry out such an operation. They carry out regrouping, other preparatory measures, the troops begin to engage in combat training, training specifically for the implementation of the plans that have been developed. So exposing the enemy's plans does not mean that the Russian Federation completely refuses to implement them.
Tässä päivitetty lista #38 ryssän jalostamoista. Lisätty isku Ufan jalostamoon. Yhdistin kaikki kolme Ufan jalostamoa samaan, koska täältä vaikeaa sanoa mihin poksuu uutisten ollessa hieman epätarkkoja. Tämä jalostamoklusteri kokonaisuus on kuitenkin ryssän suurin joten täällä tullaan nyt vierailemaan usein kun tiedetään, että rankaiseva käsi ulottuu tänne asti. Linkki listaan #37.

Ufa Refineries (Bashneft)23,5 Mt (1,331 km)1.11.2024, 3.3.2025
Omsk Refinery (Rosneft)21 Mt (380,000 bpd) (2,443 km)
Ryazan Refinery (Rosneft)17,1 Mt (342,000 bpd) (467 km)13.3.2024, 1.5.2024, !!24-26.1.2025!!, 24.2.2025
Nizhny Novgorod Kstovo (Lukoil)17 Mt (340,000 bpd) (780 km)12.3.2024, !!29.1.2025!!
Slavneft-Yanos, Yaroslav (Rosneft)15,7 Mt (704 km)
Volgograd (Lukoil)14,5 Mt (287,000 bpd) (450 km)3.2.2024, 12.5.2024, 21.6.2024, 15.1.2025, 31.1.2025, 3.2.2025
Perm (Lukoil)13,1 Mt (259,500 bpd) (1,482 km)
Purovsky plant (Novatek)13 Mt (~3,700 km Harkovasta)
Moscow Refinery, (Gazprom Neft/Central Fuel Company)10,5 Mt (213,000 bpd) (450 km)13.2.2024
Angarsk Petrochemical Company (Rosneft)10,2 Mt (194,000 bpd) (4,453 km)
Gazprom Neft Salavat10 Mt (1,297 km)9.5.2024, 26.11.2024
Kirish Oil Refinery (Surgutneftegas)10 Mt (346,000 bbd), (1,300 km Harkovasta)
Tuapse Refinery (Rosneft)9,0 Mt (240,000 bpd) (425 km)24.1.2024, 17.5.2024, 22.7.2024, 26.2.2025
Antipinsky Refinery, Tyumen9,0 Mt (1,979 km)
Taneco Refinery (Tatneft) Nizhnekamsk, Tatarstan8,7 Mt (150,000 bbl/d) (1,122 km)2.4.2024, 11.1.2025
Syzran (Rosneft), Samara8,5 Mt (170,000 bbl/d) (811 km)16.3.2024, 19.2.2025
Komsomolsk Refinery (Rosneft)8,3 Mt (143,000 bpd) (6,523 km)
Taif Refinery, Nizhnekamsk8,3 Mt 143,000 bbl/d (1,122 km)
Achinsk Refinery (Rosneft)7,5 Mt (129,000 bpd) (3,499 km)
Saratov Refinery (Rosneft)7 Mt (120,500 bbl/d) (597 km)8.11.2024, 14.1.2025, 11.2.2025
Laukaansuun LNG terminaali (Novatek)7 Mt22.1.2024, 4.1.2025
Novokuibyshevsk Refinery (Rosneft)6,7 Mt (136,000 bbd)16.3.2024 ja 23.3.2024
Orsk Refinery (SAFMAR)6,6 Mt (114,000 bbd) (1,457 km)
Ilsky Refinery (KNGK Group)6,6 Mt (132,000 bpd) (333 km)9.2.2024, 27.4.2024, 21.6.2024, 17.2.2025
Afipsky Refinery (NefteGazIndustriya), Krasnodar Krai6,25 MT (120,000 bpd), (~300 km)31.5.2023, 9.2.2024, 2.5.2024, 20.6.2024, 10.2.2025
Novoshakhtinsk Oil Refinery5 Mt (172,000 bpd) (158 km)13.3.2024, 6.6.2024, !!19.12.2024!!
Khabarovsk Refinery
(АО "ННК-Хабаровский НПЗ"::Главная)
5 Mt 86,000 bbl/d (13,700 m3/d) (6,591 km)
Tobolsk Petrochemical Refinery (Sibur)138,000 bbl/d (21,900 m3/d) (~2,800 km Harkovasta)
Kuibyshev Refinery (Rosneft), Samara4,5 Mt (120,500 bpd)16.3.2024 ja 23.3.2024
Antipinsky Refinery (JSC Antipinsky Refinery)114,000 bbl/d (18,100 m3/d) (~2,600 km Harkovasta)
Mariysky Refinery, Mari El (Newstream)4,5 Mt (90,000 bpd), (1,100 km)
Ukhta (Lukoil)4,2 Mt (71,500 bpd) (1,671 km)
Surgut4 Mt (2,508 km)
Slavyansk Oil Refinery, Slovyansk-on-Kuban,
Krasnodar Krai (Slavyansk ECO)
4 Mt (282 km)17.3.2024, 27.4.2024, 19.5.2024
Yaya Refinery (NefteKhimService)57,000 bbl/d (9,100 m3/d) (3,254 km)
Astrakham GPP (Gazprom Neft)3,3 Mt (66,000 bbp) Mt (783 km)3.2.2025
Nizhvevartovsk NGO (Gazprom)1,58 Mt 25,100 bpd (2,674 km)
Mari, Tabashino1,44 Mt (993 km)
Angier NZ, Angero Sugensk1,2 Mt (3,230 km)
Perviy Zavod Refinary, Polotnyanyy, Kaluga~1 Mt (24,000 bpd)30.8.2023 (2 dronea), 15.3.2024, 10.5.2024
Usinsky1 Mt (2,013 km)


31.5.2023Afipsky, Krasnodar Krai4.1.2025Laukaansuun LNG terminaali Novatek2. isku
30.8.2023Periy Zavod, Polotnyanyy, Kaluga11.1.2025Taneco Refinery Tatneft, Nizhnekamsk2. isku
22.1.2024Laukaansuun LNG terminaali14.1.2025Saratov Rosneft2. isku
24.1.2024Tuapse15.1.2025Lukoil Volgograd4. isku
3.2.2024Volgograd24-26.1.2025Ryazan Rosneft3. isku
9.2.2024Afipsky2. isku29.1.2025Nizhny Novgorod Lukoil2. isku
9.2.2024Ilsky31.1.2025Lukoil Volgograd5. isku
13.2.2024Moskova3.2.2025Lukoil Volgograd6. isku
12.3.2024Nizhny Novgorod3.2.2025Astrakham GPP Gazprom Neft
13.3.2024Novoshakhtinsk10.2.2025Afipsky5. isku
13.3.2024Ryazan11.2.2025Saratov Rosneft3. isku
15.3.2024Periy Zavod, Polotnyanyy2. isku17.2.2025Ilsky4. isku
16.3.2024Kuibyshev19.2.2025Syzran Rosneft2. isku
16.3.2024Syzran24.2.2025Ryazan Rosneft4. isku
16.3.2024Novobuibyshevsk26.2.2025Tuapse Rosneft4. isku
17.3.2024Slavyansk, Slovyansk-on-Kuban, Krasnodar Krai3.3.2025Ufa Bashneft2. isku
23.3.2024Kuibyshev2. isku
23.3.2024Novokuibyshevsk2. isku
2.4.2024Taneco Refinery, Nizhnekamsk
27.4.2024Slavyansk-EKO refinery2. isku
27.4.2024Ilsky2. isku
1.5.2024Ryazan Refinery2. isku
2.5.2024Afipsky3. isku
9.5.2024Gazprom Neft Salavat
10.5.2024Periy Zavod, Polotnyanyy, Kaluga3. isku
12.5.2024Volgograd2. isku
17.5.2024Tuapse2. isku
19.5.2024Slavyansk, Slovyansk-on-Kuban3. isku
6.6.2024Novoshakhtinsk Oil Refinery2. isku
20.6.2024Afipsky4. isku
21.6.2024Ilsky3. isku
21.6.2024Volgograd3. isku
22.7.2024Tuapse3. isku
26.11.2024Gazprom Neft Salavat2. isku
19.12.2024Novoshakhtinsk Oil Refinery3. isku


Ja jossain oli juuri että ryssän jalostuskapasiteetti on pudonnut vaivaiset 10%. Pirullisen hidasta on tämäkin jauhaminen.