Ukrainan konflikti/sota

Jos muistan oikein, ja mikäli videoista voi jotain päätellä, ukrainalaisten tulenjohto on jonkinlainen "tulenjohto-Wolt": joukot laittavat verkkoon tulipyynnön, ja joku yksikkö, joka voi vastata, ottaa homman hoitaakseen. Tämä voi olla sitten 82 mm KRH, BMP-1 tai S8-teknikaali. Voin tietysti olla täysin väärässä, mutta tuo saattaisi selittää kovin tipottaista tulta.

Käsittääkseni Ukrainan puolella liikkuu myös ns. vapaaehtoispattereita, jotka ovat joskus yksittäisenkin tykin muodostamia tuliyksiköitä. Nämä seurailevat rintamaa jollakin periaatteella ja ampuvat sinne mihin pyyntöjä tulee, mutta periaatteessa pyörittävät toimintaansa itsenäisesti. "Tulenjohto-Wolt", tai lanseeraisinko trendikkään startup-henkisen termin AaaS eli Artillery as a Service, kuulostaisi sille että se on kehitetty juuri tälläisten yksiköiden käyttöön.

Tosiaan tuota dronella korjattua tipoittaista tulta on nähty paljon, sitä selittäisi jos tulenjohtaja on suoraan langan päässä tämmöisen 1-2 putken yksikön kanssa.
Toisen Tsetsenian sodan jälkeen muutamat siellä menestyneet ryssän kenraalit kuolivat pienellä aikaa onnettomuuksissa/sydänkohtauksiin. Liika menestyskin on naapurissa epäterveellistä kun paikkoja tunkion päällä on rajallisesti.
Mielenkiintoista - tuo voisi hieman valaista mitä on nyt tapahtumassa (Ukrainan sodan aikana Moskoviitteja kuolee yllättäen). Mutta - onko mahdollista antaa lähteitä tms. wikipedia sivua jossa tuota on taustoitettu (kenraaleita jotka vain kuolivat toisen Tsethenian sodan jälkeen). En löytänyt hakemalla googlesta tms. tai en osannut löytää.
Ei olisi välttämättä tapahtunut, sillä Heinäluomat, Kiljuset, Tuomiojat sun muut olisivat kertoneet, ettei koske Suomea. Vanhanenhan kehoitti 2018 jopa lopettamaan liian näyttävät sotaharjoitukset, ettei Venäjä provosoidu. Jos Ukraina olisi kaatunut, niin Suomen NATO-jäsenyyttä olisi ollut torppaamassa muutama muukin maa Turkin ja Unkarin lisäksi - Saksa nyt ainakin. Mä luulen, että täällä oltaisiin siinä tilanteessa jo käyty Moskovassa allekirjoittamassa "turvallisuustakuusopimuksia"
Meppi ja ulkoasianvaliokunnan vara-pj sekä rivikansanedustaja ynnä vielä vaatimattomammissa asemissa olevat kaverinsa estävät liikekannallepanon? Kyllä vapaassa maassa vastustaa ja nillittää saa ( ja pitää saadakin ) mutta se ei suinkaan estä asioiden etenemistä. Eiköhän tänä vuonna nähty että silloin kun päätös tarvitaan se myös tehdään.
Onko tämä tulkattavissa siten että venäjä aktiivisesti miinoittaa omaa maaperäänsä jalkaväkimiinoilla? Ihan hirveästi huonompaa siirtoa en keksi kun kylvää jalkaväkimiinoja omaan maastoon, niin kauas rajoista ettei ulkopuoliset/siviilit voi mitenkään odottaa tuollaista.

Myanmar on ainoa esimerkki viimeisiltä vuosikymmeniltä joka tuosta toiminnasta tulee mieleen, eli aika rajattuun kerhoon tuolla toiminnalla pääsee.

Todennäköisesti ollut miinoite jonkun kohteen suojavyöhykkeellä, jota yritetty läpäistä.
Huonoa tuuria tai huolimattomuutta...
Tämä on eiliseltä mutten muista nähneeni täällä. Ukrainan tiedustelupäällikkö Kirill Budanov antaa tuoreimman katsauksensa mm. Venäjän kyvystä valmistaa ohjuksia sekä yleisesti muista aiheista (mielenkiintoista luettavaa, kuten aina vaikkei haluakaan kertoa heidän omia suunnitelmia alkavalle vuodelle - ymmärrettävää toki):

Interview | Kirill Budanov: Our units will enter the Crimea with weapons in their hands​

26.12.2022, 07:00

Head of the Main Intelligence Directorate Kirill Budanov on the liberation of Crimea, Arestovich, missile strikes and a map of "dismembered" Russia waited six months for a conversation with the head of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense, Kirill Budanov . Although during this time Budanov distributed dozens of interviews and comments. A few hours before the meeting, his interview was also published for the New York Times, where he clarified a number of issues that were being prepared by our editors.

Five minutes before the start of the conversation, Budanov warned that he would not comment on the statements of other military men, in particular, the commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Valery Zaluzhny , about a possible attack on Kiev in the winter . Also, the press service of Budanov "under wartime conditions" removed our questions about the "cotton" in Engels and in general on the territory of Russia, the situation in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine and the current operations of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

What are the forecasts of the head of the Main Intelligence Directorate for the liberation of Crimea based on, how many massive missile strikes is Russia capable of, and whether Aleksey Arestovich really served in intelligence, - in an interview with Budanov for .

You can also watch the video version at the end of this text.


- What to expect this winter in the context of the Russian-Ukrainian war?

– A fundamental change in the situation in the near future is not expected. There are a number of objective reasons for this. Russia is now at an impasse, and the only place where it is still "trying to try" to attack is Bakhmut . They have not had much success in this direction. Since August, [the Russians] have been constantly saying that Bakhmut is almost captured. As you can see, it's already the end of December.

The only place where they also try to concentrate their forces is just north of Bakhmut and in the direction of Zaporozhye.

But we do not see a real opportunity to achieve something. The Russians have already made several attempts at small local offensives. All of them were discovered in advance and ended in nothing for them.

"Therefore, we do not expect a radical change in the situation on the part of the Russian Federation now. I will not comment on our actions."

- Even the mobilized , undergoing combat coordination, will not change this?

“They can't really change anything.

- Before February 24, you were almost the only one in the military-political leadership of the country who openly predicted a full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine. Now you are almost the only one who talks about Crimea already in the summer. What are your predictions based on?

Your question is rather strange for me. It is absolutely normal that the information you hear from me is different from the information you may hear from any other person. I am the head of military intelligence and the chairman of the [presidential] intelligence committee. All information comes to me. I rely on the data and analytics that we have. And who can know the answers to global questions, except for intelligence?

- In order to reach the administrative borders of 1991 (Budanov called this the first stage in the end of the war. - Ed. ), We need weapons, a lot of weapons. At the same time, it looks like the Western partners are giving us weapons only for defense. Don't you have that impression?

– There is fruitful cooperation with our Western partners, we talk a lot about specific nomenclatures and types of weapons that we need. All of this is in the process of resolution.

We expect that in addition to the significant volumes that have already been provided to us, the Western world will intensify the supply of weapons that will help accelerate the defeat of the Russian Federation.

- We saw a map of "dismembered" Russia in your office. On it, the Kursk, Belgorod regions and Kuban are circled with a black marker as part of Ukraine. Is this the next stage after reaching the borders of 1991?

Everyone sees what they want to see.

Maybe it's just a broad marker. Or maybe not.


Map of dismembered Russia in Budanov's office (screenshot)

- In the American media and publications of Western analysts, warnings about the military liberation of Crimea have become noticeably more frequent recently . For some reason, they consider this an exclusively diplomatic story. For them, the borders on February 23 (possibly with the liberation of Donbass) are the limit. And Crimea is a red rag. How can you respond to these reservations?

- I'm not interested in listening to the opinions of people who do not reflect the position of the Ukrainian people. I have the opposite opinion.

We will take back all the lost territories.

Ukraine is a country recognized within the 1991 borders. Those who do not agree with this do not agree with the world order that has existed since the end of World War II and with the new foundations of the UN.

"Crimea will be returned in a combined way: both by force and diplomacy. But nothing will happen without force. Our units will go there with weapons in their hands."

– Does the Main Intelligence Directorate have agents inside Russia, and did their number increase with the start of the big war?

- Weird question. We get money for this. Or where do we get our information from? From telegram channels?

- Did this work become more active with the beginning of the great war? Maybe there is a part of the Russians who do not agree with the war - and they are cooperating?

- Exactly. At completely different levels, this number of people has increased, and with it our access to information at various levels: from socio-political to purely military issues. This is also your answer to the question why what I say is sometimes different from what other people say.


Model of the flooded "Moscow" on Budanov's table (photo -

- And how many traitors inside the GUR have been discovered since February 24?

“We haven't found any yet.

Didn't find it or didn't look for it?

- As it is, they did not look for it. Our internal security is constantly working. Examples of improper attitude to, let's say, the preservation of state secrets - there are all sorts of cases. But in most cases, this is an official negligence, when someone can send some information via messenger. And it becomes the property of the enemy intercepting this signal. Such cases do happen, unfortunately.

This is a general problem of all our authorities.


- How much longer does Russia have the ability to deliver massive regular missile strikes on Ukraine and our infrastructure?

- The remaining number of missiles - if we take their calculations purely mathematically - will be enough with their intensity in a salvo on average 70-75 missiles for two or three times. And in principle they will end at all.

If you look at the intensity of Russia's missile attacks, they carried out these attacks against critical infrastructure at first once a week. Then - every 10 days. Then - once every two weeks. Now even longer.

"This period of time is due solely to one problem: the fleeting reduction of the Russian missile arsenal. Their industry is not able to cover the amount that they spend. For all their attempts, this is unrealistic."

See also: Reznikov published an assessment of the remains of the Russian missile arsenal

– Were they able to reconfigure the production of new missiles? Tsaplienko, citing "scouts", writes that Russia allegedly plans to increase the annual output, for example, X-101 nine times, to 467 (from 56 at the moment).

- Ask Mr. Tsaplienko where he got these figures from. I remember that they dream of starting to produce 20 sea-launched Kalibr missiles a month. Calculate how much you need to work to ensure a single salvo. Yes, the X-101, and the X-555, and the Caliber are in the salvo. But here are the statistics for you - consider. "Iskanders" are almost never produced.

- Russian dictator Putin at the collegium of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation last week announced plans to develop the nuclear triad and Sarmat missiles ...

- You don't have to continue. For two years now he has been announcing: "Sarmat", all in radioactive ashes. Just analyze the last two years. Every year they end up with the Sarmat almost ready, going through the last preparations for putting it on combat duty.

- And why do Russians cherish "Daggers" so much?

- So there were 47 of them by the beginning of the war, as far as I remember. During this time, they were able to make a few, as long as there were spare parts. This is not serious. You can scare the world with the fact that you have a "Dagger". But when you start to really use them - what's next? You can land 47 hits. For understanding, more than 900 Iskanders were used. What is 47?

- So for them "Daggers" is a technologically unrealistic story?

– It is almost impossible to produce them now. They cannot get many components due to sanctions. They do parallel imports, but that makes it very difficult and takes longer to deliver those parts.

And some of them, in spite of everything, can not get it.


- In addition to missiles, what else does Russia lack for an intense war? Is it possible for them to have technical hunger because of the sanctions?

“And he already is. The Russian army faces almost identical problems that we face. Only we are from March, and they are from about the beginning of autumn. Just as we have a problem with shells for artillery, which we are solving thanks to our partners, this is how it began for them. Just as we started having problems with high-explosive fragmentation shells for tanks, so did they. The same applies to missiles for MLRS.

“Now the Russians are also looking around the world where to buy 122 and 152 mm shells, tank high-explosive fragmentation and rocket shells for Grad and Hurricanes.

– Are there countries that can help them?

– There are certain countries, but in many cases they sell through third countries.

- In early December, Russia announced the strengthening of cooperation with Iran. Will this somehow affect the Russian-Ukrainian war?

- Everyone has already seen and heard these flying "mopeds". Some may even have experienced it. These drones have been handed over. Whether they will go further [to missiles] is an open question. Everyone is working to prevent this from happening. And Iran itself realized that it is so easy to pass it on to Russia - this is not perceived by the world. Even the world with which they are accustomed to communicate normally.

See also: USA: Iran and Russia are on the way to a full-fledged military partnership. This is a threat not only to Ukraine

- That is, apart from "mopeds", nothing shines for Russia from Iran?

- In addition to the "mopeds" Shahed-136 and Shahed-131. There was a large Mohajer-6, similar to the Bayraktar in performance characteristics. They are trying to buy ammunition from them and want the Iranians to sell ballistic missiles. However, Iran never handed over a single missile.

– And China?

- China has not transferred any weapons either. And will not pass, as we understand.


– Ukraine is now assembling a fleet of kamikaze marine drones . Should we expect new "pops" in the Black Sea?

- One of the reasons why the Russian fleet cannot operate normally is the weather conditions. The weather is not very favorable for the activities of ships. For the use of water drones - also not very good. When there are favorable conditions, I think their application will be continued.

- How many equipment and positions of the enemy were discovered with the help of the "people's satellite" (another volunteer project. - Ed. )?

- I have no answer. It simply doesn't exist. We use a lot of spacecraft. It all goes into the general flow.

- Did Aleksey Arestovich really serve in the GUR?

- Once, as far as I remember, I served here.

- So it's not a fake?

- It was a long time ago, we need to raise the data. As far as I remember, yes.

- How many guests were evacuated from the Crimean Tatar "Musafir" for the sake of your dinner with the Deputy Foreign Minister Emine Dzhaparova?

- No one.

- And how did your guards react when you said that you were going to Musafir?

- What's the problem? We needed to talk. I go to the store sometimes. Do you think the mall is closing for me to come in? No.

Of course, I always have officers with me, but I'm not paranoid.

- Where would you advise to go to the sea on vacation in the summer of 2023?

- I will advise you to the Crimea. This is the pearl of Ukraine, which has been waiting for Ukrainian tourists for a long time.

Yuri Smirnov
Yuri Smirnov special correspondent
Valeria Kondratova
Valeria Kondratova special correspondent


MUOKKAUS: jos haluaa lukea lisää niin hänen toinen pitkä haastattelu (julkaistu 18.10.2022 eli reilut pari kuukautta vanha) löytyy sanasta sanaan tästä viestistä: LINKKI
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Edelleen kysyn: mikä on mielestäsi ko. hyökkäystavan etu? Siinä tunnutaan oletettavan, että vihollisella ei ole pst:tä, epäsuoraa ja ainoa vastassa oleva uhka on käsiasetuli. Mutta miksei sitten olla BTR:n sisällä? Miinauhkan takia?

Olet oikeassa, että kaikista ukrainalaisten videoista ei näe, ovatko ne lavastettuja, harjoitusta vai tositilannetta. Harjoitellaanhan meilläkin lyhennetyillä väleillä.

Jos hyökätään aukean yli, kuten @Ohjus-tiedustelija sanoi, niin vihollinen pitäisi lamauttaa epäsuoralla ja vaunujen suora-asetulella. Rynnäkkövaunut leveällä rivissä kaasu pohjassa. Kontaktissa ulos vaunusta ja jv lähtee syöksyen eteenpäin, rpsv:n tukiessa tulellaan. Paksut vaunut joko takana tai sivulla antaen jatkuvaa tulitukea, riippuen maastonmuodosta. Nopeus, tulivoima, suoja.

Etu on se että käytetään sitä kalustoa mitä on. Paras varmaan olisi olla paikoillaan jos ei ole tarpeeksi vaunuja ja epäsuoraa, mutta voi mennä sota pitkäksi sitten. Muutama sata-tuhat kilometriä rintamaa niin ei siellä vain ole täyttä kalustoa joka kohdassa kummallakaan puolella. Ja onhan niitäkin videoita nähty missä ei ole ollut jalkaväkeä ulkona tukemassa ja moitetta on tullut siitäkin. Jos ollaan ulkona, niin lienee tilannekohtaista onko parempi olla vaunun katveessa lähekkäin vai hajallaan. Hajallaan ollessa on omat ongelmansa.

Mutta ei kai nyt sentään paksut vaunut takana? Mitä iloa niistä siellä on? Taistelijan oppaassa nimenomaan sanotaan että ei vaunun pääaseen eteen pidä mennä.
Voidaanko todella erotella Venäläinen syvempi kansainvälinen alamaailma/mafia ja liike-elämä ja Kreml toisistaan jotenkin? Ei käsittääkseni. Ihan vakavissani sanon että se on yksi iso kokonaisuus.

Kreml käsitteenä sisältää tuossa yhtälössä koko sotilasvoimat sekä tiedustelupalvelut ja poliisin kaikki yksiköt.

Toki joku henkilökohtainen eturistiriita voi aiheuttaa sen että kilpaileva mafioso-liikemies salamurhautetaan ns ominpäin, varsinkin jos murhattu osapuoli ei ole Kremlin koneistossa tärkeä. Mutta kun nää tapaukset on ollut koneiston miehiä, niin kyllä silloin Intialaisessa hotellissa on tyyppejä tapettu tiedustelupalveluihin kytköksissä olevien tahojen toimesta. Toki jossain vaiheessa koneiston murentuessa voidaan tulla vaiheeseen että alkaa bisneksissä jälleen vallan uusjako ja reviireistä ja markkinaosuuksista jälleen soditaan tasavertaisesti kuten ennen Putinin valtakautta, joka aikoinaan muutti asetelman ja valta keskittyi vain Kremlin varjoihin Putinin oligarkkijengille.
Perimmäinen syy lienee puhdas Kremlin suosiossa olo. Pajarit ja niiden johtohahmot saa jakaa bisnekset keskenään ja kun joku valuu ulos puttelin suosiosta niin tuuli puhaltaa ikkunan suuntaan. Pulustusvermeteollisuus on ollut vähän puttelin ja dimankin hampaissa kun ei niitä tankkeja, kranaatteja tai muutakaa vermettä tule ulos tehtaista. Jos sinulla on ryssän tunkiolla Asema niin sen saaminen ja pitäminen edellyttää puttelin suosiota. Epäsuositut tippuu sitten ikkunasta, saadaan rajalliset korruptiotulot oikeille henkilöille.
Yks asia joka kiukuttaa Ukrainan sodassa on että media kirjottelee ikäänkuin sota olis alkanut helmikuussa -22 ... Eihän meilläkään kirjotella tyyliin:" Aivan sodan alussa ryssät teki suurhyökkäyksen ja murtautui Valkeasaaressa linjojen läpi... Sodan ensimmäisen kahden viikon aikana ryssät valloitti Viipurin...." Siis sota Ukrainassa alko huhtikuussa 2014... Ei meilläkään jatkosota alkanu kesäkuussa -44, vaikka sillon tapahtu suurhyökkäys....
Jos tuota tapaa tarkemmin miettii meillä metsäisillä urilla, niin mikäänhän ei estä pitämästä kosketusta hakevan kärkivaunun (suurin riski saada kk sarja kannelle) kantta tyhjänä ja miehittää vain seuraavien vaunujen kannet, kun kosketus kärjessä saadaan jalkautuu suojamiehistö taaemmista vaunuista välittömästi metsän puolelle.

Tietääkseni tämä on ihan virallinen doktriini Venäjällä. Paria kilsaa ennen kosketusta kannelle ja siitä sitten jalkautuminen kun alkaa paukkua tai ollaan jalkautumistasalla. Pari vaunua tiedustelee kärkenä.
Tietääkseni tämä on ihan virallinen doktriini Venäjällä. Paria kilsaa ennen kosketusta kannelle ja siitä sitten jalkautuminen kun alkaa paukkua tai ollaan jalkautumistasalla. Pari vaunua tiedustelee kärkenä.
Olettaisin, että meidän tiukka suhtautuminen pieniinkin tapaturmiin estää riskien vuoksi vaununpäällä matkustamisen. Tämän vuoksi harjoittelussa ei tätä tapahdu. Vähän sama, että pyöräillessä piti olla nahkarukkaset ettei kaatuessa ole kämmenet verillä 🙂
Panssarivaunuja junan kyydissä Rostovissa, T-90M ja T-72B3 obr 2022 (kuten ryssän kommentaattorin näitä kutsuvat) MUTTA myös T-62:

Silmäilin JR2 kirjoituksia taaksepäin ja sieltä löytyi tällainen arvio / laskelma toimitettujen vaunujen määrälle per tyyppi:

A new comment found: 15 Т-90М, 9 Т-72B3 obr. 2022 & 14 Т-62М.

Videolla on kaksi junaa rinnakkain, toisessa T-62M vaunuja ja toisessa näitä uudempia. Ei sinänsä tarkoittane muuta kuin että nämä on tulleet kahdesta eri paikasta ELI kahdesta eri tehtaasta tai varastovaunuja aktivoivasta pajasta.

T-90M ja T-72B3 vaunujen osalta on helppo arvata että voisivat olla Uralvagonzavodin tehtaalta Nizhny Tagilista. T-62M osalta puolestaan uutisoitiin aikaisemmin että yksi näitä "modernisoiva" tehdas on "103 Armored Repair Plant in the country’s Far Eastern Transbaikal Krai region" joka sekin kuuluu Uralvagonzavodiin. LÄHDE

Biggest Upgrade In History? Russia To Reactivate 800 Cold War-Era T-62 Tanks Amid Depleting Arsenal​

ByTanmay Kadam

October 14, 2022

The Russian military intends to reactivate and upgrade some 800 Soviet-era T-62 tanks in the next three years to balance its significant losses in the ongoing Ukraine war.

Andrey Gurulyov, a retired Russian general turned politician, who is currently a deputy of the lower house of Russia’s parliament, or Duma, said on his Telegram post on October 12 that he recently undertook a tour of the 103 Armored Repair Plant in the country’s Far Eastern Transbaikal Krai region.

The 103 Armored Repair Plant is a subsidiary of Russia’s state-owned conglomerate UralVagonZavod, the country’s leading tank manufacturer. Gurulyov also posted a video of his visit to the plant showing employees working on T-62s.

The decision to reactivate and upgrade a Cold War-era relic of a tank suggests that the Western sanctions are affecting Russia’s defense industry, as has been reported by several media reports since the start of the Ukraine conflict.

In March 2022, it was reported that UralVagonZavod was forced to shut down production due to a shortage of supplies.

The latest decision is evidence of massive tank losses suffered by the Russian military in Ukraine. So far, the Russian military has lost around 7000 tanks and other vehicles, according to the figures compiled by the military tracking blog Oryx based on visual confirmations.

Russia has already deployed T-62 tanks in Ukraine, as previously reported by EurAsian Times.

Soviet Era T-62 Tank

T-62 is a further development of the T-55 series tanks that entered serial production in 1961 and lasted until 1973, and in between, an estimated 20,000 T-62s were manufactured.

The tank was designed to be a more mobile and maneuverable replacement for its bulkier and sluggish predecessors.

The main armament of the T-62 is a 115 mm smoothbore gun that fires APFSDS, HEAT, and HE-FRAG rounds. Its maximum range of fire is up to four kilometers during the daytime and up to 800 meters during the night. The gun’s rate of fire is only four rounds per minute.

Notably, the T-62 can reportedly fire accurately while being mobile. A total of 40 rounds are carried for the main gun. The tank is also armed with a 7.62 mm coaxial machine gun and a 12.7 mm machine gun mounted on top of the turret.

The tank is operated by a crew of four, including a commander, gunner, loader, and driver.

In the early 1980s, the Soviets began a modification program for the T-62 that included improved armor, a more powerful engine, and an upgraded fire control system.

Gurulyov said that the T-62s in question would be upgraded, including modern thermal and night vision optics, additional armor, and other protection measures, particularly for defense against anti-tank guided missiles such as the US-made Javelin.

The T-62s Have Seen A Lot Of Combat!

Gurulyov reportedly also said during his visit to the 103 Armored Repair Plant that the T-62s have fulfilled their role well in Ukraine; however, evidence from the front suggests otherwise.

Social media is flooded with several pictures and videos of destroyed T-62s. Also, Ukrainian forces have captured several of these tanks in working conditions, which have been abandoned by retreating Russian troops.

Nevertheless, reports suggest that while the T-62s are obsolete, they could still provide the Russian military with much-needed armored fire support assets for engaging lighter armored and unarmored vehicles, fortifications, and Ukrainian troops in the open.

While there are many variants and subvariants of the T-62 tank, the ones used by Russian forces in Ukraine appear to be the T-62M variants and their T-62MV versions, equipped with the Kontakt-1 explosive reactive armor (ERA) protection systems.

The T-62s have been deployed in various conflict zones so far. Before the Ukraine war, Russia sent many of these tanks to Syria in 2020 to help the Syrian Army compensate for its losses in the civil war.

Before that, the T-62s were employed by Russia in the war against Georgia in 2008 and also in the Chechen-Russian conflict in the 1990s. At the height of the cold war, the T-62s played a crucial role in the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in the 1980s.


Paikkojen sijainnit:

103 Бронетанковый ремонтный завод / 103 Bronetankovyy Remontnyy Zavod / 103 Armored Repair Plant = 51.9167699, 113.6490002 - LINKKI (Google Maps)

Uralvagonzavod (Nizhny Tagil) = 57.936111, 60.095278 - LINKKI (Google Maps)

Viimeksi muokattu:
Pakko myöntää että kun näin tämän kuvan aikaisemmin niin mietin hetken että mitä tähän T-80U vaunuun on ripustettu rungon takaosan sivulle:


Ensimmäisenä tuli mieleen ne vanhat ns. "gill armor" paneelit jotka avataan vaunun sivuille mutta nämä eivät näytä siltä JA ne kuuluisi laittaa vaunun rungon sivun etuosaan, ei perään

Gill-paneelit nähtiin ensimmäisen kerran T-64 vaunuissa ja myöhemmin ainakin T-72 perheen vaunuissa mutta niistä luovuttiin liian heikkoina ja herkkinä, eivät kestäneet maastoajoa ehjinä riittävän kauan (näiden tarkoitus oli laukaista HEAT-kärjet ja syntyvän ilmaraon ansiosta syödä sen läpäisykykyä ennen kuin saavuttaa rungon kylkipanssarin):




MUTTA EI, tässä lienee vastaus kuvassa näkyvän T-80U vaunun osalta ja se on nolompi kuin äkkiseltään arvaisikaan:

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