Tässä BBC oteHurjan korkeat numerot, vaan otetaan mitä annetaan (minäkin olen toisinaan jakanut Volya Median numeroita, mutta mahdoton näitä on toki itsenäisesti todentaa).
Lainaan linkittämäsi ketjun viimeisestä viestistä:
Regarding sources and methods: @Volya_media Has been tracking RU/UA casualties via numerous sources since the early days of the war, and have had their data echoed by other estimates. They are RU-language media, but very much anti-Putin. Here's their breakdown:
Katso liite: 73552
Summat sisältäneeseen viestiin tuli tällainen vastaus: LÄHDE
Just a note that Volya miscalculated the totals in some of their earlier reports, so the totals for the war so far are:
KIA+POW+MIA: 133,203 to 140,307
WIA: 292,137 to 305,954
KIA+POW+MIA: 62,669 to 65,934
WIA: 149,080 to 155,048
LanguageLearner vastasi tähän näin:
As I understand it, the lower bound estimate is what they can independently confirm and the upper bound is with open source data.
A couple hundred here and a couple hundred there ultimately do result in the large range over the course of the year
Johon alkuperäinen vastaaja täsmensi mitä tarkoitti viestillään:
Yep, that's the case, it's just that when they were summing up some of the numbers back in May/June (if I'm not mistaken), they calculated the totals incorrectly. That's why there is a slight discrepancy between the true totals (as reported) and the totals as calculated by them.
LanguageLearner vastasi tähän näin:
Understandable, thank you for bringing that up again, frankly, I had forgotten about it!
Yksi numero muiden joukossa toki ja taitaa olla samalla suurimmat tappionumerot mitä olen nähnyt, mutta (väitetysti) saisivat tietoa monista eri lähteistä. Uskoo ken tahtoo, tietysti, mutta en toisaalta usko että tullaan samaan "virallisia, tarkkoja numeroita" sodan aikana taikka sen jälkeen. Parasta pitää silmällä mitä eri lähteet arvioivat, ehkä niistä sitten saa jonkinlaisen yleiskuvan.
As of December 9, we were able to confirm information about 10,002 dead soldiers and officers.
We rely only on confirmed death reports, so the data collected does not reflect the real level of casualties. We assume that our list may contain at least 40-60% fewer names of the dead than actually buried in Russia. We came to this conclusion after studying the monuments to the military, memorial plaques and the situation in cemeteries in more than 60 settlements in Russia.
Therefore, according to the most conservative estimate, the losses of the Russian army and the National Guard in Ukraine could be more than 20,000 people.
The total irretrievable losses of Russia (that is, the number of those who are out of action due to injury, death or missing) can be at least 90,000 people.
This figure was obtained based on observations by the US Center for Naval Analysis, according to which, for every Russian soldier who died during the war in Ukraine, about 3.5 were wounded. This figure does not include those who fought on the side of Russia as part of the "people's militias" of Donetsk and Lugansk.
10 000 имен: что известно о потерях России в Украине к декабрю - BBC News Русская служба
На основе открытых источников Би-би-си удалось установить имена более 10 тысяч российских военных, погибших на войне в Украине. В их числе - более 400 мобилизованных.