Laitan tuo liitteen Kosovon rippilapsista viela toiseen kertaan. Mielestani Krimealla ukrainalaisiin kohdistunutta painetta (+/- vakivaltainen kehoitus poistumaan) ja Kosovossa ei albaaneihin kohdistunut paine omaa yhtalaisyyksia, tietenkin silla erolla etta Kosovossa meno oli paljon raaempaa.
Rapatessa roiskuu. Uskoisin etta Venajan rapatessa Eestin kanssa Suomeen roiskuu. Pohjoisessa nuo ilmatilan loukkaukset saattavat tulla yleistymaan muutaman vuoden rajoituksella ja sitten kun todella aletaan pohjannapaa seulomaan niin uskon etta siella tulee riita Venajan ja Norjan kanssa.
There have been reports of war crimes committed by the KLA both during and after the conflict. These have been directed against Serbs, other ethnic minorities (primarily the Roma) and against ethnic Albanians accused of collaborating with Serb authorities. According to a 2001 report by Human Rights Watch (HRW):
The KLA was responsible for serious abuses… including abductions and murders of Serbs and ethnic Albanians considered collaborators with the state. Elements of the KLA are also responsible for post-conflict attacks on Serbs, Roma, and other non-Albanians, as well as ethnic Albanian political rivals... widespread and systematic burning and looting of homes belonging to Serbs, Roma, and other minorities and the destruction of Orthodox churches and monasteries... combined with harassment and intimidation designed to force people from their homes and communities... elements of the KLA are clearly responsible for many of these crimes.