Uudet pommikonehankkeet yleisketju

Joo mutta Lancasterin siiven suhde pituuteen on parempi..tosiaan..hirvee rohjo se Stirling.
Stirling muistaakseni suunniteltiin toimimaan lyhyiltä kentiltä ja ahtaista lentokonehalleista ja siksi koneesta tuli aika kummallinen, ja tosiaan suhteellisen tehoton. Sitten jossain vaiheessa ilmailuministeriö hiffasi että kun koneita ruutataan ulos tehtaista tuhansittain niin on halvempaa vain rakentaa kunnon kentät ja hallit.

" The exact name of the project have not conditionally call PAK TA - promising aviation complex transport aircraft. While this is only one of the perspectives, closer to 2030 , "- said the source . According to him, the exact requirements for PAK TA will be known later - after consultation with potential customers.
The B-52 bomber, one of the great stalwarts of America’s military arsenal, is getting its first major communications system upgrade since the Kennedy administration.

Yes, the high-flying, long-distance bomber is finally ditching its old-school cathode ray tube, green-on-black screens for full-color LCDs, and it’s getting a suite of upgrades that will make it an even more formidable weapon in the skies.

The Boeing B-52 has been the United States’ preeminent strategic bomber since it entered service in 1955. The B-2 Spirit, introduced in 1997, may have stealth on its side, but it can’t match the B-52’s 8,800-mile range or 70,000-pound payload capacity. In the earliest years of the Cold War, there usually was at least one B-52 airborne at all times. Later, the plane flew missions over Vietnam and during the Gulf War. They bombed Yugoslavia in 1999 and, more recently, flew sorties over Afghanistan and Iraq. And as old as it is, the Air Force expects the venerable plane to remain in service for at least another 35 years.

So it’s time they got an upgrade. In April, the Air Force began the four-year process of fitting its fleet of 76 B-52s with Boeing’s new Combat Network Communications Technology (CONECT) system. For the first time, B-52 crews can easily retarget weapons and change mission parameters while airborne. They can see intelligence data overlaid on maps shown on high-def LCD screens. And the plane’s myriad communications, targeting and navigation systems can receive data electronically, rather than having it relayed by radio and entered by hand.
A Request for Proposal has been issued to Industry by the U.S. Air Force for its Long Range Strike Bomber, or LRS-B.

The request sets out a future contract's requirements and precedes competitive selection based on contractor proposals.

"The LRS-B will be an adaptable and highly-capable system based upon mature technology," said Secretary of the Air Force Deborah Lee James. "We have established an achievable and stable set of requirements that should make this capability a hallmark for the future.

"We've set a realistic target cost for the system and have a procurement strategy which allows us to affordably field a new bomber fleet. The program's strategy will ensure we get the best possible deal for the taxpayer."

The new bomber the Air Force is seeking will be air-refuelable and capable of carrying both nuclear and conventional stand-off and direct-attack weapons. The Air Force considers it a top modernization priority.

"The long range strike bomber will be essential to our ability to win a full-spectrum conflict in the future," said Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Mark Welsh. "It is a must-have capability."

A contract for development of the bomber is expected to be issued in the spring of next year.

The Air Force plans to purchase 80-100 of the new bombers, which would become operational in the 2020s.
Air Force seeks bids for $550M next generation stealth bomber

The U.S. Air Force's super-secret next generation bomber, which one day could fly unmanned sorties, has moved a step closer to the production line with the Pentagon asking top defense contractors to submit proposals.

Not much is known about the Long Range Strike-Bomber project, which has been run as a classified program since 2011. But the bat-winged stealth bombers would likely cost around $550 million each, and the Air Force hopes to contract for as many as 100. That would add up to as much as $55 billion -- for a fleet of fighter planes the likes of which the world has never seen. Still, the pricetag would be lower than the B-2 currently used.

“The LRS-B is a top modernization priority for the Air Force. It will be an adaptable and highly capable system based upon mature technology,” Air Force secretary Deborah Lee James told the U.S. Naval Institute.

The Air Force's request for proposals is aimed at finding a prime contractor by spring of next year. Northrop Grumman and a Boeing/Lockheed Martin team are the natural choices to build the new bomber.

The Air Force was tight-lipped about the plane, but it is believed that it will be a very long-range subsonic aircraft with broadband stealth capability designed to evade low-frequency radars as effectively as high frequency. The planes will also be certified to carry nuclear weapons and are being designed as part of a Long Range Strike family of systems—and not as an aircraft designed to penetrate into the most heavily defended airspace all by itself, USNI reported.

The LRS-B was originally intended to be an “optionally manned” bomber, but the Air Force has indicated the aircraft will be at least initially manned. It is believed the planes will be larger, carry a bigger payload and have much longer range than the current generation of bombers.

According to Congressional Research Service analyst Jeremiah Gertler, who studied planned funding trendlines in a recent report and determined the Air Force has already done most of the development work on the bomber already. It is possible it has already even built prototypes, in the classified “black” budget, according to BreakingDefense.com.

“My idea is that something related to LRS-B might be already flying,” David Cenciotti, who operates the popular blog The Aviationist, told FoxNews.com. “It could be a technological demonstrator, a prototype or even a production plane.”

Cenciotti said an amateur photographer in Wichita, Kans., is believed to have photographed the plane.

“Even if it may seem far fetched, I think the one over Kansas could be the next generation LRSB,” Cenciotti said. “The reason why the Pentagon has eventually decided to fly the aircraft in daylight (hence exposing it to observers) is still unknown: maybe to distract from something else, or simply to flex muscles with Russia amid growing tensions over Ukraine.”

Even the bases from where these aircraft could be launched and recovered remain a mystery, according to Cenciotti.

He said Nevada's Groom Lake Air Force facility, also known as Area 51, or Whiteman Air Force Base, home of the B-2 fleet and only about 250 miles east of Wichita, would make the most sense.
''It is believed the planes will be larger, carry a bigger payload and have much longer range than the current generation of bombers.''

Kuulostaa sitä, kuin jenkit olisivat aikeissa rakentaa Tu160 -kokoluokan pommikoneen.
''It is believed the planes will be larger, carry a bigger payload and have much longer range than the current generation of bombers.''

Kuulostaa sitä, kuin jenkit olisivat aikeissa rakentaa Tu160 -kokoluokan pommikoneen.

Kyytiin 400 kappaletta Small Diameter Bombeja, niin kyllä kelpaa antaa lähitulitukea stratosfääristä.
A wide-body aircraft developed by Russia and China will enter market in 9 or 10 years, ITAR-TASS reports with reference to the president of United Aircraft Corporation (UAC), Mikhail Pogosyan.

“In the near term we are going to start the detailed design stage and assess the economic feasibility of the project. The program should enter market in 9 or 10 years,” Pogosyan said at Airshow China-2014.

According to him, flight testing of the aircraft seating 300 passengers and having a range of 12,000 km should be started in early 2020s.

According to Pogosyan, the initial stage of development is being started; the parties are looking for potential suppliers and define the scheme of cooperation.

“We have already defined major requirements for the jet,” the president of UAC stated.

Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade, Yuri Slusar, said the aircraft might enter market by 2025. “The jet is going to enter the market by 2025. If my memory serves me right its maiden flight is scheduled for 2021-2022,” he noted.

According to him, the implementation of this project has already been started. Both Moscow and Beijing support the project. “Next May we will start the detailed design stage of this project. We will showcase the results of this program,” Slusar promised. He expressed hope that the jet’s advantages in terms of aircraft performance and economics will be demonstrated at this stage.

“The project looks promising,” the Deputy Minister stated.

He also noted that the new liner should be in demand not only at Russian and Chinese markets. “It makes no sense to implement such project for just one country, even such a large one as China,” he explained.

Vaikka he puhuvat matkustajakoneesta, niin ei ole hirveä homma vääntää tuommoisesta pommikonetta. Itseasiassa jenkit puhuivat aikoinaan Northrop YB-35 kohdalla kuinka se olisi sopinut vallan mainiosti joukkojen kuljetukseen, ja kuinka siviililiikenne tulisi tulevaisuudessa käyttämään ainoastaan "lentävää siipeä" koska polttoaine, aerodynamiikka, ja kuljetuskapasiteetti on parempi kuin perinteissä mallissa.

Harvinainen pätkä XB-70 koneesta, mistä varmaan paljon lainataan jenkkien LSR-B protoon ja tuotantoversioon.

Harvinainen pätkä XB-70 koneesta, mistä varmaan paljon lainataan jenkkien LSR-B protoon ja tuotantoversioon.

Öh, huumoria? Todennäköisesti LRS-B on aivan toisenlainen kuin äärimmäisen kovaa korkealla lentävä B-70, häiveominaisuudet ovat itsestään selvästi mukana. Ainakin Northrop Grummanin teaserista voisi päätellä että heidän entrynsä on muodoiltaan hyvin samankaltainen kuin B-2 tai X-47B.

Ei minulla ole mitään yksi siipistä vastaan, koska myös nuolimainen kone saadaan häipymään tauhkaan EW vehkeiden lauessa täydellä teholla. Ei ne opit ole menneet jenkeiltä taikka Northrop Grummanilta, mutta eivät he ole pois sulkeneet ram-tyylistä konetta missä x-ohjelman oppeja käytetään hyväksi tuottamaan LRS-B. He ovat itse ottaneet naapuriin yhteyttä kun perestroika laukesi neuvostoliitossa, ja he ovat käyttäneet Tu-144 testikehtona High Speed Civil Transport projektissa. Ja kaikki tietävät mihin jenkit ovat pystyneet f22 ja f35 koneissaan joten suihkumoottorit ovat siirtymässä seuraavaan sukupolveen. Onko LSR-B B2n jälkeläinen stealth vehje taikka jonkin muu me näemme tulevaisuudessa, mutta totuus on se että minkä tahansa rahtikoneen voi muuttaa pommikoneeksi, ja vaikka tässä on itsestäänselvyys se että kaikki eivät ole samalla viivalla pitkälle kehitettyjen sotakoneiden rinnalla on todettava, että kehitys on aina tuottanut yllätyksiä mukanaan.

According to a new design specification from the Military-Industrial Commission in Moscow, a transport aircraft, dubbed PAK TA, will fly at supersonic speeds (up to 2,000 km/h) and will boast an impressively high payload of up to 200 tons. It will also have a range of at least 7,000 kilometers.

The PAK TA program envisages 80 new cargo aircraft to be built by 2024. This means in a decade Russia’s Central Command will be able to place a battle-ready armored army anywhere, Expert Online reports, citing a source in the military who attended the closed meeting.
According to a new design specification from the Military-Industrial Commission in Moscow, a transport aircraft, dubbed PAK TA, will fly at supersonic speeds (up to 2,000 km/h) and will boast an impressively high payload of up to 200 tons. It will also have a range of at least 7,000 kilometers.

The PAK TA program envisages 80 new cargo aircraft to be built by 2024. This means in a decade Russia’s Central Command will be able to place a battle-ready armored army anywhere, Expert Online reports, citing a source in the military who attended the closed meeting.

Suunnitelmista päätellen venäläiset ovat palkanneet votkahuuruissa pyörivän Juken projektin johtajaksi.
Tulee tästä jenkkien pommikoneprojektista mieleen F35 hässäkkä. Millä ihmeellä he aikovat saada valmiiksi LRS-Bn kenttäkuntoon ensi vuosikymmennen puoleen väliin menessä, kun ei siitä ole vielä tehty edes hankinta sopimusta?

The Air Force plans to announce a contract award for their new stealthy long-range bomber aircraft in September of this year, service officials told Military.com.

The contract award for the aircraft was initially expected to arrive earlier this summer. In fact, this new timeline comes on the heels of a series of delays for the award.

The new Long Range Strike Bomber, or LRS-B, is slated to fly alongside and ultimately replace the existing B-2 bomber.

Senior Air Force officials told Military.com that taking extra time at the front end of the process to make sure the selection is the right one will ultimately save much more time and money throughout the longer-term acquisition process. The service plans to field the new bomber by the mid-2020s.

“It will be done when [the contract award is] done. It is fair to say we are in the closing parts of it. This is something that will be with us for 50 years. To build fast, you’ve got to go slow,” William LaPlante, Assistant Secretary of the Air Force, Acquisition, said at recent event at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, a Washington D.C.-based think tank.

The Air Force ultimately plans to acquire as many as 80 to 100 new bombers for a price of roughly $550 million per plane, Air Force leaders have said.

Over the last two to three years, the Air Force has worked closely with defense companies as part of a classified research and technology phase. So far, the service has made a $1 billion technology investment in the bomber.

Northrop Grumman is competing against a partnership of Boeing and Lockheed Martin for the rights to build the bomber. Northrop Grumman ran a regional Super Bowl ad pitching the company’s experience building Air Force bombers.

The new LRS-B is slated to replace the Air Force’s bomber fleet to include the B-2 stealth bombers.

Although much of the details of the LRS-B development are not publically available, Air Force leaders have said the aircraft will likely be engineered to fly unmanned missions as well as manned missions.

The new aircraft will be designed to have global reach, in part by incorporating a large arsenal of long-range weapons. The LRS-B is being engineered to carry existing weapons as well as nuclear bombs and emerging and future weapons, Air Force officials explained.

In particular, the aircraft is being engineered to evade increasingly sophisticated air defenses which now use faster processors and sensors to track even stealthy aircraft at longer ranges.
Tulee tästä jenkkien pommikoneprojektista mieleen F35 hässäkkä. Millä ihmeellä he aikovat saada valmiiksi LRS-Bn kenttäkuntoon ensi vuosikymmennen puoleen väliin menessä, kun ei siitä ole vielä tehty edes hankinta sopimusta?


Kuten tuossa linkittämässäsi jutussa on mainittu, ilmeisesti paljon on jo tehty kulissien takana.

Mutta, aikataulu on silti vähintäänkin kunnianhimoinen.
"kun ei siitä ole vielä tehty edes hankinta sopimusta?"

Wikipedian mukaan esim. Northrop Grumman sai miljardirahoituksen prototyypin rakentamiseen jo vuonna 2008, eli kaiken järjen mukaan on jo olemassa kaksi prototyyppiä, joita vertaillaan parhaillaan.
"kun ei siitä ole vielä tehty edes hankinta sopimusta?"

Wikipedian mukaan esim. Northrop Grumman sai miljardirahoituksen prototyypin rakentamiseen jo vuonna 2008, eli kaiken järjen mukaan on jo olemassa kaksi prototyyppiä, joita vertaillaan parhaillaan.

"Aina niin luotettavan" wikipedian. Voi helvetti. Lueappa sieltä wikistä kuinka kauan F35 on tuhrattu aikaa, ja tule sitten selittämään miten protosta päästään tuotantoversioon heittämällä kun entisetkin projektit on niin vielä niin kesken.