Järjetöntä. Orjuuden maailmanlaajuinen kieltohan oli kuitenkin nimenomaan Britannian ansiota, ja Britannia myös siellä Afrikassa itsessään lopetti orjuuden, pakottamalla paikalliset hallitsijat hyväksymään brittiläinen laki.Sattuipa silmään. Kunnon woketusta Brittein saarilla. Liverpoolissa stenattiin museoitu laiva, jolla oli takanaan kunniakas palvelu toisessa maailmansodassa. Sen tilalle tulee jonkinlainen orjakaupasta kertova itseruoskintahuone.
Ship which transported resources during World War II to be scrapped
Built in 1917, the De Wadden ferried coal and food through the Irish Sea to southern England between 1939 and 1945 while Hitler's infamous submarines lurked under the waves.www.dailymail.co.uk
A ship which defied the terror of the Nazi U-Boats to transport vital resources around Britain has been destroyed and will be replaced with a slavery reflection room.
Maritime historians have condemned the decision, branding it an 'abomination' to the memory of the seafarers who bravely crewed the vessel during the Second World War.
Built in 1917, the De Wadden ferried coal and food through the Irish Sea to southern England between 1939 and 1945 while Hitler's infamous submarines lurked under the waves.
Official National Historic Ships Register records say: 'Her finest hour was probably during the Second World War when she was one of a small handful of vessels which provided the vital lifeline of supplies to the Irish Republic.'
But despite surviving the perils of conflict and being the last cargo sailing vessel the city can boast of, National Museums Liverpool (NML) decided to scrap her earlier this year.
Vaikka Britannia itse sitä aikanaan edisti, niin 1800-luvulla kuninkaallinen laivasto oli orjakauppiaiden tehokkain jahtaaja jo.
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