Jenkkitiedustelu sanoo yllätyksettömästi, että ryssä pyrkii boostaamaan Trumppia ja vahingoittamaan Harrista. ryssäkaveri Iranilla sen sijaan on päinvastainen agenda. Kiina ei ole sekaantunut vaaleihin.
Kiina, ryssälä ja Kuuba pyrkivät vaikuttamaan kongressi- ja paikallisvaaleihin. uapravda
Kiina, ryssälä ja Kuuba pyrkivät vaikuttamaan kongressi- ja paikallisvaaleihin. uapravda
Russia, in particular, continues to conduct influence campaigns aimed at improving the chances of former US President Donald Trump and is also trying to damage the campaign of Vice President Kamala Harris.
And Iran's efforts remain focused on helping Harris by harming Trump, as evidenced by the hacking and leaking operation against the Trump campaign, which involved three operatives working for Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps.
US intelligence agencies stressed that China had not yet interfered in the US presidential campaign, focusing instead on persuading American voters to reject state and local candidates who are seen as harmful to Beijing's interests, especially those who express support for Taiwan.
In addition, Russia and Cuba have joined China in targeting congressional, state and local elections.
And Iran's efforts remain focused on helping Harris by harming Trump, as evidenced by the hacking and leaking operation against the Trump campaign, which involved three operatives working for Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps.
US intelligence agencies stressed that China had not yet interfered in the US presidential campaign, focusing instead on persuading American voters to reject state and local candidates who are seen as harmful to Beijing's interests, especially those who express support for Taiwan.
In addition, Russia and Cuba have joined China in targeting congressional, state and local elections.