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Looking forward, the A400M would be a success, he insisted. Even with the gaps, the aircraft is able to do more than rivals. It will bridge the strategic capability of the larger C17 Globemaster and the tactical abilities of the smaller C130, is able to fly at Mach 0.72 and to take off and land on prepared and rough terrain. “With 11,000-horsepower engines, you have nothing comparable,” he said.
Looking back, the lessons learnt in the delivery of Europe’s newest military aircraft programme should not be forgotten. “We [Airbus] underestimated the complexity, the total complexity of the A400M,” Mr Alonso admitted. The customers too had lacked the necessary discipline to align their needs and rein in their conflicting desires. But for now “we are progressing”, he said. “We are solving the subjects one after another. We are determined to make this aircraft a success.”
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