F-35 Lightning II

Nopea videomuotoinen kuvaus miten Block 4 alkuperäinen 66 uutta kykyä (ml. 16 uutta asetyyppiä) sai eri tahoilta kolmessa erässä lisävaateita ja paisui 88:aan.
Lopussa mielenkiintoinen tieto, että globaalisti 180 kappaletta F-35:ia arvioidaan jäävän tulevalle TR-3 konfiguraation, mutta ei nykysuunnitelman Block 4 tasolle. Eli jäävät siihen alun perin ajatellulle Block 4 66 kyvyn tasolle kun valtaosa päivittää vähintään Block 4 88 kykyä -tasolle. Mainitsee välistä jäävän osan olevan EW-kykyjä.
Nyt ei säästölinja enää päde. Ukraina muutti tilanteen ja L&M hieroo käsiään. Ihan viisas veto. Britannia on niitä harvoja maita, joihin luotan kovassa paikassa (erityisesti sitten kun ollaan NATOssa).
Ja ai että Suomen hankinnan läpivienti ja ajoitus oli kultaakin kalliimpi!!
Miten tämä kuulostaa vähän sellaiselta kuin olisi jo puoliksi tehty, ainakin meillä? Vai onko HN parven sisäinen roolitus tosiaan noin jäykkä?
The F-35 may also be better suited to the revolutionary transformation the RCAF anticipates in its future aircrew and fighter lead-in training programs. But that message, too, has had minimal traction beyond the Air Force. Flynn has seen the U.S. Marine Corps adapt for “independent decision-making” in its tactical flying because of how the F-35 operates.

“An F-35 pilot is expected to contribute to the effectiveness and survivability of an entire four-ship as an equal member of the formation,” he said. “That is entirely different than how the relationship between flight leads and wingmen has been since the Red Baron days of the First World War. There is a hierarchical approach to fighter pilot flying in the conventional forces where in the four-ship cases, the flight lead is in charge, he has a wingman, and the No. 3 is the deputy lead, and is in charge of his wingman, No. 4. And the wingmen’s job is just supporting the formation.

“With the F-35, the formation will not survive unless all four members contribute and think independently. The Marine Corps learned early on that they couldn’t have No. 2 and No. 4 asking permission from their flight leads to execute their tasks. The wingmen needed to be given permission and assume responsibility as independent members of the formation. And the Marines evolved their F-35 tactics, they were forced to reassess how they develop pilots. This new way of flying is so different that it drives you to train pilots differently from the beginning of their pilot education. Highly advanced fighters like the F-35 are driving a revolution in pilot training.”..."
Ja ai että Suomen hankinnan läpivienti ja ajoitus oli kultaakin kalliimpi!!

Ja voitte uskoa kuinka se itänaapuria vituttaa. Voi melkein kuulla sen hampaiden kirskunnan kun sisimmässään tajuavat että heidän vähenevällä, vanhenevalla ja huoltovelkaisella kalustolla ei ole kahta sanaa haastaa länsimaiden tulevaa peruskalustoa. Ei kyllä pilottien ammattitaitokaan Ukrainan esitysten perusteella vakuuta.

No, ei saa aliarvioida vastustajaa mutta hekumoimpa kuitenkin sillä, että meidän puolustuskyky vahvistuu todella merkittävästi.

Ensimmäistä ylilentoa paraatissa odottaen. 💪🇫🇮🇺🇲
Miten tämä kuulostaa vähän sellaiselta kuin olisi jo puoliksi tehty, ainakin meillä? Vai onko HN parven sisäinen roolitus tosiaan noin jäykkä?

En tiedä missä on mitä tehty, mutta muistan lukeneeni jo jostain Kosovosta tai jostain, kuitenkin viime vuosituhannelta, esimerkkiä, miten kovassa tilanteessa jenkkien F-15 -parin johtaja ja siipimies ketterästi vaihtoivat roolia sen mukaan kummalla oli parempi asema viholliskoneeseen nähden. Tuo tekstinpätkä kuulostaa enemmänkin siltä että johtajan ja siipimiehen tehtävät ja toteutus on pahasti väärinymmärretty.
F-35 = äärimmäinen joustavuus.
Air power is shown through roles and characteristics. If we put command and control in the center, the four dimensions will; control air, combat, air mobility and ISR, lie on the outside. With its large ISR capacity (intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance) and air mobility, the F-35 will be able to monitor the large distances that the Russian bastion defense challenges with.

The air force's core characteristics such as altitude, speed and range are taken care of by the F-35 when flying up to 100 minutes from Ørlandet. These so-called H2R properties of the F-35 will show a Norwegian presence, and could give a high effect in the specified areas. In practice, the planes will be able to be anywhere in the "area of interest". The sensor platform and combat aircraft system will also be able to operate autonomously if the situation so requires.
The aircraft's advanced weapon systems provide great effect in roles such as combat and counter air. Henriksen's lecture was to a lesser extent of a technical nature about the aircraft. Rather, it went in a philosophical direction around the fighter aircraft's extreme flexibility and effect.
The aircraft gives Norway tactical, operational, strategic and security policy flexibility well into the future. There are many action options associated with the F-35, and the formidable capacity is not fully understood. The aircraft will still be able to exercise the traditional air force roles, but the main task will be air control so that others can "work" in peace. That is, to keep the enemy away. In addition, the aircraft, with its characteristics, can be used as political communication with our counterpart.
Tällaiseen viestintään ei taida olla ihan samanlaista tarvetta meillä. Suomen lippua ei ole tavattu "ylimainostaa" Dannebrogin tai Star-spangled bannerin tavoin.
The Danish flag on its tail
The Air Force has chosen to paint the Danish F-35 with the Danish flag on the tail fin. This has been a tradition throughout the 70-year history of the Air Force. In this painting, the Dannebrog is used in a toned down version with a darker red shade combined with a light grey instead of white. This marking makes the aircraft easily recognisable when it is on the runway with other F-35s from other partner countries, and symbolises that the F-35 is owned neither by the Defence nor the Air Force, but by all of Denmark.
ja jatkoa edelliseen F-35 kykyjen kokonaisuuden arviointiin hieman...
According to senior advisor Steen Hartov, the F-35 has qualities never seen before in fighter aircraft and draws comparisons between Denmark's new fighter aircraft and the playmaker's position on the handball court:
In many ways, the F-35 can be compared to the playmaker on a handball court. It is an airplane that can take the overall responsibility towards creating overview, analyze the opponent's defense and based on that put together an attack that can break down the coverage and get to the scoring chance. And like a skilled playmaker, the F-35 is a team player who doesn't care who scores the goals. As long as the game is won.
The image of the F-35 as the Defence playmaker is shared by Karsten Marrup, who adds that like a playmaker, the F-35 can step into different roles depending on the situation or mission needs:
"The F-35 can both be the decisive factor in delivering missiles, but it can also be in the background, setting up the attack and making the teammates and the whole team better."
For Karsten Marrup, it is important to stress that the F-35 must be seen in the context in which it was developed. This is essential to understand its potential and characteristics. The F-35 is the result of the Joint Strike Fighter Program project, which was and is based on developing an aircraft that can cooperate across domains and defenses. Therefore, "jointe", which translates into English means "to join together", is a very central and important part of understanding the creation of the fighter.
"We had a mantra in the 00's that we had to be good at flying with the Americans. We still have to be, but my hope is that in the future we will also seek to exploit the synergies between us that the F-35 provides. In this way, we now have a unique opportunity to develop defence in the light of deeper and more timely joint military cooperation."
There can be no doubt that in the future all players will be needed in the defence establishment. But how the court's new playmaker is utilised to distribute play and dispose of the team's resources, only time will tell. However, there is every reason to believe that, if mastered properly, the F-35 could bring the mission of a unified defence a step closer.

"The easy answer is that the F-35 will have a huge impact on the entire defence," says Anders Rex and continues: "The more serious answer is that we don't yet know exactly how. It's only when we start working with the aircraft that the possibilities really become apparent."
says Anders Rex, giving an example: "In 2009, I visited an F-18 unit in the US Navy that had just had a radar upgrade to AESA (Active Electronically Scanned Array, also on the F-35, ed.). They told me that every day they found new things they could use the radar for. So it's hard to say what we're going to be able to do with the aircraft this early in the process. It's when the pilots meet that the magic happens," says Anders Rex.
For example, it has been mentioned that Denmark might be able to use the aircraft as a deterrent in the Arctic.
The last 17 of the 27 planes are ready to be equipped with a parachute, so they can use on short and slippery runways, says Anders Rex: "It could be in Norway, it could also be in the Arctic. No decision has been taken to use the F-35 in the Arctic, but it gives flexibility," says the air chief.

F-35's have the capability to fly more than 12 hours at a time, meaning they can reach almost anywhere in the northern hemisphere in one mission or “sortie” as they call it in the Air Force.
Viimeksi muokattu:
In the Q&A after his remarks, Kelly commented on the value of the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, even after all of its weapons have been expended.
Kelly said the F-35 can do significant amount of sensing, including the ground moving target indicator capability inherent to the aircraft.
“Very often, in big ‘Red Flag’ exercises, [the F-35] will expend all its weapons, and where traditionally we would go home once we’d expended all of our weapons, the information that it puts out to the rest of the joint force is so valuable, and with its air sensing ground sensing and data linking, they like to keep it out there to contribute to the rest of the joint force,” he said.
The F-35 will be better than previous CAS platforms because of its ability to see through clouds and obscurants from a safe altitude, and to place ordnance exactly where it’s wanted without putting the aircraft, pilot, or ground troops in peril. Russian aircraft, he said, cannot do this, based on operations in Ukraine.
“I can see the entire Polish border from Slovakia to Kaliningrad,” said Harvey.
The F-35’s sensors also penetrate deep into Ukraine.
The F-35 has radar, infrared, and other sensors that form a picture hundreds of miles into Ukraine and Belarus, gathering information that is displayed on the cockpit screen, shared with allied F-35s on Air Policing missions nearby, and relayed to NATO command centers .

Their aircrafts are also “talking” to each other, sharing data and putting into practice all of the combat capabilities in which the fifth-generation aircraft was designed to excel.
“Our aircrafts are talking to one another,” said Sweeney. “You add in more F-35s, now the capability increases exponentially.”
Added Harvey: “The F-35 specifically works better the more F-35s that are talking to each other.”
Jos USA-mukaisena niin ei hanki. Toisaalta "teollinen kunnia" ja Norja-yhteistyö vaatisi Apexia.
Jostain luin jo vuosia sitten että USAF ei sallisi APEX-ammusten käyttöä jostain syystä hävittäjissään. En tiedä miksi ja onko edes totta. APEX on epäherkkä kaikenlisäksi.

A leading driver of the F-35 not being mission capable has been engine issues,” GAO found of the Pratt & Whitney F135 engine that powers all three versions of the jet. There was talk at the hearing about recompeting the engine contract with Pratt or perhaps going to a previous plan to also buy a General Electric engine and have two, but Garamendi said that likely would result in two engines that "don't work."

A leading driver of the F-35 not being mission capable has been engine issues,” GAO found of the Pratt & Whitney F135 engine that powers all three versions of the jet. There was talk at the hearing about recompeting the engine contract with Pratt or perhaps going to a previous plan to also buy a General Electric engine and have two, but Garamendi said that likely would result in two engines that "don't work."
Toivottavasti moottoriin saadaan parannuksia kunnes koneita aletaan tekemään meille. Ymmärsin sivulauseista että herkkyys pölylle olisi liiallista F135 kanssa.

Toinen kenraalin suusta kuultu lause ei sekään herätä luottamusta uuden ODIN-järjestelmään siirtymisen osalta:
” He then admitted regret over a plan launched two years ago to “flip the switch” from one incredibly complex maintenance and logistics system to another. The transition from the Autonomic Logistics Information System, or ALIS, the F-35’s supposedly universally available health and maintenance data system, to Operational Data Integrated Network, or ODIN, has been fraught, to say the least. The new plan is to go from one to the other like a “dimmer switch.”

“We were educated over time that that was a foolish way to proceed — switching from ALIS to ODIN with the flip of a switch two years ago,” Fick said. “I have a new material leader working ALIS.”

Siirtyminen on hoidettu liian kunnianhimoisesti ja rajusti ilmeisimmin rapakona takan. Muistelen että suomen F-35 sopimuksessa olisi mainittu ALIS eikä ODIN. Olisikohan tosiaan niin että ALIS olisi saatu toimimaan paremmin nyt ja ODIN olisi niin must?
Muistelen että suomen F-35 sopimuksessa olisi mainittu ALIS eikä ODIN. Olisikohan tosiaan niin että ALIS olisi saatu toimimaan paremmin nyt ja ODIN olisi niin must?
Sopimuksesta en löytänyt tähän hätään, mutta DSCA-myyntiluvassa 10/2020 Suomelle mainittiin molemmat. Sveitsille vain ALIS. Mikä on erikoista ottaen huomioon, että Suomen lupa tuli julki vain 9 pv Sveitsiä myöhemmin.

Ilmeisesti nykyisten F-35 koodipohja on sen verran vanhaa, että ODIN tulee järkevästi vasta TR3 yhteydessä eikä väkisin pakottaen vanhaan (joilla ALIS 3.5 pohjaiset 120pv välein tehtävät päivitykset jatkuu). Eli Suomen, Sveitsin heti kättelyssä.
F-35 Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) Program
Updated May 2, 2022 CRS Congressional Report Service

"...ALIS Replacement
Some of the problems with ALIS reportedly stem from its 1990s-based architecture. DOD is replacing ALIS with a new technology system called ODIN, for Operational Data Integrated Network.

ODIN is designed to be more user-friendly and less prone to error. Program officials decided to replace ALIS rather than upgrading it further in order to take advantage of modern programming architectures.

We have old hardware, we have old operating systems… if we were ever going to get to a modern software architecture, modernizing ALIS wasn’t going to get us there. [Replacement is] so that we can leverage all the things that have happened in software development over the last couple of decades.

The code in this airplane is old… it’s frankly going to take a couple of years for this to all iron itself out.

ODIN will work with F-35s that have the Technical Refresh-3 hardware package, beginning with acquisition Lot 15 in 2023. That package includes a new integrated core processor, panoramic cockpit display, and an enhanced memory unit. The company intends to incorporate TR3 in F-35s starting in Lot 15, with those jets rolling off the production lot in 2023. Earlier F-35s will, at least initially, continue with ALIS version 3.5, which is being refreshed “roughly every 120 days or so.” “ALIS 3.5 is going to be the core … capability for our sustainers until we get ODIN up and online.”..."
Toivottavasti moottoriin saadaan parannuksia kunnes koneita aletaan tekemään meille. Ymmärsin sivulauseista että herkkyys pölylle olisi liiallista F135 kanssa.

Onneksi meillä on imuriautot jo valmiiksi! :p
...The Joint Program Office has made clear that any member of the F-35 program that wants to be “different” has to pay the full cost for that, which would include the development and integration of the AETP engines.
It’s unclear whether the Navy, the Marine Corps, or any of the other nations in the F-35 program are interested in splitting the costs of such an effort with the Air Force. GE Aviation, the maker of one of the AETP engines, has said its engine wouldn’t be able to go in the Marines’ F-35Bs and would need modifications for the Navy’s F-35Cs....

...“The Department of Defense has to make a decision overall about engine modifications and upgrades for the F-35. I expect that process to take place over the next few months as we build the [2024] budget,” Kendall told Collins. “What the Air Force has funded is continuing the AETP technology development, but we’re going to need to have a decision at a higher level about the overall program for F-35 engine modifications and upgrades.”
Eli aika monen pitäisi USAFin völjyyn lähteä, että AETP tulisi realistiseksi. Muuten maksaa mansikoita siirtyä t&k:sta F-35A:han integrointiin.
Koska on selvää, että se on kallista niin on aika vaikea edes kuvitella miten paljon parempi sen pitäisi olla ettei F-135:n jatkot olisi todennäköisin tulos.