Ruotsalaisten rinkirunkkua koko ketju. Eihän tuolle voi kuin nauraa.
"The F-35 is essentially (except stealth) worse than the Gripen E. Yet they almost always succeed in winning. Some part is the USA :s security guarantee, but part is also due to aggressive & bold marketing of "cool" not even realized technology, which affects decision makers."
"The Gripen E is faster, flies longer, has more modern architecture, more computing power, is cheaper (both purchasing and operation) and swings more efficiently. Including. Unsure of the load (variation and weight) that they can both take though."
edit: Annetaan kuitenkin pisteet Gripen E -kehittäjä Ytterströmille annoksesta realismia. Grevin täytyy näköjään turvautua itsepetokseen kun on Gripen-krapula ja vielä myy siihen nykyään jotain AI:ta "decision support system". Ilmeisesti harmittaa kun ei ole oikein mihin myydä. Väsynyt rantti kaikkiaan koko ketju.
"As a developer of E, I do not have much to say against and of course hope that Saab wins. Much of the new fpl is decided in the electromagnetic (+ weapon). EW + avionics is difficult to know anything about, other than some HW, experience and that new HW is usually better. A + for F-35 is the number."