Gripen E/F

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40 C/D vaikuttaisi jatkavan 60 E/F rinnalla.
Meinaavatkohan päivitellä noiden C/D-Gripenien avioniikat E/F tasolle niin pitkälle kun pystyy?
Meinaavatkohan päivitellä noiden C/D-Gripenien avioniikat E/F tasolle niin pitkälle kun pystyy?

Gripen C/D sai vielä päivityksen MS20-standardiin, mutta MS21, MS22 ja MS23 on varattu Gripen E:lle. Eli joko siellä ei ole mietitty kunnolla versionimityksiä tai sitten Gripen C/D:n kehitystyö on jäädytetty. Veikkaan jälkimmäistä, koska asiakkaalla ei ole rahaa.
Niin, varmaan pitäisi joku rahakas höynäyttää ostamaan uusia C/D ja jos mahdollista vielä Saabin AESA-tutkalla. Se olisi kyllä jo vähän liian paljon pyydetty.
Rahakas ja C/D käy aika huonosti yhteen sinänsä. 40 kappaleelle ei kannata Ruotsin kovin paljoa tehdä. Vaikka sinänsä RAF:n ECRS mk 2 tutka on tulossa vasta juuri samaan määrään uusimpia Typhoonia.
Viimeksi muokattu:
Tosiaan tuo F-117 pudottama tutkakone ilmeisesti juontaa juurensa Red Storm Rising kirjaan. Kirjan kirjoittamisen aikana häive koneesta liikkui vain huhuja kuten nyt B-21 pommikoneesta. Oletettiin, että sen rooli voisi olla tuollainen.
Gripenin HMD:na Elbit Targo II. Se on myös Qatarin Rafalessa. (JHMCS ja F-35:n kypärä on myös Elbitin, tosin USA-kumppanina mukana Rockwell Collins)

"Targo will be manufactured and supplied by the Brazilian company AEL Sistemas and was also ordered by Brazil for the Brazilian Air Force Gripen NG fighters."

Klassikko-Gripukassa on BAE/Denel Cobra. Se on wikin mukaan Typhoonissa olevan BAE/Pilkington Strikerin jatkokehitelmä. Tosin siitäkin on nykyään Striker II, joka vissiin rakentuu jotenkin JHMCS II:n pohjalta. JHMCS (I) oli puolestaan aikoinaan Elbit DASH III ja Kaiser Agile Eyen (Kaiser Electronics, nykyisin Rockwell Collinsiin sulautettu) pohjalta.

Täällä on museossa kuva proto-Cobrasta noin vuodelta 2005.

Täällä jaetaan kunniaa ensimmäisestä joko Etelä-Afrikkaan tai Venäjälle.
Viimeksi muokattu:
Tuoreesta jutusta, jossa tarkastellaan Thaimaan C/D:tä + 340 AEW:ia meritorjunnassa voi saada vihjeitä, miten E:llä voisi se tapahtua.

The Gripen guarding the Gulf
Analayo Korsakul Feb 2021

"Thailand may be famous for its tropical beauty and stunning beaches, but something in the air also makes it unique, as Analayo Korsakul reports...

...Saab JAS-39 Gripen fighters and Saab 340 AEW (airborne early warning) aircraft. Both serve Wing 7 at Surat Thani located near the Gulf of Thailand and are tasked with safeguarding sovereign air space across Southern Thailand, close to the biggest choke points in the world. The Strait of Malacca, a narrow 2.8km-wide sea lane connecting the Pacific and Indian Oceans, is a gateway between the East and the West and accounts for a quarter of global trade. It means Wing 7 is never short of work.

Maritime capability
One of the crucial factors that saw the Gripen being selected is its maritime domain capability. As well as the 12 examples ordered in 2008, the Swedish Air Force transferred 12 older RBS-15F anti-shipping missiles to the RTAF until the more modern Mk.3 model was available. It marks the first time the RTAF has had a real maritime strike capability, something it has longed for since the F/A-18D order was cancelled during the 1997 Asian financial crisis.

The Gripen works closely with the Saab 340 AEW in this role. The RTAF also agreed an operational framework alongside the Royal Thai Navy (RTN) to co-ordinate operationally during any conflict. It ensures RTN frigates and helicopter carriers can act as a fighter controller to direct Gripens to the maritime target....

...For a more capable missile, upgrade work has to be done. A recent 2020 RTAF white paper called for the Gripens to be upgraded with the new MS-20 (Mission System) during 2020/21. With it will come CBRN (chemical, biological radiological and nuclear) protection, datalink for close air support, new software for the PS/05 radar, small diameter bombs (SDBs) and Meteor support.

One of the features the RTAF will benefit from is the automatic ground collision avoidance system (AGGAS) - the RTAF lost one Gripen and its pilot during an aerial display during a 2017 Children's Day open house show (organised nationwide every second Saturday of January). Later investigations confirmed that the pilot had suffered from vertigo [SD Spatial Disorientation even in daylight]. If the AGGAS feature had existed, this tragic accident could have been avoided...."

AIR International Feb 2021 Vol 100 No 2
Tässä on jännä avautuminen kuinka ennen ei ole kehitetty kahta Gripenin versiota samaan aikaan, mikä nyt rasittaa kovasti henkilöstöä. Ei ole nykyisillä järjestelyillä kestävä tie vaikuttaisi olevan sanoma.

"We at Stridsflyg (formerly GRIPEN) have never been staffed to operate and develop a system (C /D) and at the same time develop another (E). Now that a major development of C / D is underway, it is painfully clear. People who already have more than 100% occupancy suddenly get additional work of 50 to 70%.
On paper, it works when you take hours from existing assignments and put them on the new one. The only problem is that the expectation of delivery is the same in the existing assignments.
There is a risk that the quality of work will decline without it.
Fact. At the same time, the process burden and the number of action rules have increased, which means that the time to do an effective job for the product's best is reduced. There will be more meta, rewriting the product instead of working with and for the product. It can go really bad if it continues.

I would like to have a clear expectation of what the technical administrators / product representatives should have for competence. Should they only write papers to meet KEL based on industry papers or should they have very good knowledge in the domain and be able to drive technology and ability development?
There are two completely different types you need depending on what the answer is ...
We have product managers who have pointed out that the value added of product representatives lies in IT security or system security. Great dissatisfaction with it arose ...Grimacing face"

Mikael Grevillä eli ex-Gripukkakuskilla ja nykyisellä koodinikkaripajan ukkona on sanansa sanottavana asiaan.
"This is something that happy amateurs do not understand when they think that you can just keep an older aircraft system in parallel with the new one so you get more aircraft.
There's not enough people."
Viimeksi muokattu:
"Would like the aircraft to be able to carry a standoff weapon by the end of the decade" särähtää taas aika pahasti Gripenin keskeneräisyydestä meidän kilpailutukseen ja että taas Saab on vuosia myöhässä keretäkseen olla vakavasti otettava osapuoli kilpailussa.