Onpa Avengeristakin päivitetty versio jollaista juurikin haikailin, meet Avenger AFPS:
“Boeing has developed a universal weapons interface concept that enables integration of a variety of weapons, providing multi-mission capability on a single platform,” said Hillman, now the program manager for Avenger and the new Adaptive Force Protection Solutions system, or AFPS. “This approach allows for rapid conversion, a robust weapons mix and the flexibility to match the weapon with the threat.”
AFPS carries the “classic” Avenger weapon -- the Stinger surface-to-air missile -- but can also field an array of other weapons, including the AIM-9X surface-to-air missile, which has longer range than the Stinger. Hellfire missiles and 2.75-inch guided rockets on AFPS can defend against ground targets, and a remotely operated, lightweight 25 mm machine gun can counter air or ground targets. AFPS can even carry a high-energy laser to destroy unexploded ordnance on the ground or unmanned aircraft in the air. Weapons can be removed or installed in as little as a few minutes.
the AFPS system can be placed with or without a turret on a variety of vehicles, potential platforms include a Humvee, the Family of Medium Tactical Vehicles or even the ground or a ship.
“AFPS takes a very effective weapon system in Avenger and adds a lot of capability not only to improve the primary mission of air defense but also to give it a multi-role element for force protection against ground threats,” Hillman said. “And it is vehicle agnostic; as long as there is enough real estate, it can be adapted to any vehicle.”
Jenkit on testanneet 1 kw laseria Irakissa IED:en räjäyttämiseen ja seuraava askel on kokeilla 3 kw laseria jolla voidaan tuhota kevyitä UAV:a.
En tosin pidä laseria kannattavana tai tehokkaana vielä vuosiin mutta tulevaisuutta se on vääjäämättä! Uusi järjestelmä sopii ilma- ja maamaalien tulittamiseen, vaikka kuvassa oleva paketti olisi paras meille: tykki ja Stingerit UAV:lle ja hekoille, AIM-9X lentokoneille.
Minun valintani varauksella on tuo ja loput paukut NASAMS-järjestelmiin ja ohjuksiin (AMRAAM, AIM-9X, Stinger).
Juurikin näin!