Lännen taloussota Venäjälle ja sen seuraukset

  • Viestiketjun aloittaja Viestiketjun aloittaja Heinrich
  • Aloitus PVM Aloitus PVM
Onkohan tuossa listassa jokin virhe? Ei tuo kaasun osuus voi olla noin pieni. Mielestäni jo pelkästään vienti Eurooppaan oli ennen sotaa kymmenien miljardien bisnes. Ja jonkin venäläisen arvion mukaan venäjän viennistä 2/3 oli hiilivetyjä, josta arvioiden mukaan tultiin/tullaan tippumaan ainakin puoleen.
Entäs nikkelimalmi?? eikös sitä suomeenkin rahdata koko ajan kaksin käsin. Tai lannoitteet??
Lainaus Yle uutisista.

Harjavallan tehdas on osa yhtä maailman suurinta kaivosyhtiötä, venäläistä Nornickel-konsernia. Sen pääjohtaja Vladimir Potanin on Yhdysvaltojen, Iso-Britannian ja Kanadan pakotelistoilla, mutta ei EU:n.

Syy löytyy juuri Venäjän raaka-aineista.

Venäläinen nikkeli ja lannoitteet eivät kuulu EU:n Venäjää vastaan asetettujen pakotteiden piiriin.

Ne ovat niin sanottuja kriittisiä raaka-aineita, joita länsimaat pitävät edelleen tarpeellisina maailman ruokahuollon ja teollisuuden, muun muassa vihreän siirtymän kannalta.

Lisää: Suomalaisyhtiö tekee valtavaa bisnestä venäläisten kanssa – ”Olemme mukana isänmaallisessa työssä”

On hienoa olla riippuvainen.
Entäs nikkelimalmi?? eikös sitä suomeenkin rahdata koko ajan kaksin käsin. Tai lannoitteet??
No välillä nikkeliä on juna täynnä ja välillä menee pelkkää ammoniakkia Harjavaltaan. 2 junaa viikossa yleensä sinne suuntaan.
Yaralle menee yleensä joku reilu 30 ammoniakkivaunua 2kpl Siilinjärvelle ja 2kpl Uuteenkaupunkiin viikossa.
Eniten lannoitekuormia menee Kotkan kautta maailmalle (20 junaa mennyt tässä kuussa tähän mennessä), Niiralaan Cemagrolle menee joskus harvoin, viime kuussa kolme junaa, tässä kuussa mennyt yksi. Jälkimmäisessä ei taida olla Nurmisen konsernilla mitään tekemistä.
Ja taas paukku sata ruplaa taalaa vastaan. Näin perjantain kunniaksi, niin saadaankohan jotain kivoja uutisia iltapäivälle? Koron nosta tai sitten nostorajoitukset?
Sperbank se vaan nostaa asuntolainojen korkoja vaikka rakennusfirmat ovat jo kielekkeen reunalla.
Suomeksi tavallisen asuntolainan minimikorko on 28.1%. Korkotuetun asuntolainan saamiseksi pitäisi löytyä etumaksua puolet lainan arvosta, jonka lisäksi niitä on rajoitetusti saatavilla käydessään kalliiksi valtion budjetille.

Ps. Prune on siirtynyt Blueskyn puolelle, valitettavasti eivät suoraan aukea tänne sivulle..
Gazprom keskeyttää kaasun viennin Itävaltaan huomisesta lähtien. Tämä on noin puolet Ukrainan kautta kulkevasta ja kolmannes Euroopan Unioniin kulkevasta venäläisestä putkikaasusta. Tämä johtuu ilmeisesti siitä että OMV sanoi keskeyttävänsä maksut Gazpromille periäkseen sille kuuluvat 243 miljoonan dollarin korvaukset liittyen epäsäännölliseen kaasun toimitukseen Saksaan. Gazpromin Itävaltaan toimittaman kaasun arvo on noin 2.5 miljardia dollaria vuodessa.
Viimeksi muokattu:
Venäjän keskuspankki ottaa jo lisää desimaaleja käyttöön, jotta ei tarvitse pyöristää ruplan kurssia sataan... Nyt 99.9971

Miten sitten toimitaan kun setelipaino ei ehdi pysymään enää perässä desiaamaalien ylläpidossa? Luodaan uusi rupla niin että vanhalla 1 miljoonalla ruplalla saa yhden uuden ruplan. Sitten voidaan aukoa päätä miten heikko taala on. Tosin niiden uusien ruplanpalasten (mitä kopeekoita ne olikaan) osalta ei ehditä tehdä tarpeeksi, niin vahnat seteili pidetään rinnalla tuolla vaihtoarvolla ja peli paikallisilla toreilla kulkee niillä. Mutta se tärkeä virallinen kurssia näyttää ruplan vahvuutta...
Venäläisiä öljynjalostamoitakin menossa nurin alkuvuodesta... Korkeat korot, kallis materiaali ja sanktioiden aiheuttamat hinnanalennukset myytävässä tuotteessa ovat tappava yhdistelmä ainakin pienille ja keskisuurille jalostamoille.

Edit: Aika paljon on alkanut jo tulla kritiikkiä korkotasosta Venäjän elinkeinoelämältä... Nyt kun vielä keskuspankki nykäisee siihen pari prosenttia lisää ennen vuodenvaihdetta.

Miten sitten toimitaan kun setelipaino ei ehdi pysymään enää perässä desiaamaalien ylläpidossa? Luodaan uusi rupla niin että vanhalla 1 miljoonalla ruplalla saa yhden uuden ruplan. Sitten voidaan aukoa päätä miten heikko taala on. Tosin niiden uusien ruplanpalasten (mitä kopeekoita ne olikaan) osalta ei ehditä tehdä tarpeeksi, niin vahnat seteili pidetään rinnalla tuolla vaihtoarvolla ja peli paikallisilla toreilla kulkee niillä. Mutta se tärkeä virallinen kurssia näyttää ruplan vahvuutta...
Kai siellä kohta luodaan uusi putrupla, mutta suhteen pitää olla vähintään 1:miljardiin kun katselee miten muissa hyperinflaation kokeneissa maissa on toimittu. Painatuksiin sitten putin istuu, putin makaa, putin edestä ja takaa...
Venäjän keskuspankki ottaa jo lisää desimaaleja käyttöön, jotta ei tarvitse pyöristää ruplan kurssia sataan... Nyt 99.9971

Elviralta taisi palaa viikonloppuvapaat. Parissa kuukaudessa tultu tuolta 90 alta satasen päälle. Toivottavasti paskaa alkaisi kohta ryöpytä kuten siitä moskovan geysiristä...


Oleellisin kilpajuoksuhan on tämä - rapistuuko ennemmin ryssän talous vai tuki Ukrainalle
Viimeksi muokattu:
Kai siellä kohta luodaan uusi putrupla, mutta suhteen pitää olla vähintään 1:miljardiin kun katselee miten muissa hyperinflaation kokeneissa maissa on toimittu. Painatuksiin sitten putin istuu, putin makaa, putin edestä ja takaa...
Jos vaikka tulee venäjän dollari uudeksi valuutaksi jollain sopivalla vaihtokurssilla, pääsee tavisryssäkin taalamiljonääriksi
Venäjä rajoittaa uraanin vientiä Yhdysvaltoihin.

MOSCOW, Nov 15 (Reuters) - Russia has imposed restrictions on the export of enriched uranium to the United States, the government said on Friday, creating supply risks for U.S. nuclear power plants which last year imported a quarter of their enriched uranium from the country.

Russia said the temporary restrictions were a response to Washington's ban on imports of Russian uranium, which was signed into law earlier this year, but contained waivers allowing for shipments to continue in case of supply concerns through 2027.

Russia is the world's sixth largest uranium producer and controls about 44% of global uranium enrichment capacity. In 2023, the U.S. and China topped the list of Russian uranium importers, followed by South Korea and France.

President Vladimir Putin told a government meeting on Sept. 11 that Moscow should consider limiting exports of uranium, titanium and nickel in retaliation for Western sanctions.

The government's decree on Friday was the first follow up action to Putin's statement in September.
Russia accounted for 27% of the enriched uranium supplied to U.S. commercial nuclear reactors last year. Imports to the U.S. from Russia through July this year stood at 313,050 kilograms (690,160 lb), down 30% from last year.

It is not clear whether the U.S. has imported any uranium from Russia after the U.S. ban took effect in August. The Russian government's decree says companies authorized by the export control watchdog can still export uranium to the United States.

The U.S. is probing a surge in imports of enriched uranium from China since late 2023 amid concerns the shipments are helping Moscow sidestep a U.S. ban on imports of the power plant fuel from Russia.
Elviralta taisi palaa viikonloppuvapaat. Parissa kuukaudessa tultu tuolta 90 alta satasen päälle. Toivottavasti paskaa alkaisi kohta ryöpytä kuten siitä moskovan geysiristä...

Katso liite: 108600

Oleellisin kilpajuoksuhan on tämä - rapistuuko ennemmin ryssän talous vai tuki Ukrainalle
Millä ruplan kurssilla Elvira pääsee kokeilemaan siipiään?
Juoruilua konttirahdista:

Russian Railways has practically stopped cargo transportation in Russia

Russian Railways has stopped sending containers to one of the main container terminals in the Moscow region, Selyatino , for 10 days, according to company employees working with this terminal.

The restriction is in effect from November 12 to 21 and is due to the fact that the terminal is overcrowded and the Moscow Railway is overloaded , according to Russian Railways documents.

The situation is similar in another large terminal – Elektrougli . Trains with containers cannot get there either – they have been standing for more than 10 days approximately 1000 kilometers from the capital, between Perm and Kirov.

Delivery delays are huge – a month is considered a good time, and two months are no longer uncommon – key stations on the import route from the Far East to Central Russia are clogged with abandoned trains, from which the locomotive has been uncoupled and left on sidings for an indefinite period, shippers say.

In most cases, Russian Railways explains the need to leave a train without service by a shortage of rolling stock and locomotive crews, employees of transport companies explain. The company is short 2.5 thousand drivers, said Deputy General Director of Russian Railways Dmitry Shakhanov.

The problem is so serious that in early November, the heads of several major railway operators complained about Russian Railways to presidential adviser Igor Levitin . They write that their clients-shippers are increasingly faced with a lack of wagons for loading. According to their estimates, already in mid-October, 35-40% of cargo intended for shipment to the central part of the country was not loaded on the West Siberian Railway.


MUOKKAUS: yllä lainatun tekstin lähde (artikkeli julkaistu 15.11.2024):


Russian Railways has suspended the dispatch of containers to the largest terminal in the Moscow region for 10 days

день назад

Russian Railways logistics took a 10-day break in some places

Russian Railways has suspended the dispatch of containers to one of the main container terminals in the Moscow region, Selyatino, for 10 days, according to company employees working with the terminal. The restriction is in effect from November 12 to 21 and is due to the fact that the terminal is overcrowded and the Moscow Railway is overloaded, according to Russian Railways documents.

A similar situation is in another large terminal – Elektrougli. Trains with containers cannot get there either – they have been standing for more than 10 days approximately 1000 kilometers from the capital, between Perm and Kirov.

Delays in delivery are huge - a month is considered a good period, and two months are no longer uncommon, key stations on the import route from the Far East to Central Russia are clogged with abandoned trains, from which the locomotive was uncoupled and left on sidings for an indefinite period, shippers say. In most cases, Russian Railways explains the need to leave the train without movement by the lack of rolling stock and locomotive crews, employees of transport companies explain. The company is short of 2.5 thousand drivers, said Deputy General Director of Russian Railways Dmitry Shakhanov.

The problem is so serious that in early November, the heads of several major railway operators complained about Russian Railways to presidential adviser Igor Levitin. They write that their clients-shippers are increasingly faced with a lack of wagons for loading. According to their estimates, already in mid-October, 35-40% of cargo intended for shipment to the central part of the country was not loaded on the West Siberian Railway. The reason, according to the operators, is that Russian Railways deliberately understates loading plans by at least a quarter, introduces unprecedented restrictions on the return of empty wagons to the East and abandons trains. The state company is not fulfilling its declared plans for infrastructure development, the authors of the appeal point out.

All this creates a threat of export of imports from the Far East, operators are sounding the alarm.

Russian Railways informed shippers a month ago that almost 600 trains were idle across the country, and only a tenth of them were in the Far East, say logistics company employees. Half of the trains were then on the Moscow Railway. But now the “epidemic” of train abandonment has engulfed the entire railway network from East to West, operators say.

After all, the containers that have reached the central part of Russia are standing in kilometer-long walls at key transport hubs: there is nothing to transport back to the East in them, since Russia’s main export is raw materials or food, explains the head of the shipping company.


Tässä hieman lisää samasta aiheesta, en muista onko tätä jaettu tässä ketjussa aikaisemmin (artikkeli julkaistu 6.11.2024):


Бизнес , 06 Nov, 00:00
6 368


Carriers complained to Levitin about restrictions from Russian Railways​

Railway operators have asked presidential adviser Igor Levitin to sort out restrictions on access of empty wagons to the Russian Railways network. Maintaining the bans could lead to overstocking of ports, the business community claims

Railway operators have asked presidential adviser Igor Levitin (who is also the president’s special representative for international cooperation in the field of transport) to look into the solution of “problematic issues” that have recently arisen in the operation of railway transport amid restrictions on the access of empty cars by Russian Railways. This was reported on Wednesday, November 5, by industry Telegram channels, citing a corresponding letter from market participants. The appeal, the authenticity of which was confirmed to RBC by several of its signatories, was sent by National Transport Company, SKS, Neftetranservis, Modum-Trans, Transport Technologies, New Forwarding Company (part of Globaltrans), TGK and Ugol-Trans.

The problem arose in October, when Russian Railways significantly limited the processing of empty cars in order to “combat” the excess fleet on the network (according to the company’s estimates, it reached a record 1.3 million units. — RBC ), due to which the productivity and speed of freight trains is reduced. Among the holding's other proposals aimed at the same task is an indexation of tariffs by 10% in 2025 (and by 5% annually from 2026) for the transportation of empty gondola cars in order to stimulate operators to provide them for container loading in the Far East.

According to operators, in October, the "already difficult situation" with the organization of loading and operation of wagon yard depots worsened. Repeated appeals to the central office of Russian Railways and railway managers did not improve the situation, as evidenced by "numerous" appeals from shippers about the absence and non-provision of wagons.

"The mass restrictions introduced by Russian Railways have led to changes in the logistics of transporting empty cars, an imbalance in the fleet as a whole, and discriminatory access to infrastructure," the authors of the letter emphasized. They also added that the railway holding and the Ministry of Transport have been making "only threats" and proposals to remove "extra" cars at all available sites. Most of the initiatives violate federal legislation.

An RBC source in the Russian Railways holding company said that "the letter written resembles a PR campaign." "There are problems on the network, but all problems need to be solved: the operators have still not solved the problem of excess fleet," he said.

RBC sent inquiries to the press services of the signatory companies, as well as to the presidential administration and the Ministry of Transport. A representative of Russian Railways declined to comment.

In October, Russian Railways changed the scheme for organizing and planning traffic taking into account the “operational situation,” rather than the agreed requests of cargo owners and technical plans, the letter says. According to operators, this approach even contradicts internal Russian Railways documents. Thus, by mid-October, “it became obvious” that loading volumes were critically underfulfilled, primarily from the West Siberian Railway in the western direction by 35-40%. The number of abandoned trains in the direction of the West Siberian Railway also increased, and innovative gondola cars (rolling stock with increased carrying capacity. — RBC) were massively abandoned. ) and containers returned from unloading were massively abandoned.

Operators describe the restrictions imposed by Russian Railways on accepting empty wagons for transportation, including those going to enterprises for loading, as "absolutely unprecedented." They applied to "practically all roads" in the western region and all types of wagons, and the bans also affected intra-station operations. According to operators, this confirms the "absurdity of the situation."

Operators note that Russian Railways sees the current situation as being caused "only" by the surplus of freight cars, while omitting the problem of personnel shortages - primarily workers of locomotive crews and railway stations, as well as other key specialties. According to the business version, the car surplus is increasing, including due to a decrease in loading indicators (in October, it decreased by 6.2% compared to the same period in 2023, to 96.9 million tons), freight turnover and an overestimation of car turnover.

"The infrastructure development constantly announced by the carrier is not supported by the actual volume of traffic. Only when the carrying capacity of the Eastern Polygon is realized, up to 50 thousand additional cars should be used," the authors of the appeal indicated.

What are the consequences?​

The consequence of the current situation may be a reduction in the volume of railcars provided to shippers of the Krasnoyarsk and Far Eastern Railways and for loading containers, the operators fear: "We understand that this can only lead to an increase in rates for the provision of railcars (according to the Operators' Information Center, in September they increased by an average of 8-15% year-on-year. - RBC ) and the filling of already overloaded ports with containers. The reduction in revenues to regional budgets is estimated at hundreds of billions, but we see no other way out of the current situation," the operators concluded in a letter to Levitin.

According to Mikhail Burmistrov, CEO of INFOLine-Analytics, the current situation indicates a serious loss of mutual understanding between the carrier and the operator community: "Because the measures that Russian Railways is currently implementing are incomprehensible to operators and shippers. They do not stimulate the influx of freight to the railway, but, on the contrary, lead to a reduction in transportation and loading, which is what we are seeing." This appeal "seems appropriate" since the current situation threatens the stability of the Russian economy, the expert believes.

"There will be difficulties at the level of ensuring the stability of production activities, especially in continuous production - oil refineries, steel mills. In such a situation, turning to Igor Levitin, who is qualified (in terms of understanding the processes) and quite close to the top person, looks like a kind of last chance, a cry in the wilderness. But now there is nothing else left," Burmistrov summed up.

RBC sent inquiries to the office of Deputy Prime Minister Vitaly Savelyev, who oversees the transport sector, and the press service of the Ministry of Economic Development.
Viimeksi muokattu:
Lisää pakotteita harkinnassa, odotetaan että tästä kuultaisiin lisää tämän kuun loppuun mennessä eli seuraavan kahden viikon aikana (artikkeli maksumuurin takana):

The Biden administration is considering adding Russia's Gazprombank to its sanctions list.

As the 3rd largest bank in Russia, it plays a key role in gas settlements between Russia and Europe.

The move, expected by the end of November, would prohibit Gazprom from any transactions with American banks.



Ai saakeli, kohta alkaa kunnon ralli.

"Kolyandr ja Prokopenko pelkäävät, että tilanne johtaa lopulta siihen, että Vladimir Putin ottaa keskuspankin suoraan hallintaansa. He muistuttavat, että Turkin presidentti Recep Tayyip Erdoğan on jo kerran tehnyt näin.

“Keskuspankin riippumattomuus on yksi viimeisistä esteistä Venäjän talouden täysimittaiselle kriisille. Kun Putin ilmeisesti on päättänyt jatkaa sotaa Ukrainassa kustannuksista riippumatta, tämä viimeinen puolustuslinja voi pian murentua.”

Venäjän keskuspankilta odotetaan seuraava koronnostoa joulukuussa. Ohjauskoron ennakoidaan silloin nousevan uuteen ennätykseen 23 prosenttiin. On mahdollista, että Vladimir Putin reagoi tilanteeseen ennen sitä."