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kuolemantahti... varmistan viela, etta onhan putki eteenpain ???Tiedä mihin tässä vielä ehditään? Taisteluplaneetta? Kuolemantähti?
kuolemantahti... varmistan viela, etta onhan putki eteenpain ???
Paul Stanley, MBDA vice president for northern Europe, told Defense News April 10. Atlas Elektronik, Lockheed Martin Canada and Saab are bidding for the CMS contract, he said.
The bidders for the CMS deal will propose an “air defense system as part of a package, with recommendations,” he said. The Finnish authorities will then “make a selection.”
A best and final offer for the missiles could be expected in the fall, he said.
That indirect approach in the tender leaves the missile maker relying on the combat systems integrator, which is expected to offer the U.S. Evolved Seasparrow Missile (ESSM) and Barak from Israel, he said. It makes sense for the systems integrator to offer a range of weapons, while the missile company will not know if it is the first choice.
ESSM ja CAMM luultavasti parempia lähelle päässeisiin ohjuksiin, mutta boosterillinen Barak-8 toisi melkoisen ulottuvuuden, orkkis mallinakin n.100km ja ER arvioitu jopa yli 150km maksimi kantavuudelle. Sillä alkaisi jo kiusaamaan hävittäjiä Viron päällä.MBDA:n ukon mukaan laivueeseen on tarjolla ESSM, Barak ja he itse tarjoavat CAMM:ia taistelujärjestelmän tekijöiden kautta.
MBDA is pitching its Sea Ceptor for Finland‘s sea-based weapons buy
By: Pierre Tran 56 minutes ago
An artist conception of Finland's Corvette 2020 project. (Finnish MoD)![]()
PARIS — MBDA is indirectly pitching its Sea Ceptor naval air defense system to Finland, which is looking overseas to arm its planned four-strong fleet of Squadron 2020 corvettes.
The European missile company is making its offer, based on the Common Anti-air Modular Missile (CAMM), through three companies which are on the short list to supply the combat management system to the Finnish authorities, Paul Stanley, MBDA vice president for northern Europe, told Defense News April 10. Atlas Elektronik, Lockheed Martin Canada and Saab are bidding for the CMS contract, he said.
The bidders for the CMS deal will propose an “air defense system as part of a package, with recommendations,” he said. The Finnish authorities will then “make a selection.”
A best and final offer for the missiles could be expected in the fall, he said.
That indirect approach in the tender leaves the missile maker relying on the combat systems integrator, which is expected to offer the U.S. Evolved Seasparrow Missile (ESSM) and Barak from Israel, he said. It makes sense for the systems integrator to offer a range of weapons, while the missile company will not know if it is the first choice.
Raytheon Missile Systems builds the ESSM weapon, and BAE Systems in Aberdeen, South Dakota, builds the missile canisters.
Finland is also looking for a land-based anti-air missile, with companies to make “first response” at the end of April in a request for information, he said. That requirement opens up the possibility of the Finnish Army and Navy operating a common missile if CAMM were picked, he said.
MBDA developed and built the CAMM weapon for the British Army before fitting the missile on British Royal Navy warships.
The Finnish naval tender has set two key requirements: the weapon should be a mature system rather than a concept for a future armament, and the missile launcher should fit on the ship, he said.
MBDA believes its weapon meets those requirements.
The British Navy has certified and installed Sea Ceptor on three of the Type 23 frigates, including the Argyll, he said. The weapon will later be installed on the next generation Type 26 and Type 31 frigates, as the Navy seeks to fit one type of anti-air missile on all its warships.
The New Zealand Navy has picked Sea Ceptor for its future frigates after holding a tender which pitched the British system againt ESSM, he said. Chile has selected Sea Ceptor for its Type 23 frigate after a competition which included ESSM and Barak. Brazil has also picked Sea Ceptor for its “home-grown” corvette program but has yet to sign a contract.
Spain, a long time operator of ESSM, has asked MBDA to conduct a technology study for the Sea Ceptor to be fitted its F110 future frigate, he said.
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There is “a lot of interest in a fiercely competitive market,” which has long been led by ESSM, he said.
MBDA has worked with Lockheed Martin over five years to develop a lightweight version of the MK41 launcher for CAMM, he said. A qualification was signed two weeks ago for an extensible lightweight launcher, dubbed ExLS, which is intended to fit on smaller naval vessels.
That launcher allows a “soft launch,” which uses compressed air and avoids firing the main missile motor onboard.
Both the lightweight and conventional MK41 launchers are offered to Finland.
The Finnish Navy designers will seek high performance in a corvette which will sail through shallow waters and ice, he said. That calls for avoiding carrying heavy systems onboard, particularly at the bow, he said. MBDA expects that will favor a pick of CAMM, which weighs around 100 kg, about half the weight of ESSM, he added.
Finland seeks a missile with range of some 40 km, greater than the CAMM’s “effective range” of some 30 km, he said. MBDA is at the end of a development phase for a CAMM Extended Range version for the Italian Army and Navy. That missile, which would meet the Finnish range requirement, is expected to enter service with Italy in a year or two. That ER model would be available to Finland and Spain.
ESSM ja CAMM luultavasti parempia lähelle päässeisiin ohjuksiin, mutta boosterillinen Barak-8 toisi melkoisen ulottuvuuden, orkkis mallinakin n.100km ja ER arvioitu jopa yli 150km maksimi kantavuudelle. Sillä alkaisi jo kiusaamaan hävittäjiä Viron päällä.
En usko että CAMM-ER:n boosteri heikentää ohjuksen lähitorjuntakykyä oleellisesti - jos ollenkaan - verrattuna perus-CAMMiin. Kuvien perusteella CAMM-ER:n rakenteessa on paljon samoja piirteitä mitä ESSM:ssä - tästäkin voitaneen jo päätellä jotakin.CAMM-ER käyttää boosteria, joten se on todennäköisesti heikko lähietäisyyksillä siinä kuin Barak.
Finland nears decision on sea-based weapons
By: Aaron Mehta 6 days ago
An artist conception of Finland's Corvette 2020 project. (Finnish MoD)![]()
WASHINGTON – Finland is nearing a decision on how best to arm its upcoming fleet of new ship designs, with two U.S. weapons among the finalists.
Finland is replacing seven different vessels – three minelayers and four fast attack missile crafts – with four of the Squadron 2020 class Corvettes. According to a government timeline, the ship production contracts will be handed out by the end of this year, with construction starting in 2019. A first test run of the ship design will occur in 2022, with all four ships operational by 2027.
As part of that ship upgrade plan, Helsinki is eyeing how best to arm the new ships. Officially, that decision will come sometime in 2018, but there are indications the weapon selection could come in the first half of the year.
In a Feb. 27 interview with Defense News, Finnish Defence Policy Director-General Janne Kuusela stressed that Finland would consider all options for the weapon systems, noting that the Finnish defense industry is not capable of providing such assets. However, Finland has not specified what non-U.S. suppliers are being considered as alternatives.
“We are one of the few nations that do procure weapons through open competition,” Kuusela said. “So, we make sure that we get the best kit for best price.”
The Trump administration has already laid the groundwork to ease potential weapon sales, with the Defense Security Cooperation Agency having already cleared two potential packages of armaments through the U.S. Senate. Alerting the Senate of potential sales, even before a system is selected, saves time in the foreign military sales process.
The first package covered 68 Evolved Seasparrow Missiles (ESSM) and one ESSM inert operational missile, along with associated parts and technical expertise, with an estimated cost of $112.7 million. These weapons are for use on Finland’s new Squadron 2020 class Corvette ships.
The second package, which comes with an estimated price tag of $622 million, covers a mix of surface launched Harpoon weapons, which will go on Finland’s Hamina class ships, the new Corvettes, and Coastal Batteries. Included in this package are 100 RGM-84Q-4 Harpoon Block II Plus Extended Range (ER) Grade B Surface-Launched Missiles, 12 RGM-84L-4 Harpoon Block II Grade B Surface-Launched Missiles, 12 RGM-84Q-4 Harpoon Block II+ ER Grade B Surface-Launched Upgrade Kits, four RTM-84L-4 Harpoon Block II Grade B Exercise Surface-Launched Missiles, and four RTM-84Q-4 Harpoon Block II+ ER Grade B Exercise Surface-Launched Missiles.
If selected, the ESSM package would be done at Raytheon Missile Systems in Tucson, Arizona, for the missiles, and BAE Systems in Aberdeen, South Dakota, for the missile canisters. On the Harpoon package, work would be done by Boeing’s St. Louis factory.
But the opportunities for American industry go beyond just missiles. As Finland stands up its new multi-role Corvettes, American firms stand to benefit with potential sales of sensors and equipment aboard those designs.
“The ships are constructed in the Finnish dockyards, but basically most of the things inside it are procured from abroad,” Kuusela said. “So they will have lots of U.S. technology in those ships, the sensors and weapons systems and weapons ammunition.”
Tämä Defense Newsin juttu on tainnut mennä ohi:
Oli tämä jossain ketjussa.
Juhannukseen mennessä viimeistään PTO-päätös.
Maailma on erilainen vakioveikkaajan silmin.On sen alettava tulla kalenterista päätellen. Haminaakin on jo pajalla. Korkeatorjunnan tietopyyntö puolestaan lähti vasta tänä keväänä, joten sen vaikutuksia HX/LV2020 osalta tuskin kyetään ihan heti käymään läpi. http://www.lentoposti.fi/uutiset/ilmatorjunnan_korkeatorjuntakyky_ja_kattavuutta_halutaan_kasvattaa
Ei, mutta katso äsken lisäämäni Ylen juttu, jossa mainitaan valittavan 2018. Kun myös tiedossa, että korkeatorjunnan tietopyynnöt halutaan klaariin tänä vuonna vaikka sen pyyntö lähti vasta tammikuussa.... sen itse valinta ei välttämättä tipahda 2018, mutta tietopyytö pitää kädet täynnä töitä. Jos PTO2020 ei olisi erilinen hanke Laivue 2020:sta niin silloin sen kanssa voisi ehkä viivytellä pitempään. Toinen vastaava, kevyttorpedot valittiin joulukuussa.Ei kai ole tavatonta että päätös on jo tehty kun tarjouspyyntö lähtee. Eikä maa/merivoimien yhteensopivuuteen varmaan hirttäydytä. Se voi toki olla yhtenä puoltoäänenä mukana.
Uusi PTO tulee mahtumaan nykyiselle MTO-paketille varattuun tilaan siitä riippumatta mikä valitaan joten aikataulun suhteen ei ole erityistä paniikkia.
Pesosella on yllättävän tarkka ajoitus kun googlella tähän liittyen hain: "Suomen on määrä päättää uudesta pintatorjuntaohjusjärjestelmästä tämän vuoden alkupuolella, siis 30.6.2018 mennessä ja vajaan kolmen kuukauden sisällä." Mistä lienee onkinut tuon? Arvelen, että joku eduskunnan sivuilta löytyvistä papereista. http://aripesonen1.puheenvuoro.uusi...-kyky-torjua-myos-iskander-ja-kalibr-ohjuksia
Joo vilkaisin itsekin uudelleen saman HS:n artikkelin palstalta. Kari on aika vekkuli, tosin niin on Kanervakin näiden suhteen.Eduskunnan papereistahan ei voi olla kysymys koska puolustusvaliokunnan vpj:kin valitteli ettei Eduskunnalle ole edes kerrottu koko PTO-hankkeesta![]()
Joo vilkaisin itsekin uudelleen saman HS:n artikkelin palstalta. Kari on aika vekkuli, tosin niin on Kanervakin näiden suhteen.
Tarjouspyyntö PTO:sta ko. jutun mukaan lähtenyt keväällä 2017. DSCA:t tuli tiskiin tunnetusti vasta tänä keväänä. ESSM:stä tuli samalla, mutta siihen löyhästi liittyvän korkeatorjunnan pyyntö lähti vasta pari kuukautta sitten.
Ilmeisesti ei, mutta Boeing on toki väläytellyt tällaista jos vain löytyisi höl... siis maksaja. Sinänsähän taidettaisiin olla Block 2+ ER:n ensiimäinen tilaaja. Perus Block 2+ on kyllä USN:lla ollut koelaukaisussa jo tämän vuoden vaihteessa.Tuo on mielenkiintoinen tulkinta että PTO:n ollessa Harpoon ne olisivat ilman epäilyksen häivää siiloista laukaistavaa mallia. Onko tuollaista ohjusta edes olemassa?