ATACMS ja JASSM sopivat justiinsa tuon piiriin. Intia ja Kiina taas rakentavat omat ohjuksensa, mutta epäilen vahvasti, että eivät niitä myy.
Tuo 300 km:n kantama ylittyy, vaikka ylipainoa ei olisikaan. Aikaisemminhan ongelmaa ei ollut, kun Suomi hankki vain lavetit.
Wiki on toisaalta hieman skeptinen: "Yet, the regime has its limitations. India, Iran, Israel, North Korea, and Pakistan continue to advance their missile programs. These countries, with varying degrees of foreign assistance, have deployed medium-range ballistic missiles that can travel more than 1,000 kilometers and are exploring missiles with much greater ranges, Israel and India in particular having already deployed strategic nuclear SLCMs and ICBMs and satellite launch systems. Some of these countries, which are not MTCR members, are also becoming sellers rather than simply buyers on the global arms market. North Korea, for example, is viewed as the primary source of ballistic missile proliferation in the world today. Iran has supplied missile technology to Syria"
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