Respected Leader
Olen miettinyt miksi ryssä ryssii aina vaan ja yksi syy taitaa olla FAS eli Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. Tätä on löytynyt Venäläisistä lapsista jopa yli puolelta tutkituista.
Esim. Murmanskissa tehty tutkimus:
"Thirteen percent of children had facial phenotype scores highly compatible with prenatal alcohol exposure and 45% had intermediate facial phenotype scores."
Ei tarvitse ihmetellä miksi joukkojen toiminta on surkeaa, suoritetaan järjettömiä hirmutekoja ja mikään ei tahdo onnistua:
Functional difficulties may result from CNS damage in more than one domain, but common functional difficulties by domain include:[57][58][73][77] Note that this is not an exhaustive list of difficulties.
Esim. Murmanskissa tehty tutkimus:
"Thirteen percent of children had facial phenotype scores highly compatible with prenatal alcohol exposure and 45% had intermediate facial phenotype scores."
Ei tarvitse ihmetellä miksi joukkojen toiminta on surkeaa, suoritetaan järjettömiä hirmutekoja ja mikään ei tahdo onnistua:
Functional difficulties may result from CNS damage in more than one domain, but common functional difficulties by domain include:[57][58][73][77] Note that this is not an exhaustive list of difficulties.
- Achievement: Learning disabilities
- Adaptive behavior: Poor impulse control, poor personal boundaries, poor anger management, stubbornness, intrusive behavior, too friendly with strangers, poor daily living skills, developmental delays
- Attention: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), poor attention or concentration, distractible
- Cognition: Intellectual disability, confusion under pressure, poor abstract skills, difficulty distinguishing between fantasy and reality, slower cognitive processing
- Executive functioning: Poor judgment, Information-processing disorder, poor at perceiving patterns, poor cause and effect reasoning, inconsistent at linking words to actions, poor generalization ability
- Language: Expressive or receptive language disorders, grasp parts but not whole concepts, lack understanding of metaphor, idioms, or sarcasm
- Memory: Poor short-term memory, inconsistent memory and knowledge base
- Motor skills: Poor handwriting, poor fine motor skills, poor gross motor skills, delayed motor skill development (e.g., riding a bicycle at appropriate age)
- Sensory processing and soft neurological problems: sensory processing disorder, sensory defensiveness, undersensitivity to stimulation
- Social communication: Intrude into conversations, inability to read nonverbal or social cues, "chatty" but without substance
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder - Wikipedia